# noqa: D400 D205
Nested sampling integrators
This module provides the high-level class :py:class:`ReactiveNestedSampler`,
for calculating the Bayesian evidence and posterior samples of arbitrary models.
# Some parts are from the Nestle library by Kyle Barbary (https://github.com/kbarbary/nestle)
# Some parts are from the nnest library by Adam Moss (https://github.com/adammoss/nnest)
from __future__ import division, print_function
import csv
import json
import operator
import os
import sys
import time
import warnings
import numpy as np
from numpy import exp, log, logaddexp
from .hotstart import get_auxiliary_contbox_parameterization
from .mlfriends import (AffineLayer, LocalAffineLayer, MLFriends,
RobustEllipsoidRegion, ScalingLayer, WrappingEllipsoid,
from .netiter import (BreadthFirstIterator, MultiCounter, PointPile,
SingleCounter, TreeNode, combine_results,
count_tree_between, dump_tree, find_nodes_before,
from .ordertest import UniformOrderAccumulator
from .store import HDF5PointStore, NullPointStore, TextPointStore
from .utils import (create_logger, distributed_work_chunk_size,
from .utils import listify as _listify
from .utils import (make_run_dir, normalised_kendall_tau_distance,
resample_equal, vectorize, vol_prefactor)
from .viz import get_default_viz_callback
__all__ = ['ReactiveNestedSampler', 'NestedSampler', 'read_file', 'warmstart_from_similar_file']
int_t = np.int64
def _get_cumsum_range(pi, dp):
"""Compute quantile indices from probabilities.
pi: array
probability of each item.
dp: float
Quantile (between 0 and 0.5).
index_lo: int
Index of the item corresponding to quantile ``dp``.
index_hi: int
Index of the item corresponding to quantile ``1-dp``.
ci = pi.cumsum()
# this builds a conservatively narrow interval
# find first index where the cumulative is surely above
ilo, = np.where(ci >= dp)
ilo = ilo[0] if len(ilo) > 0 else 0
# find last index where the cumulative is surely below
ihi, = np.where(ci <= 1. - dp)
ihi = ihi[-1] if len(ihi) > 0 else -1
return ilo, ihi
def _sequentialize_width_sequence(minimal_widths, min_width):
"""Turn a list of required tree width into an ordered sequence.
minimal_widths: list of (Llo, Lhi, width)
Defines the required width between Llo and Lhi.
min_width: int
Minimum width everywhere.
Lsequence: list of (L, width)
A sequence of L points and the expected tree width at and above it.
Lpoints = np.unique(_listify(
[-np.inf], [L for L, _, _ in minimal_widths],
[L for _, L, _ in minimal_widths], [np.inf]))
widths = np.ones(len(Lpoints)) * min_width
for Llo, Lhi, width in minimal_widths:
# all Lpoints within that range should be maximized to width
# mask = np.logical_and(Lpoints >= Llo, Lpoints <= Lhi)
# the following allows segments to specify -inf..L ranges
mask = ~np.logical_or(Lpoints < Llo, Lpoints > Lhi)
widths[mask] = np.where(widths[mask] < width, width, widths[mask])
# the width has to monotonically increase to the maximum from both sides
# so we fill up any intermediate dips
max_width = widths.max()
mid = np.where(widths == max_width)[0][0]
widest = 0
for i in range(mid):
widest = widths[i] = max(widest, widths[i])
widest = 0
for i in range(len(widths) - 1, mid, -1):
widest = widths[i] = max(widest, widths[i])
return list(zip(Lpoints, widths))
def _explore_iterator_batch(explorer, pop, x_dim, num_params, pointpile, batchsize=1):
batch = []
while True:
next_node = explorer.next_node()
if next_node is None:
rootid, node, (_, active_rootids, active_values, active_node_ids) = next_node
Lmin = node.value
children = []
_, row = pop(Lmin)
if row is not None:
logl = row[1]
u = row[3:3 + x_dim]
v = row[3 + x_dim:3 + x_dim + num_params]
assert u.shape == (x_dim,)
assert v.shape == (num_params,)
assert logl > Lmin
children.append((u, v, logl))
child = pointpile.make_node(logl, u, v)
batch.append((Lmin, active_values.copy(), children))
if len(batch) >= batchsize:
yield batch
batch = []
explorer.expand_children_of(rootid, node)
if len(batch) > 0:
yield batch
def resume_from_similar_file(
log_dir, x_dim, loglikelihood, transform,
max_tau=0, verbose=False, ndraw=400
Change a stored UltraNest run to a modified loglikelihood/transform.
log_dir: str
Folder containing results
x_dim: int
number of dimensions
loglikelihood: function
new likelihood function
transform: function
new transform function
max_tau: float
Allowed dissimilarity in the live point ordering, quantified as
normalised Kendall tau distance.
max_tau=0 is the very conservative choice of stopping the warm start
when the live point order differs.
