# noqa: D400 D205
Graph-based nested sampling
A formulation of nested sampling exploration as a tree, presented in
section 3.4 of Buchner (2023, https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.09675).
The root represents the prior volume, branches and sub-branches split the volume.
The leaves of the tree are the integration tail.
Nested sampling proceeds as a breadth first graph search,
with active nodes sorted by likelihood value.
The number of live points are the number of parallel edges (active nodes to do).
Most functions receive the argument "roots", which are the
children of the tree root (main branches).
The exploration is bootstrap-capable without requiring additional
computational effort: The roots are indexed, and the bootstrap explorer
can ignore the rootids it does not know about.
import math
import sys
import numpy as np
from numpy import exp, log, log1p, logaddexp
from .ordertest import UniformOrderAccumulator
from .utils import resample_equal
class TreeNode:
"""Simple tree node."""
def __init__(self, value=None, id=None, children=None):
value: float
value used to order nodes (typically log-likelihood)
id: int
identifier, refers to the order of discovery and storage (PointPile)
children: list
children nodes, should be :py:class:`TreeNode` objects. if None, a empty list is used.
self.value = value
self.id = id
self.children = children or []
def __str__(self, indent=0):
"""Visual representation of the node and its children (recursive)."""
return ' ' * indent + '- Node: %s\n' % self.value + '\n'.join(
[c.__str__(indent=indent + 2) for c in self.children])
def __lt__(self, other):
"""Define order of node based on value attribute."""
return self.value < other.value
class BreadthFirstIterator:
"""Generator exploring the tree.
Nodes are ordered by value and expanded in order.
The number of edges passing the node "in parallel" are "active".
def __init__(self, roots):
"""Start with initial set of nodes *roots*."""
self.roots = roots
def reset(self):
"""(Re)start exploration from the top."""
self.active_nodes = list(self.roots)
self.active_root_ids = np.arange(len(self.active_nodes))
self.active_node_values = np.array([n.value for n in self.active_nodes])
self.active_node_ids = np.array([n.id for n in self.active_nodes])
assert len(self.active_nodes) == len(self.active_root_ids)
assert len(self.active_nodes) == len(self.active_node_values)
# print("starting live points from %d roots" % len(self.roots), len(self.active_nodes))
def next_node(self):
"""Get next node in order.
Does not remove the node from active set.
tuple or None:
None if done.
`rootid, node, (active_nodes, active_root_ids, active_node_values, active_node_ids)`
if self.active_nodes == []:
return None
self.next_index = np.argmin(self.active_node_values)
i = self.next_index
node = self.active_nodes[i]
rootid = self.active_root_ids[i]
assert not isinstance(rootid, float)
# print("consuming %.1f" % node.value, len(node.children), 'nlive:', len(self.active_nodes))
assert len(self.active_nodes) == len(self.active_root_ids)
assert len(self.active_nodes) == len(self.active_node_values)
return rootid, node, (self.active_nodes, self.active_root_ids, self.active_node_values, self.active_node_ids)
def drop_next_node(self):
"""Forget the current node."""
i = self.next_index
mask = np.ones(len(self.active_nodes), dtype=bool)
mask[i] = False
self.active_node_values = self.active_node_values[mask]
self.active_root_ids = self.active_root_ids[mask]
self.active_node_ids = self.active_node_ids[mask]
assert len(self.active_nodes) == len(self.active_root_ids)
assert len(self.active_nodes) == len(self.active_node_values)
def expand_children_of(self, rootid, node):
"""Replace the current node with its children in the iterators list of active nodes.
