"""Sparsely sampled, virtual sampling path.
Supports reflections at unit cube boundaries, and regions.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm
def nearest_box_intersection_line(ray_origin, ray_direction, fwd=True):
r"""Compute intersection of a line (ray) and a unit box (0:1 in all axes).
Based on
To continue forward traversing at the reflection point use::
while True:
# update current point x
x, _, i = box_line_intersection(x, v)
# change direction
v[i] *= -1
ray_origin: vector
starting point of line
ray_direction: vector
line direction vector
p: vector
intersection point
t: float
intersection point distance from ray\_origin in units in ray\_direction
i: int
axes which change direction at pN
# make sure ray starts inside the box
assert (ray_origin >= 0).all(), ray_origin
assert (ray_origin <= 1).all(), ray_origin
assert ((ray_direction**2).sum()**0.5 > 1e-200).all(), ray_direction
# step size
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
m = 1. / ray_direction
n = m * (ray_origin - 0.5)
k = np.abs(m) * 0.5
# line coordinates of intersection
# find first intersecting coordinate
if fwd:
t2 = -n + k
tF = np.nanmin(t2)
iF = np.where(t2 == tF)[0]
t1 = -n - k
tF = np.nanmax(t1)
iF = np.where(t1 == tF)[0]
pF = ray_origin + ray_direction * tF
eps = 1e-6
assert (pF >= -eps).all(), (pF, ray_origin, ray_direction)
assert (pF <= 1 + eps).all(), (pF, ray_origin, ray_direction)
pF[pF < 0] = 0
pF[pF > 1] = 1
return pF, tF, iF
def box_line_intersection(ray_origin, ray_direction):
"""Find intersections of a line with the unit cube, in both sides.
ray_origin: vector
starting point of line
ray_direction: vector
line direction vector
left: nearest_box_intersection_line return value
from negative direction
right: nearest_box_intersection_line return value
from positive direction
pF, tF, iF = nearest_box_intersection_line(ray_origin, ray_direction, fwd=True)
pN, tN, iN = nearest_box_intersection_line(ray_origin, ray_direction, fwd=False)
assert not (tN > tF or tF < 0), "no intersection"
return (pN, tN, iN), (pF, tF, iF)
def linear_steps_with_reflection(ray_origin, ray_direction, t, wrapped_dims=None):
"""Go `t` steps in direction `ray_direction` from `ray_origin`.
Reflect off the unit cube if encountered, respecting wrapped dimensions.
In any case, the distance should be ``t * ray_direction``.
new_point: vector
end point
new_direction: vector
new direction.
if t == 0:
return ray_origin, ray_direction
if t < 0:
new_point, new_direction = linear_steps_with_reflection(ray_origin, -ray_direction, -t)
return new_point, -new_direction
if wrapped_dims is not None:
reflected = np.zeros(len(ray_origin), dtype=bool)
tleft = 1.0 * t
while True:
p, t, i = nearest_box_intersection_line(ray_origin, ray_direction, fwd=True)
# print(p, t, i, ray_origin, ray_direction)
assert np.isfinite(p).all()
assert t >= 0, t
if tleft <= t: # stopping before reaching any border
assert np.all(ray_origin + tleft * ray_direction >= 0), (ray_origin, tleft, ray_direction)
assert np.all(ray_origin + tleft * ray_direction <= 1), (ray_origin, tleft, ray_direction)
return ray_origin + tleft * ray_direction, ray_direction
# go to reflection point
ray_origin = p
assert np.isfinite(ray_origin).all(), ray_origin
# reflect
ray_direction = ray_direction.copy()
if wrapped_dims is None:
ray_direction[i] *= -1
# if we already once bumped into that (wrapped) axis,
# do not continue but return this as end point
if np.logical_and(reflected[i], wrapped_dims[i]).any():
return ray_origin, ray_direction
# note which axes we already flipped
reflected[i] = True
# in wrapped axes, we can keep going. Otherwise, reflects
ray_direction[i] *= np.where(wrapped_dims[i], 1, -1)
# in the i axes, we should wrap the coordinates
assert np.logical_or(np.isclose(ray_origin[i], 1), np.isclose(ray_origin[i], 0)).all(), ray_origin[i]
ray_origin[i] = np.where(wrapped_dims[i], 1 - ray_origin[i], ray_origin[i])
assert np.isfinite(ray_direction).all(), ray_direction
# reduce remaining distance
tleft -= t
def get_sphere_tangent(sphere_center, edge_point):
"""Compute tangent at sphere surface point.