Near 1 are completely different live point orderings.
Values in between permit mild disorder.
verbose: bool
show progress
ndraw: int
set to >1 if functions can take advantage of vectorized computations
sequence: dict
contains arrays storing for each iteration estimates of:
* logz: log evidence estimate
* logzerr: log evidence uncertainty estimate
* logvol: log volume estimate
* samples_n: number of live points
* logwt: log weight
* logl: log likelihood
final: dict
same as ReactiveNestedSampler.results and
ReactiveNestedSampler.run return values
import h5py
filepath = os.path.join(log_dir, 'results', 'points.hdf5')
filepath2 = os.path.join(log_dir, 'results', 'points.hdf5.new')
fileobj = h5py.File(filepath, 'r')
_, ncols = fileobj['points'].shape
num_params = ncols - 3 - x_dim
points = fileobj['points'][:]
del fileobj
pointstore2 = HDF5PointStore(filepath2, ncols, mode='w')
stack = list(enumerate(points))
pointpile = PointPile(x_dim, num_params)
pointpile2 = PointPile(x_dim, num_params)
def pop(Lmin):
"""Find matching sample from points file."""
# look forward to see if there is an exact match
# if we do not use the exact matches
# this causes a shift in the loglikelihoods
for i, (idx, next_row) in enumerate(stack):
row_Lmin = next_row[0]
L = next_row[1]
if row_Lmin <= Lmin and L > Lmin:
idx, row = stack.pop(i)
return idx, row
return None, None
roots = []
roots2 = []
initial_points_u = []
initial_points_v = []
initial_points_logl = []
while True:
_, row = pop(-np.inf)
if row is None:
logl = row[1]
u = row[3:3 + x_dim]
v = row[3 + x_dim:3 + x_dim + num_params]
v2 = transform(np.array(initial_points_u, ndmin=2, dtype=float))
assert np.allclose(v2, initial_points_v), 'transform inconsistent, cannot resume'
logls_new = loglikelihood(v2)
for u, v, logl, logl_new in zip(initial_points_u, initial_points_v, initial_points_logl, logls_new):
roots.append(pointpile.make_node(logl, u, v))
roots2.append(pointpile2.make_node(logl_new, u, v))
pointstore2.add(_listify([-np.inf, logl_new, 0.0], u, v), 1)
batchsize = ndraw
explorer = BreadthFirstIterator(roots)
explorer2 = BreadthFirstIterator(roots2)
main_iterator2 = SingleCounter()
main_iterator2.Lmax = logls_new.max()
good_state = True
indices1, indices2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(len(logls_new)), np.arange(len(logls_new)))
last_good_like = -1e300
last_good_state = 0
epsilon = 1 + 1e-6
niter = 0
for batch in _explore_iterator_batch(explorer, pop, x_dim, num_params, pointpile, batchsize=batchsize):
assert len(batch) > 0
batch_u = np.array([u for _, _, children in batch for u, _, _ in children], ndmin=2, dtype=float)
if batch_u.size > 0:
assert batch_u.shape[1] == x_dim, batch_u.shape
batch_v = np.array([v for _, _, children in batch for _, v, _ in children], ndmin=2, dtype=float)
# print("calling likelihood with %d points" % len(batch_u))
v2 = transform(batch_u)
assert batch_v.shape[1] == num_params, batch_v.shape
assert np.allclose(v2, batch_v), 'transform inconsistent, cannot resume'
logls_new = loglikelihood(batch_v)
# no new points
logls_new = []
j = 0
for _Lmin, active_values, children in batch:
next_node2 = explorer2.next_node()
rootid2, node2, (active_nodes2, _, active_values2, _) = next_node2
Lmin2 = float(node2.value)