rootid: int
index of the root returned by the most recent call to :py:meth:`BreadthFirstIterator.next_node`
node: :py:class:`TreeNode`
node returned by the most recent call to :py:meth:`BreadthFirstIterator.next_node`
# print("replacing %.1f" % node.value, len(node.children))
i = self.next_index
newnnodes = len(self.active_nodes) - 1 + len(node.children)
if len(node.children) == 1:
self.active_nodes[i] = node.children[0]
self.active_node_values[i] = node.children[0].value
self.active_root_ids[i] = rootid
self.active_node_ids[i] = node.children[0].id
mask = np.ones(len(self.active_nodes), dtype=bool)
mask[i] = False
if len(node.children) == 0:
self.active_node_values = self.active_node_values[mask]
self.active_root_ids = self.active_root_ids[mask]
self.active_node_ids = self.active_node_ids[mask]
self.active_nodes += node.children
self.active_node_values = np.concatenate((self.active_node_values[mask], [c.value for c in node.children]))
# print(self.active_root_ids, '+', [rootid for c in node.children], '-->')
self.active_root_ids = np.concatenate((self.active_root_ids[mask], [rootid for c in node.children]))
self.active_node_ids = np.concatenate((self.active_node_ids[mask], [c.id for c in node.children]))
# print(self.active_root_ids)
assert len(self.active_nodes) == len(self.active_root_ids)
assert len(self.active_nodes) == len(self.active_node_values)
assert len(self.active_nodes) == len(self.active_node_ids)
assert newnnodes == len(self.active_nodes), (len(self.active_nodes), newnnodes, len(node.children))
assert newnnodes == len(self.active_root_ids), (len(self.active_root_ids), newnnodes, len(node.children))
assert newnnodes == len(self.active_node_values), (len(self.active_node_values), newnnodes, len(node.children))
assert newnnodes == len(self.active_node_ids), (len(self.active_node_ids), newnnodes, len(node.children))
def _stringify_lanes(lanes, char='║'):
"""unicode-draw lanes, fill with vertical stripes or spaces."""
return ''.join([' ' if n is None else char for n in lanes])
def print_tree(roots, title='Tree:'):
"""Print a pretty yet compact graphic of the tree.
roots: list
list of :py:class:`TreeNode` specifying the roots of the tree.
title: str
Print this string first.
explorer = BreadthFirstIterator(roots)
lanes = list(roots)
lastlane = -1
while True:
next_node = explorer.next_node()
if next_node is None:
rootid, node, (active_nodes, active_rootids, active_values, active_nodeids) = next_node
laneid = lanes.index(node)
nchildren = len(node.children)
leftstr = _stringify_lanes(lanes[:laneid])
rightstr = _stringify_lanes(lanes[laneid + 1:])
if lastlane == laneid:
sys.stdout.write(leftstr + '║' + rightstr + "\n")
rightstr = rightstr + " \t" + str(node.value)
if nchildren == 0:
sys.stdout.write(leftstr + 'O' + rightstr + "\n")
lanes[laneid] = None # keep lane empty
elif nchildren == 1:
sys.stdout.write(leftstr + '+' + rightstr + "\n")
lanes[laneid] = node.children[0]
# expand width:
for j, _child in enumerate(node.children):
rightstr2 = _stringify_lanes(lanes[laneid + 1:], char='\\')
if len(rightstr2) != 0:
sys.stdout.write(leftstr + '║' + ' ' * j + rightstr2 + "\n")
sys.stdout.write(leftstr + '╠' + '╦' * (nchildren - 2) + '╗' + rightstr + "\n")
for child in node.children:
lanes.insert(laneid, child)
explorer.expand_children_of(rootid, node)
lastlane = laneid
def dump_tree(filename, roots, pointpile):
"""Write a copy of the tree to a HDF5 file.
filename: str
output filename
roots: list
list of :py:class:`TreeNode` specifying the roots of the tree.
pointpile: :py:class:`PointPile`
information on the node points
import h5py
nodes_from_ids = []
nodes_to_ids = []
nodes_values = []
explorer = BreadthFirstIterator(roots)
while True:
next_node = explorer.next_node()
if next_node is None:
rootid, node, (active_nodes, active_rootids, active_values, active_nodeids) = next_node
for c in node.children:
explorer.expand_children_of(rootid, node)
with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as f:
f.create_dataset('unit_points', data=pointpile.us[:pointpile.nrows,:], compression='gzip', shuffle=True)
f.create_dataset('points', data=pointpile.ps[:pointpile.nrows,:], compression='gzip', shuffle=True)
f.create_dataset('nodes_parent_id', data=nodes_from_ids, compression='gzip', shuffle=True)
f.create_dataset('nodes_child_id', data=nodes_to_ids, compression='gzip', shuffle=True)
f.create_dataset('nodes_child_logl', data=nodes_values, compression='gzip', shuffle=True)
def count_tree(roots):
"""Return the total number of nodes and maximum number of parallel edges.