Assume a sphere centered at sphere_center with radius
so that edge_point is on the surface. At edge_point, in
which direction does the normal vector point?
sphere_center: vector
center of sphere
edge_point: vector
point at the surface
tangent: vector
vector pointing to the sphere center.
arrow = sphere_center - edge_point
return arrow / norm(arrow)
def get_sphere_tangents(sphere_center, edge_point):
"""Compute tangent at sphere surface point.
Assume a sphere centered at sphere_center with radius
so that edge_point is on the surface. At edge_point, in
which direction does the normal vector point?
This function is vectorized and handles arrays of arguments.
sphere_center: array
centers of spheres
edge_point: array
points at the surface
tangent: array
vectors pointing to the sphere center.
arrow = sphere_center - edge_point
return arrow / norm(arrow, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
def reflect(v, normal):
"""Reflect vector ``v`` off a ``normal`` vector, return new direction vector."""
return v - 2 * (normal * v).sum() * normal
def distances(direction, center, r=1):
"""Compute sphere-line intersection.
direction: vector
direction vector (line starts at 0)
center: vector
center of sphere (coordinate vector)
r: float
radius of sphere
tpos, tneg: floats
the positive and negative coordinate along the `l` vector where `r` is intersected.
If no intersection, throws AssertError.
loc = (direction * center).sum()
osqrnorm = (center**2).sum()
# print(loc.shape, loc.shape, osqrnorm.shape)
rootterm = loc**2 - osqrnorm + r**2
# make sure we are crossing the sphere
assert (rootterm > 0).all(), rootterm
return -loc + rootterm**0.5, -loc - rootterm**0.5
def isunitlength(vec):
"""Verify that `vec` is of unit length."""
assert np.isclose(norm(vec), 1), norm(vec)
def angle(a, b):
"""Compute dot product between vectors `a` and `b`.
The arccos of the return value would give an actual angle.
# anorm = (a**2).sum()**0.5
# bnorm = (b**2).sum()**0.5
return (a * b).sum() # / anorm / bnorm
def interpolate(i, points, fwd_possible, rwd_possible, contourpath=None):
"""Interpolate a point on the path indicated by `points`.
Given a sparsely sampled track (stored in .points),
potentially encountering reflections,
extract the corrdinates of the point with index `i`.
That point may not have been evaluated yet.
i: int
position on track to return.
points: list of tuples (index, coordinate, direction, loglike)
points on the path
fwd_possible: bool
whether the path could be extended in the positive direction.
rwd_possible: bool
whether the path could be extended in the negative direction.
contourpath: ContourPath
Use region to reflect. Not used at the moment.
points_before = [(j, xj, vj, Lj) for j, xj, vj, Lj in points if j <= i]
points_after = [(j, xj, vj, Lj) for j, xj, vj, Lj in points if j >= i]
# check if the point after is really after i
if len(points_after) == 0 and not fwd_possible:
# the path cannot continue, and i does not exist.
# print(" interpolate_point %d: the path cannot continue fwd, and i does not exist." % i)
j, xj, vj, Lj = max(points_before)
return xj, vj, Lj, False
# check if the point before is really before i
if len(points_before) == 0 and not rwd_possible:
# the path cannot continue, and i does not exist.
k, xk, vk, Lk = min(points_after)
# print(" interpolate_point %d: the path cannot continue rwd, and i does not exist." % i)
return xk, vk, Lk, False
if len(points_before) == 0 or len(points_after) == 0:
# return None, None, None, False
raise KeyError("cannot extrapolate outside path")
j, xj, vj, Lj = max(points_before)
k, xk, vk, Lk = min(points_after)
# print(" interpolate_point %d between %d-%d" % (i, j, k))
if j == i: # we have this exact point in the chain
return xj, vj, Lj, True
assert k != i # otherwise the above would be true too
# expand_to_step explores each reflection in detail, so
# any points with change in v should have j == i
# therefore we can assume:
# assert (vj == vk).all()
# this ^ is not true, because reflections on the unit cube can
# occur, and change v without requiring a intermediate point.
# j....i....k
xl1, vj1 = extrapolate_ahead(i - j, xj, vj, contourpath=contourpath)
xl2, vj2 = extrapolate_ahead(i - k, xk, vk, contourpath=contourpath)
assert np.allclose(xl1, xl2), (xl1, xl2, i, j, k, xj, vj, xk, vk)
assert np.allclose(vj1, vj2), (xl1, vj1, xl2, vj2, i, j, k, xj, vj, xk, vk)
xl = xl1
# xl = interpolate_between_two_points(i, xj, j, xk, k)
# the new point is then just a linear interpolation
# w = (i - k) * 1. / (j - k)
# xl = xj * w + (1 - w) * xk
return xl, vj, None, True
class SamplingPath:
"""Path described by a (potentially sparse) sequence of points.
Convention of the stored point tuple ``(i, x, v, L)``:
`i`: index (0 is starting point)
`x`: point
`v`: direction
`L`: loglikelihood value
def __init__(self, x0, v0, L0):
"""Initialise with path starting point.
Starting point (`x0`), direction (`v0`) and
loglikelihood value (`L0`) of the path. Is given index 0.
self.reset(x0, v0, L0)
def add(self, i, xi, vi, Li):
"""Add point `xi`, direction `vi` and value `Li` with index `i` to the path."""
assert Li is not None
assert len(xi.shape) == 1, (xi, xi.shape)
assert len(vi.shape) == 1, (vi, vi.shape)
assert len(np.shape(Li)) == 0, (Li, Li.shape)
self.points.append((i, xi, vi, Li))
def reset(self, x0, v0, L0):
"""Reset path, start from ``x0, v0, L0``."""
self.points = []
self.add(0, x0, v0, L0)
self.fwd_possible = True
self.rwd_possible = True
def plot(self, **kwargs):
"""Plot the current path.
Only uses first two dimensions.
x = np.array([x for i, x, v, L in sorted(self.points)])
p, = plt.plot(x[:,0], x[:,1], 'o ', **kwargs)
ilo, _, _, _ = min(self.points)
ihi, _, _, _ = max(self.points)
x = np.array([self.interpolate(i)[0] for i in range(ilo, ihi + 1)])
kwargs['color'] = p.get_color()
plt.plot(x[:,0], x[:,1], 'o-', ms=4, mfc='None', **kwargs)
def interpolate(self, i):
"""Interpolate point with index `i` on path."""
return interpolate(i, self.points, fwd_possible=self.fwd_possible, rwd_possible=self.rwd_possible)
class ContourSamplingPath:
"""Region-aware form of the sampling path.
Uses region points to guess a likelihood contour gradient.
def __init__(self, samplingpath, region):
"""Initialise with `samplingpath` and `region`."""
self.samplingpath = samplingpath
self.points = self.samplingpath.points
self.region = region
def add(self, i, x, v, L):
"""Add point `xi`, direction `vi` and value `Li` with index `i` to the path."""
self.samplingpath.add(i, x, v, L)
def interpolate(self, i):
"""Interpolate point with index `i` on path."""
return interpolate(
i, self.samplingpath.points,
def gradient(self, reflpoint, plot=False):
"""Compute gradient approximation.