# in the tails of distributions it can happen that two points are out of order
# but that may not be very important
# in the interest of practicality, we allow this and only stop the
# warmstart copying when some bulk of points differ.
# in any case, warmstart should not be considered safe, but help iterating
# and a final clean run is needed to finalise the results.
if len(active_values) != len(active_values2):
if verbose == 2:
print("stopping, number of live points differ (%d vs %d)" % (len(active_values), len(active_values2)))
good_state = False
if len(active_values) != len(indices1):
indices1, indices2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(len(active_values)), np.arange(len(active_values2)))
tau = normalised_kendall_tau_distance(active_values, active_values2, indices1, indices2)
order_consistent = tau <= max_tau
if order_consistent and len(active_values) > 10 and len(active_values) > 10:
good_state = True
elif not order_consistent:
good_state = False
# maintain state
if verbose == 2:
print(niter, tau)
if good_state:
# print(" (%.1e) L=%.1f" % (last_good_like, Lmin2))
# assert last_good_like < Lmin2, (last_good_like, Lmin2)
last_good_like = Lmin2
last_good_state = niter
# interpolate a increasing likelihood
# in the hope that the step size is smaller than
# the likelihood increase
Lmin2 = last_good_like
node2.value = Lmin2
last_good_like = last_good_like * epsilon
for u, v, _logl_old in children:
logl_new = logls_new[j]
j += 1
# print(j, Lmin2, '->', logl_new, 'instead of', Lmin, '->', [c.value for c in node2.children])
child2 = pointpile2.make_node(logl_new, u, v)
if logl_new > Lmin2:
pointstore2.add(_listify([Lmin2, logl_new, 0.0], u, v), 1)
if verbose == 2:
print("cannot use new point because it would decrease likelihood (%.1f->%.1f)" % (Lmin2, logl_new))
# good_state = False
# break
main_iterator2.passing_node(node2, active_nodes2)
niter += 1
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write("%d...\r" % niter)
explorer2.expand_children_of(rootid2, node2)
if not good_state:
if main_iterator2.logZremain < main_iterator2.logZ and not good_state:
# stop as the results diverged already
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write("%d/%d iterations salvaged (%.2f%%).\n" % (
last_good_state + 1, len(points), (last_good_state + 1) * 100. / len(points)))
# delete the ones at the end from last_good_state onwards
# assert len(pointstore2.fileobj['points']) == niter, (len(pointstore2.fileobj['points']), niter)
mask = pointstore2.fileobj['points'][:,0] <= last_good_like
points2 = pointstore2.fileobj['points'][:][mask,:]
del pointstore2.fileobj['points']
'points', dtype=np.float64,
shape=(0, pointstore2.ncols), maxshape=(None, pointstore2.ncols))
pointstore2.fileobj['points'].resize(len(points2), axis=0)
pointstore2.fileobj['points'][:] = points2
del pointstore2
os.replace(filepath2, filepath)
def _update_region_bootstrap(region, nbootstraps, minvol=0., comm=None, mpi_size=1):
Update *region* with *nbootstraps* rounds of excluding points randomly.
Stiffen ellipsoid size using the minimum volume *minvol*.
If the mpi communicator *comm* is not None, use MPI to distribute
the bootstraps over the *mpi_size* processes.
assert nbootstraps > 0, nbootstraps
# catch potential errors so MPI syncing still works
e = None
r, f = region.compute_enlargement(
nbootstraps=max(1, nbootstraps // mpi_size))
except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e1:
e = e1
r, f = np.nan, np.nan
if comm is not None:
recv_maxradii = comm.gather(r, root=0)
recv_maxradii = comm.bcast(recv_maxradii, root=0)
# if there are very many processors, we may have more
# rounds than requested, leading to slowdown
# thus we throw away the extra ones
r = np.max(recv_maxradii[:nbootstraps])
recv_enlarge = comm.gather(f, root=0)
recv_enlarge = comm.bcast(recv_enlarge, root=0)
f = np.max(recv_enlarge[:nbootstraps])
if not np.isfinite(r) and not np.isfinite(r):
# reraise error if needed
if e is None:
raise np.linalg.LinAlgError("compute_enlargement failed")
raise e
region.maxradiussq = r
region.enlarge = f
return r, f
class NestedSampler:
"""Simple Nested sampler for reference."""
def __init__(self,
"""Set up nested sampler.
param_names: list of str, names of the parameters.