roots: list
list of :py:class:`TreeNode` specifying the roots of the tree.
count: int
total number of nodes
maxwidth: int
maximum number of active/parallel nodes encountered
explorer = BreadthFirstIterator(roots)
nnodes = 0
maxwidth = 0
while True:
next_node = explorer.next_node()
if next_node is None:
return nnodes, maxwidth
rootid, node, (active_nodes, active_rootids, active_values, active_nodeids) = next_node
maxwidth = max(maxwidth, len(active_rootids))
nnodes += 1
explorer.expand_children_of(rootid, node)
def count_tree_between(roots, lo, hi):
"""Compute basic statistics about a tree.
Return the total number of nodes and maximum number of parallel edges,
but only considering a interval of the tree.
roots: list
list of :py:class:`TreeNode` specifying the roots of the tree.
lo: float
lower value threshold
hi: float
upper value threshold
nnodes: int
total number of nodes in the value interval lo .. hi (inclusive).
maxwidth: int
maximum number of parallel edges
explorer = BreadthFirstIterator(roots)
nnodes = 0
maxwidth = 0
while True:
next_node = explorer.next_node()
if next_node is None:
return nnodes, maxwidth
rootid, node, (active_nodes, active_rootids, active_values, active_nodeids) = next_node
if node.value > hi:
# can stop already
return nnodes, maxwidth
if lo <= node.value <= hi:
maxwidth = max(maxwidth, len(active_rootids))
nnodes += 1
explorer.expand_children_of(rootid, node)
def find_nodes_before(root, value):
"""Identify all nodes that have children above *value*.
If a root child is above the value, its parent (*root*) is the leaf returned.
root: :py:class:`TreeNode`
value: float
selection threshold
list_of_parents: list of nodes
list_of_nforks: list of floats
The list of number of forks experienced is:
1 if direct descendent of one of the root node's children,
where no node had more than one child.
12 if the root child had 4 children, one of which had 3 children.
roots = root.children
parents = []
parent_weights = []
weights = {n.id: 1. for n in roots}
explorer = BreadthFirstIterator(roots)
while True:
next_node = explorer.next_node()
if next_node is None:
rootid, node, _ = next_node
if node.value >= value:
# already past (root child)
elif any(n.value >= value for n in node.children):
# found matching parent
# continue exploring
explorer.expand_children_of(rootid, node)
weights.update({n.id: weights[node.id] * len(node.children)
for n in node.children})
del weights[node.id]
return parents, parent_weights
class PointPile:
"""A in-memory linearized storage of point coordinates.
:py:class:`TreeNode` objects only store the logL value and id,
which is the index in the point pile. The point pile stores
the point coordinates in u and p-space (transformed and untransformed).
def __init__(self, udim, pdim, chunksize=1000):
"""Set up point pile.
udim: int
number of parameters, dimension of unit cube points
pdim: int
number of physical (and derived) parameters
chunksize: int
the point pile grows as needed, in these intervals.
self.nrows = 0
self.chunksize = chunksize
self.us = np.zeros((self.chunksize, udim))
self.ps = np.zeros((self.chunksize, pdim))
self.udim = udim
self.pdim = pdim
def add(self, newpointu, newpointp):
"""Save point.
newpointu: array
point (in u-space)
newpointp: array
point (in p-space)
index: int
index of the new point in the pile
if self.nrows >= self.us.shape[0]:
self.us = np.concatenate((self.us, np.zeros((self.chunksize, self.udim))))
self.ps = np.concatenate((self.ps, np.zeros((self.chunksize, self.pdim))))
assert len(newpointu) == self.us.shape[1], (newpointu, self.us.shape)
assert len(newpointp) == self.ps.shape[1], (newpointp, self.ps.shape)
self.us[self.nrows,:] = newpointu
self.ps[self.nrows,:] = newpointp
self.nrows += 1
return self.nrows - 1
def getu(self, i):
"""Get cube point(s) with index(indices) `i`."""