Finds spheres enclosing the `reflpoint`, and chooses their mean
as the direction to go towards. If no spheres enclose the
reflpoint, use nearest sphere.
v is not used, because that would break detailed balance.
- in low-d, we want to focus on nearby live point spheres
The border traced out is fairly accurate, at least in the
normal away from the inside.
- in high-d, reflpoint is contained by all live points,
and none of them point to the center well. Because the
sampling is poor, the "region center" position
will be very stochastic.
reflpoint: vector
point outside the likelihood contour, reflect there
v: vector
previous direction vector
gradient: vector
normal of ellipsoid
if plot:
plt.plot(reflpoint[0], reflpoint[1], '+ ', color='k', ms=10)
# check which the reflections the ellipses would make
region = self.region
bpts = region.transformLayer.transform(reflpoint.reshape((1,-1)))
dist = ((bpts - region.unormed)**2).sum(axis=1)
assert dist.shape == (len(region.unormed),), (dist.shape, len(region.unormed))
nearby = dist < region.maxradiussq
assert nearby.shape == (len(region.unormed),), (nearby.shape, len(region.unormed))
if not nearby.any():
nearby = dist == dist.min()
sphere_centers = region.u[nearby,:]
tsphere_centers = region.unormed[nearby,:]
nlive, ndim = region.unormed.shape
assert tsphere_centers.shape[1] == ndim, (tsphere_centers.shape, ndim)
# choose mean among those points
tsphere_center = tsphere_centers.mean(axis=0)
assert tsphere_center.shape == (ndim,), (tsphere_center.shape, ndim)
tt = get_sphere_tangent(tsphere_center, bpts.flatten())
assert tt.shape == tsphere_center.shape, (tt.shape, tsphere_center.shape)
# convert back to u space
sphere_center = region.transformLayer.untransform(tsphere_center)
t = region.transformLayer.untransform(tt * 1e-3 + tsphere_center) - sphere_center
if plot:
tt_all = get_sphere_tangent(tsphere_centers, bpts)
t_all = region.transformLayer.untransform(tt_all * 1e-3 + tsphere_centers) - sphere_centers
# plot in transformed space too:
origax = plt.gca()
ax = plt.axes([0.7, 0.7, 0.27, 0.27])
plt.plot(bpts[:,0], bpts[:,1], '+ ', color='k', ms=10)
plt.plot(region.unormed[:,0], region.unormed[:,1], 'x ', color='k', ms=4)
plt.plot(tsphere_centers[:,0], tsphere_centers[:,1], 'o ', mfc='None', mec='b', ms=10, mew=1)
for si, ti in zip(tsphere_centers, tt_all):
plt.plot([si[0], ti[0] + si[0]], [si[1], ti[1] + si[1]], '--', lw=2, color='gray', alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(tsphere_center[0], tsphere_center[1], '^ ', mfc='None', mec='g', ms=10, mew=3)
plt.plot([tsphere_center[0], tt[0] + tsphere_center[0]],
[tsphere_center[1], tt[1] + tsphere_center[1]], lw=1, color='gray')
plt.plot(sphere_centers[:,0], sphere_centers[:,1], 'o ', mfc='None', mec='b', ms=10, mew=1)
if not (dist < region.maxradiussq).any():
plt.plot(sphere_centers[:,0], sphere_centers[:,1], 's ', mfc='None', mec='b', ms=10, mew=1)
for si, ti in zip(sphere_centers, t_all):
plt.plot([si[0], ti[0] * 1000 + si[0]], [si[1], ti[1] * 1000 + si[1]], '--', lw=2, color='gray', alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(sphere_center[0], sphere_center[1], '^ ', mfc='None', mec='g', ms=10, mew=3)
plt.plot([sphere_center[0], t[0] * 1000 + sphere_center[0]], [sphere_center[1], t[1] * 1000 + sphere_center[1]], color='gray')
# compute new vector
normal = t / norm(t)
assert normal.shape == t.shape, (normal.shape, t.shape)
return normal