Length gives dimensionality of the sampling problem.
loglike: function
log-likelihood function.
Receives multiple parameter vectors, returns vector of likelihood.
transform: function
parameter transform from unit cube to physical parameters.
Receives multiple cube vectors, returns multiple parameter vectors.
derived_param_names: list of str
Additional derived parameters created by transform. (empty by default)
log_dir: str
where to store output files
resume: 'resume', 'overwrite' or 'subfolder'
if 'overwrite', overwrite previous data.
if 'subfolder', create a fresh subdirectory in log_dir.
if 'resume' or True, continue previous run if available.
wrapped_params: list of bools
indicating whether this parameter wraps around (circular parameter).
num_live_points: int
Number of live points
vectorized: bool
If true, loglike and transform function can receive arrays
of points.
run_num: int
unique run number. If None, will be automatically incremented.
self.paramnames = list(param_names)
x_dim = len(self.paramnames)
self.num_live_points = num_live_points
self.sampler = 'nested'
self.x_dim = x_dim
self.derivedparamnames = derived_param_names
num_derived = len(self.derivedparamnames)
self.num_params = x_dim + num_derived
self.volfactor = vol_prefactor(self.x_dim)
if wrapped_params is None:
self.wrapped_axes = []
self.wrapped_axes = np.where(wrapped_params)[0]
assert resume or resume in ('overwrite', 'subfolder', 'resume'), "resume should be one of 'overwrite' 'subfolder' or 'resume'"
append_run_num = resume == 'subfolder'
resume = resume == 'resume' or resume
if not vectorized:
transform = vectorize(transform)
loglike = vectorize(loglike)
if transform is None:
self.transform = lambda x: x
self.transform = transform
u = np.random.uniform(size=(2, self.x_dim))
p = self.transform(u)
assert p.shape == (2, self.num_params), ("Error in transform function: returned shape is %s, expected %s" % (p.shape, (2, self.num_params)))
logl = loglike(p)
assert np.logical_and(u > 0, u < 1).all(), ("Error in transform function: u was modified!")
assert np.shape(logl) == (2,), ("Error in loglikelihood function: returned shape is %s, expected %s" % (p.shape, (2, self.num_params)))
assert np.isfinite(logl).all(), ("Error in loglikelihood function: returned non-finite number: %s for input u=%s p=%s" % (logl, u, p))
def safe_loglike(x):
"""Call likelihood function safely wrapped to avoid non-finite values."""
x = np.asarray(x)
logl = loglike(x)
assert np.isfinite(logl).all(), (
'User-provided loglikelihood returned non-finite value:',
"for input value:",
return logl
self.loglike = safe_loglike
self.use_mpi = False
from mpi4py import MPI
self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
self.mpi_size = self.comm.Get_size()
self.mpi_rank = self.comm.Get_rank()
if self.mpi_size > 1:
self.use_mpi = True
except Exception:
self.mpi_size = 1
self.mpi_rank = 0
self.log = self.mpi_rank == 0
self.log_to_disk = self.log and log_dir is not None
if self.log and log_dir is not None:
self.logs = make_run_dir(log_dir, run_num, append_run_num=append_run_num)
log_dir = self.logs['run_dir']
log_dir = None
self.logger = create_logger(__name__ + '.' + type(self).__name__, log_dir=log_dir)
if self.log:
self.logger.info('Num live points [%d]', self.num_live_points)
if self.log_to_disk:
# self.pointstore = TextPointStore(os.path.join(self.logs['results'], 'points.tsv'), 2 + self.x_dim + self.num_params)
self.pointstore = HDF5PointStore(
os.path.join(self.logs['results'], 'points.hdf5'),
3 + self.x_dim + self.num_params, mode='a' if resume else 'w')
self.pointstore = NullPointStore(3 + self.x_dim + self.num_params)
def run(
"""Explore parameter space.
update_interval_iter: None | int
Update region after this many iterations.
update_interval_ncall: None | int
Update region after update_interval_ncall likelihood calls.
log_interval: None | int
Update stdout status line every log_interval iterations
dlogz: float
Target evidence uncertainty.