return self.us[i]
def getp(self, i):
"""Get parameter point(s) with index(indices) `i`."""
return self.ps[i]
def make_node(self, value, u, p):
"""Store point in pile, and create a new tree node that points to it.
value: float
value to store in node (loglikelihood)
u: array
point (in u-space)
p: array
point (in p-space)
node: :py:class:`TreeNode`
index = self.add(u, p)
return TreeNode(value=value, id=index)
class SingleCounter:
"""Evidence log(Z) and posterior weight summation for a Nested Sampling tree."""
def __init__(self, random=False):
random: bool
if False, use mean estimator for volume shrinkage
if True, draw a random sample
self.random = random
def reset(self):
"""Reset counters and integration."""
self.logweights = []
self.H = None
self.logZ = -np.inf
self.logZerr = np.inf
self.logVolremaining = 0
self.i = 0
self.fraction_remaining = np.inf
self.Lmax = -np.inf
def logZremain(self):
"""Estimate conservatively the logZ of the current tail (un-opened nodes)."""
return self.Lmax + self.logVolremaining
def passing_node(self, node, parallel_nodes):
"""Accumulate node to the integration.
node: TreeNode
breadth-first removed node
parallel_nodes: list
nodes active next to node
# node is being consumed
# we have parallel arcs to parallel_nodes
nchildren = len(node.children)
Li = node.value
nlive = len(parallel_nodes)
if nchildren >= 1:
# one arc terminates, another is spawned
# weight is the size of the slice off the volume
logleft = log1p(-exp(-1. / nlive))
logright = -1. / nlive
if self.random:
randompoint = np.random.beta(1, nlive)
logleft = log(randompoint)
logright = log1p(-randompoint)
logwidth = logleft + self.logVolremaining
wi = logwidth + Li
if math.isinf(self.logZ):
self.logZ = wi
self.H = Li - self.logZ
logZnew = logaddexp(self.logZ, wi)
self.H = exp(wi - logZnew) * Li + exp(self.logZ - logZnew) * (self.H + self.logZ) - logZnew
assert np.all(np.isfinite(self.H)), (self.H, wi, logZnew, Li, self.logZ)
self.logZ = logZnew
# print(self.H)
# self.Lmax = max(node.value, self.Lmax)
# self.Lmax = max((n.value for n in parallel_nodes))
# logZremain = parallel_nodes.max() + self.logVolremaining
# print("L=%.1f N=%d V=%.2e logw=%.2e logZ=%.1f logZremain=%.1f" % (Li, nlive, self.logVolremaining, wi, self.logZ, logZremain))
# volume is reduced by exp(-1/N)
self.logVolremaining += logright
# TODO: this needs to change if nlive varies
if self.H >= 0:
self.logZerr = (self.H / nlive)**0.5
assert np.isfinite(self.logZerr), (self.H, nlive)
# contracting!
# weight is simply volume / Nlive
logwidth = self.logVolremaining - log(nlive)
wi = logwidth + Li
self.logZ = logaddexp(self.logZ, wi)
# print("L=%.1f N=%d V=%.2e logw=%.2e logZ=%.1f" % (Li, nlive, self.logVolremaining, wi, self.logZ))
# the volume shrinks by (N - 1) / N
# self.logVolremaining += log(1 - exp(-1. / nlive))
# if nlive = 1, we are removing the last point, so remaining
# volume is zero (leads to log of -inf, as expected)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
self.logVolremaining += log1p(-1.0 / nlive)
class MultiCounter:
"""Like :py:class:`SingleCounter`, but bootstrap capable.
- ``logZ``, ``logZerr``, ``logVolremaining``: main estimator
``logZerr`` is probably not reliable, because it needs ``nlive``
to convert ``H`` to ``logZerr``.
- ``Lmax``: highest loglikelihood currently known
- ``logZ_bs``, ``logZerr_bs``: bootstrapped logZ estimate
- ``logZremain``, ``remainder_ratio``: weight and fraction of the unexplored remainder
Each of the following has as many entries as number of iterations:
- ``all_H``, ``all_logZ``, ``all_logVolremaining``, ``logweights``:
information for all instances
first entry is the main estimator, i.e., not bootstrapped
- ``istail``: whether that node was a leaf.
- ``nlive``: number of parallel arcs ("live points")
def __init__(self, nroots, nbootstraps=10, random=False, check_insertion_order=False):
"""Initialise counter.
nroots: int
number of children the tree root has
nbootstraps: int
number of bootstrap rounds
random: bool
if False, use mean estimator for volume shrinkage
if True, draw a random sample
check_insertion_order: bool
whether to run insertion order rank U test
allyes = np.ones(nroots, dtype=bool)
# the following is a masked array of size (nbootstraps+1, nroots)
# which rootids are active in each bootstrap instance
# the first one contains everything
self.rootids = [allyes]
self.insertion_order_sample = []
# np.random.seed(1)
for _i in range(nbootstraps):
mask = ~allyes
rootids = np.unique(np.random.randint(nroots, size=nroots))
mask[rootids] = True
self.rootids = np.array(self.rootids)
self.random = random
self.ncounters = len(self.rootids)
self.check_insertion_order = check_insertion_order
self.insertion_order_threshold = 4
self.insertion_order_accumulator = UniformOrderAccumulator()
def reset(self, nentries):
"""Reset counters/integrator.
nentries: int
number of iterators
self.logweights = []
self.istail = []
self.logZ = -np.inf
self.logZerr = np.inf
self.all_H = -np.nan * np.ones(nentries)
self.all_logZ = -np.inf * np.ones(nentries)
self.all_logVolremaining = np.zeros(nentries)
self.logVolremaining = 0.0
self.Lmax = -np.inf
self.all_logZremain = np.inf * np.ones(nentries)
self.logZremainMax = np.inf
self.logZremain = np.inf
self.remainder_ratio = 1.0
self.remainder_fraction = 1.0
self.insertion_order_runs = []
def logZ_bs(self):
"""Estimate logZ from the bootstrap ensemble."""
return self.all_logZ[1:].mean()
def logZerr_bs(self):
"""Estimate logZ error from the bootstrap ensemble."""
return self.all_logZ[1:].std()
def insertion_order_runlength(self):
"""Get shortest insertion order test run.
shortest_run_length: int
Shortest insertion order test run length.
The MWW (U-test) statistic is considered at each iteration.
When it exceeds a threshold (4 sigma by default, `insertion_order_threshold`),
the statistic is reset. The run length is recorded.
This property returns the shortest run length of all recorded
so far, or infinity otherwise.
At 4 sigma, run lengths no shorter than 10^5.5 are expected
in unbiased runs.
runs = self.insertion_order_runs
if len(runs) == 0:
return np.inf
return min(runs)
def insertion_order_converged(self):
"""Check convergence.
converged: bool
Whether the run is unbiased according to a U-test.
The MWW (U-test) statistic is considered at each iteration.
When it exceeds a threshold (4 sigma by default, `insertion_order_threshold`),
the statistic is reset. The run length is recorded.
This property returns the shortest run length of all recorded
so far, or infinity otherwise.
At 4 sigma, run lengths no shorter than 10^5.5 are expected
in unbiased runs. If the number of runs exceeds the number
of iterations divided by 10^5.5, the run is likely biased
and not converged.
If not converged, the step sampler may need to use more steps,
or the problem needs to be reparametrized.
# we expect run lengths not shorter than 300000 for 4sigma
# if we get many more than expected from the number of iterations
# the run has not converged
niter = len(self.logweights)
expected_number = max(1, int(np.ceil(niter / 10**(5.5))))
return len(self.insertion_order_runs) <= expected_number
def passing_node(self, rootid, node, rootids, parallel_values):
"""Accumulate node to the integration.
Breadth-first removed `node` and nodes active next to node (`parallel_nodes`).
rootid and rootids are needed to identify which bootstrap instance
should accumulate.
rootid: :py:class:`TreeNode`
root node this `node` is from.
node: :py:class:`TreeNode`
node being processed.
rootids: array of ints
for each parallel node, which root it belongs to.
parallel_values: float array
loglikelihood values of nodes passing `node`.