max_iters: None | int
maximum number of integration iterations.
results: dict
dictionary with posterior *samples* and original *weighted_samples*,
number of likelihood calls *ncall*,
number of nested sampling iterations *niter*, evidence
estimate *logz* and uncertainty *logzerr*.
if update_interval_ncall is None:
update_interval_ncall = max(1, round(self.num_live_points))
if update_interval_iter is None:
if update_interval_ncall == 0:
update_interval_iter = max(1, round(self.num_live_points))
update_interval_iter = max(1, round(0.2 * self.num_live_points))
if log_interval is None:
log_interval = max(1, round(0.2 * self.num_live_points))
log_interval = round(log_interval)
if log_interval < 1:
raise ValueError("log_interval must be >= 1")
viz_callback = get_default_viz_callback()
prev_u = []
prev_v = []
prev_logl = []
if self.log:
# try to resume:
for _i in range(self.num_live_points):
_, row = self.pointstore.pop(-np.inf)
if row is not None:
prev_u.append(row[3:3 + self.x_dim])
prev_v.append(row[3 + self.x_dim:3 + self.x_dim + self.num_params])
prev_u = np.array(prev_u)
prev_v = np.array(prev_v)
prev_logl = np.array(prev_logl)
num_live_points_missing = self.num_live_points - len(prev_logl)
num_live_points_missing = -1
if self.use_mpi:
num_live_points_missing = self.comm.bcast(num_live_points_missing, root=0)
prev_u = self.comm.bcast(prev_u, root=0)
prev_v = self.comm.bcast(prev_v, root=0)
prev_logl = self.comm.bcast(prev_logl, root=0)
use_point_stack = True
assert num_live_points_missing >= 0
if num_live_points_missing > 0:
if self.use_mpi:
# self.logger.info('Using MPI with rank [%d]', self.mpi_rank)
if self.mpi_rank == 0:
active_u = np.random.uniform(size=(num_live_points_missing, self.x_dim))
active_u = np.empty((num_live_points_missing, self.x_dim), dtype=np.float64)
active_u = self.comm.bcast(active_u, root=0)
active_u = np.random.uniform(size=(num_live_points_missing, self.x_dim))
active_v = self.transform(active_u)
if self.use_mpi:
if self.mpi_rank == 0:
chunks = [[] for _ in range(self.mpi_size)]
for i, chunk in enumerate(active_v):
chunks[i % self.mpi_size].append(chunk)
chunks = None
data = self.comm.scatter(chunks, root=0)
active_logl = self.loglike(data)
recv_active_logl = self.comm.gather(active_logl, root=0)
recv_active_logl = self.comm.bcast(recv_active_logl, root=0)
active_logl = np.concatenate(recv_active_logl, axis=0)
active_logl = self.loglike(active_v)
if self.log_to_disk:
for i in range(num_live_points_missing):
_listify([-np.inf, active_logl[i], 0.], active_u[i,:], active_v[i,:]),
if len(prev_u) > 0:
active_u = np.concatenate((prev_u, active_u))
active_v = np.concatenate((prev_v, active_v))
active_logl = np.concatenate((prev_logl, active_logl))
assert active_u.shape == (self.num_live_points, self.x_dim)
assert active_v.shape == (self.num_live_points, self.num_params)
assert active_logl.shape == (self.num_live_points,)
active_u = prev_u
active_v = prev_v
active_logl = prev_logl
saved_u = []
saved_v = [] # Stored points for posterior results
saved_logl = []
saved_logwt = []
h = 0.0 # Information, initially 0.
logz = -1e300 # ln(Evidence Z), initially Z=0
logvol = log(1.0 - exp(-1.0 / self.num_live_points))
logz_remain = np.max(active_logl)
fraction_remain = 1.0
ncall = num_live_points_missing # number of calls we already made
first_time = True
if self.x_dim > 1:
transformLayer = AffineLayer(wrapped_dims=self.wrapped_axes)
transformLayer = ScalingLayer(wrapped_dims=self.wrapped_axes)
transformLayer.optimize(active_u, active_u)
region = MLFriends(active_u, transformLayer)
if self.log:
self.logger.info('Starting sampling ...')