# node is being consumed
# we have parallel arcs to parallel_nodes
assert not isinstance(rootid, float)
nchildren = len(node.children)
Li = node.value
# in which bootstraps is rootid?
active = self.rootids[:,rootid]
# how many live points does each bootstrap have?
nlive = self.rootids[:,rootids].sum(axis=1)
nlive0 = nlive[0]
if nchildren >= 1:
# one arc terminates, another is spawned
# weight is the size of the slice off the volume
if self.random:
randompoint = np.random.beta(1, nlive, size=self.ncounters)
logleft = log(randompoint)
logright = log1p(-randompoint)
logleft[0] = log1p(-exp(-1. / nlive0))
logright[0] = -1. / nlive0
logleft = log1p(-exp(-1. / nlive))
logright = -1. / nlive
logwidth = logleft + self.all_logVolremaining
logwidth[~active] = -np.inf
wi = logwidth[active] + Li
# print("updating continuation...", Li)
assert active[0], (active, rootid)
logZ = self.all_logZ[active]
logZnew = logaddexp(logZ, wi)
H = exp(wi - logZnew) * Li + exp(logZ - logZnew) * (self.all_H[active] + logZ) - logZnew
first_setting = np.isnan(H)
# print()
# print("Hnext:", H[0], first_setting[0])
assert np.isfinite(H[~first_setting]).all(), (first_setting, self.all_H[active][~first_setting], H, wi, logZnew, Li, logZ)
self.all_logZ[active] = np.where(first_setting, wi, logZnew)
# print("logZ:", self.all_logZ[0])
if first_setting[0]:
assert np.all(np.isfinite(Li - wi)), (Li, wi)
assert np.isfinite(self.all_H[0]), self.all_H[0]
assert np.isfinite(H[0]), (first_setting[0], H[0], self.all_H[0], wi[0], logZnew[0], Li, logZ[0])
self.all_H[active] = np.where(first_setting, -logwidth[active], H)
# print("H:", self.all_H)
assert np.isfinite(self.all_H[active]).all(), (self.all_H[active], first_setting[0], H[0], self.all_H[0], wi[0], logZnew[0], Li, logZ[0])
# assert np.all(np.isfinite(self.all_H[active])), (H, self.all_H[active], wi, logZnew, Li, logZ)
self.logZ = self.all_logZ[0]
assert np.all(np.isfinite(self.all_logZ[active])), (self.all_logZ[active])
# self.Lmax = max((n.value for n in parallel_nodes))
# print("L=%.1f N=%d V=%.2e logw=%.2e logZ=%.1f logZremain=%.1f" % (
# Li, nlive[0], self.logVolremaining, wi[0], self.logZ, logZremain))
# print("L=%.1f N=%d V=%.2e logw=%.2e logZ=%.1f logZremain=%.1f" % (
# Li, nlive[0], self.all_logVolremaining[0], (logwidth + Li)[0], self.all_logZ[0], logZremain))
# print("L=%.1f N=%d V=%.2e logw=%.2e logZ=<%.1f logZremain=%.1f" % (
# Li, nlive[1], self.all_logVolremaining[1], (logwidth + Li)[1], self.all_logZ[1], logZremain))
if self.all_H[0] > 0:
# TODO: this needs to change if nlive varies
self.logZerr = (self.all_H[0] / nlive0)**0.5
# assert np.all(np.isfinite(self.logZerr)), (self.logZerr, self.all_H[0], nlive)
# volume is reduced by exp(-1/N)
self.all_logVolremaining[active] += logright[active]
self.logVolremaining = self.all_logVolremaining[0]
if self.check_insertion_order and len(np.unique(parallel_values)) == len(parallel_values):
acc = self.insertion_order_accumulator
parallel_values_here = parallel_values[self.rootids[0, rootids]]
for child in node.children:
# rootids is 400 ints pointing to the root id where each parallel_values is from
# self.rootids[i] says which rootids belong to this bootstrap
# need which of the parallel_values are active here
acc.add((parallel_values_here < child.value).sum(), nlive0)
if abs(acc.zscore) > self.insertion_order_threshold:
# contracting!
# print("contracting...", Li)
# weight is simply volume / Nlive
logwidth = -np.inf * np.ones(self.ncounters)
logwidth[active] = self.all_logVolremaining[active] - log(nlive[active])
wi = logwidth + Li
self.all_logZ[active] = logaddexp(self.all_logZ[active], wi[active])
self.logZ = self.all_logZ[0]
# print("L=%.1f N=%d V=%.2e logw=%.2e logZ=%.1f" % (Li, nlive, self.logVolremaining, wi, self.logZ))
# the volume shrinks by (N - 1) / N
# self.logVolremaining += log(1 - exp(-1. / nlive))
# if nlive = 1, we are removing the last point, so remaining
# volume is zero (leads to log of -inf, as expected)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
self.all_logVolremaining[active] += log1p(-1.0 / nlive[active])
self.logVolremaining = self.all_logVolremaining[0]
V = self.all_logVolremaining - log(nlive0)
Lmax = np.max(parallel_values)
self.all_logZremain = V + log(np.sum(exp(parallel_values - Lmax))) + Lmax
self.logZremainMax = self.all_logZremain.max()
self.logZremain = self.all_logZremain[0]
with np.errstate(over='ignore', under='ignore'):
self.remainder_ratio = exp(self.logZremain - self.logZ)
self.remainder_fraction = 1.0 / (1 + exp(self.logZ - self.logZremain))
def combine_results(saved_logl, saved_nodeids, pointpile, main_iterator, mpi_comm=None):
"""Combine a sequence of likelihoods and nodes into a summary dictionary.
saved_logl: list of floats
loglikelihoods of dead points
saved_nodeids: list of ints
indices of dead points
pointpile: :py:class:`PointPile`
Point pile.
main_iterator: :py:class:`BreadthFirstIterator`
iterator used
mpi_comm: None | object
MPI communicator object, or None if MPI is not used.
results: dict
All information of the run. Important keys:
Number of nested sampling iterations (niter),
Evidence estimate (logz),
Effective Sample Size (ess),
H (information gain),
weighted samples (weighted_samples),
equally weighted samples (samples),
best-fit point information (maximum_likelihood),
posterior summaries (posterior).
The rank order test score (insertion_order_MWW_test) is
included if the iterator has it.
assert np.shape(main_iterator.logweights) == (len(saved_logl), len(main_iterator.all_logZ)), (
saved_logl = np.array(saved_logl)
saved_u = pointpile.getu(saved_nodeids)
saved_v = pointpile.getp(saved_nodeids)
saved_logwt = np.array(main_iterator.logweights)
saved_logwt0 = saved_logwt[:,0]
saved_logwt_bs = saved_logwt[:,1:]
logZ_bs = main_iterator.all_logZ[1:]
assert len(saved_logwt_bs) == len(saved_nodeids), (saved_logwt_bs.shape, len(saved_nodeids))
if mpi_comm is not None:
# spread logZ_bs, saved_logwt_bs
recv_saved_logwt_bs = mpi_comm.gather(saved_logwt_bs, root=0)
recv_saved_logwt_bs = mpi_comm.bcast(recv_saved_logwt_bs, root=0)
saved_logwt_bs = np.concatenate(recv_saved_logwt_bs, axis=1)
recv_logZ_bs = mpi_comm.gather(logZ_bs, root=0)
recv_logZ_bs = mpi_comm.bcast(recv_logZ_bs, root=0)
logZ_bs = np.concatenate(recv_logZ_bs)
saved_wt_bs = exp(saved_logwt_bs + saved_logl.reshape((-1, 1)) - logZ_bs)
saved_wt0 = exp(saved_logwt0 + saved_logl - main_iterator.all_logZ[0])
# compute fraction in tail
w = saved_wt0 / saved_wt0.sum()
assert np.isclose(w.sum() - 1, 0), w.sum()
ess = len(w) / (1.0 + ((len(w) * w - 1)**2).sum() / len(w))
tail_fraction = w[np.asarray(main_iterator.istail)].sum()
if tail_fraction != 0:
logzerr_tail = logaddexp(log(tail_fraction) + main_iterator.logZ, main_iterator.logZ) - main_iterator.logZ
logzerr_tail = 0
logzerr_bs = (logZ_bs - main_iterator.logZ).max()
logzerr_total = (logzerr_tail**2 + logzerr_bs**2)**0.5
samples = resample_equal(saved_v, w)
ndim = saved_u.shape[1]
information_gain_bits = []
for i in range(ndim):
H, _ = np.histogram(saved_u[:,i], weights=saved_wt0, density=True, bins=np.linspace(0, 1, 40))
information_gain_bits.append(float((np.log2(1 / ((H + 0.001) * 40)) / 40).sum()))
j = saved_logl.argmax()
results = dict(
logz=main_iterator.logZ, logzerr=logzerr_total,
H=main_iterator.all_H[0], Herr=main_iterator.all_H.std(),
median=np.percentile(samples, 50, axis=0).tolist(),
errlo=np.percentile(samples, 15.8655, axis=0).tolist(),
errup=np.percentile(samples, 84.1345, axis=0).tolist(),
upoints=saved_u, points=saved_v, weights=saved_wt0, logw=saved_logwt0,
bootstrapped_weights=saved_wt_bs, logl=saved_logl),
if getattr(main_iterator, 'check_insertion_order', False):
results['insertion_order_MWW_test'] = dict(
return results
def logz_sequence(root, pointpile, nbootstraps=12, random=True, onNode=None, verbose=False, check_insertion_order=True):
"""Run MultiCounter through tree `root`.
Keeps track of, and returns ``(logz, logzerr, logv, nlive)``.
root: :py:class:`TreeNode`
pointpile: :py:class:`PointPile`
Point pile
nbootstraps: int
Number of independent iterators
random: bool
Whether to randomly draw volume estimates
onNode: function
Function to call for every node.
receives current node and the iterator
verbose: bool
Whether to show a progress indicator on stderr
check_insertion_order: bool
Whether to perform a rolling insertion order rank test
results: dict
Run information, see :py:func:`combine_results`
sequence: dict
Each entry of the dictionary is results['niter'] long,
and contains the state of information at that iteration.
Important keys are:
Iteration number (niter),
Volume estimate (logvol), loglikelihood (logl), absolute logarithmic weight (logwt),
Relative weight (weights), point (samples),
Number of live points (nlive),
Evidence estimate (logz) and its uncertainty (logzerr),
Rank test score (insert_order).
roots = root.children
Lmax = -np.inf
explorer = BreadthFirstIterator(roots)
# Integrating thing
main_iterator = MultiCounter(
nroots=len(roots), nbootstraps=max(1, nbootstraps),
random=random, check_insertion_order=check_insertion_order)
main_iterator.Lmax = max(Lmax, max(n.value for n in roots))
logz = []
logzerr = []
nlive = []
logvol = []
niter = 0
saved_nodeids = []
saved_logl = []
insert_order = []
# we go through each live point (regardless of root) by likelihood value
while True:
next_node = explorer.next_node()
if next_node is None:
rootid, node, (active_nodes, active_rootids, active_values, active_node_ids) = next_node
# this is the likelihood level we have to improve upon
Lmin = node.value
if onNode:
onNode(node, main_iterator)
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
# first time they are all the same
nactive = len(active_values)
if len(np.unique(active_values)) == nactive and len(node.children) > 0:
child_insertion_order = (active_values > node.children[0].value).sum()
insert_order.append(2 * (child_insertion_order + 1.) / nactive)
niter += 1
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write("%d...\r" % niter)
# inform iterators (if it is their business) about the arc
main_iterator.passing_node(rootid, node, active_rootids, active_values)
explorer.expand_children_of(rootid, node)
logwt = np.asarray(saved_logl) + np.asarray(main_iterator.logweights)[:,0]
logvol[-1] = logvol[-2]
results = combine_results(saved_logl, saved_nodeids, pointpile, main_iterator)
sequence = dict(
return sequence, results