ib = 0
samples = []
ndraw = 100
it = 0
next_update_interval_ncall = -1
next_update_interval_iter = -1
while max_iters is None or it < max_iters:
# Worst object in collection and its weight (= volume * likelihood)
worst = np.argmin(active_logl)
logwt = logvol + active_logl[worst]
# Update evidence Z and information h.
logz_new = np.logaddexp(logz, logwt)
h = (exp(logwt - logz_new) * active_logl[worst] + exp(logz - logz_new) * (h + logz) - logz_new)
logz = logz_new
# Add worst object to samples.
# expected_vol = np.exp(-it / self.num_live_points)
# The new likelihood constraint is that of the worst object.
loglstar = active_logl[worst]
if ncall > next_update_interval_ncall and it > next_update_interval_iter:
if first_time:
nextregion = region
# rebuild space
# print()
# print("rebuilding space...", active_u.shape, active_u)
nextTransformLayer = transformLayer.create_new(active_u, region.maxradiussq)
nextregion = MLFriends(active_u, nextTransformLayer)
# print("computing maxradius...")
r, f = _update_region_bootstrap(nextregion, 30, 0., self.comm if self.use_mpi else None, self.mpi_size)
nextregion.maxradiussq = r
nextregion.enlarge = f
# force shrinkage of volume
# this is to avoid re-connection of dying out nodes
if nextregion.estimate_volume() < region.estimate_volume():
region = nextregion
transformLayer = region.transformLayer
region.create_ellipsoid(minvol=exp(-it / self.num_live_points) * self.volfactor)
if self.log:
points=dict(u=active_u, p=active_v, logl=active_logl),
it=it, ncall=ncall, logz=logz, logz_remain=logz_remain,
paramnames=self.paramnames + self.derivedparamnames,
region=region, transformLayer=transformLayer)
next_update_interval_ncall = ncall + update_interval_ncall
next_update_interval_iter = it + update_interval_iter
first_time = False
while True:
if ib >= len(samples) and use_point_stack:
# root checks the point store
next_point = np.zeros((1, 3 + self.x_dim + self.num_params))
if self.log_to_disk:
_, stored_point = self.pointstore.pop(loglstar)
if stored_point is not None:
next_point[0,:] = stored_point
next_point[0,:] = -np.inf
use_point_stack = not self.pointstore.stack_empty
if self.use_mpi: # and informs everyone
use_point_stack = self.comm.bcast(use_point_stack, root=0)
next_point = self.comm.bcast(next_point, root=0)
# assert not use_point_stack
# unpack
likes = next_point[:,1]
samples = next_point[:,3:3 + self.x_dim]
samplesv = next_point[:,3 + self.x_dim:3 + self.x_dim + self.num_params]
# skip if we already know it is not useful
ib = 0 if np.isfinite(likes[0]) else 1
while ib >= len(samples):
# get new samples
ib = 0
nc = 0
u = region.sample(nsamples=ndraw)
nu = u.shape[0]
if nu == 0:
v = np.empty((0, self.x_dim))
logl = np.empty((0,))
v = self.transform(u)
logl = self.loglike(v)
nc += nu
accepted = logl > loglstar
u = u[accepted,:]
v = v[accepted,:]
logl = logl[accepted]
# father = father[accepted]
# collect results from all MPI members
if self.use_mpi:
recv_samples = self.comm.gather(u, root=0)
recv_samplesv = self.comm.gather(v, root=0)
recv_likes = self.comm.gather(logl, root=0)
recv_nc = self.comm.gather(nc, root=0)
recv_samples = self.comm.bcast(recv_samples, root=0)
recv_samplesv = self.comm.bcast(recv_samplesv, root=0)
recv_likes = self.comm.bcast(recv_likes, root=0)
recv_nc = self.comm.bcast(recv_nc, root=0)
samples = np.concatenate(recv_samples, axis=0)
samplesv = np.concatenate(recv_samplesv, axis=0)
likes = np.concatenate(recv_likes, axis=0)
ncall += sum(recv_nc)
samples = np.array(u)
samplesv = np.array(v)
likes = np.array(logl)
ncall += nc
if self.log:
for ui, vi, logli in zip(samples, samplesv, likes):
_listify([loglstar, logli, 0.0], ui, vi),
if likes[ib] > loglstar:
active_u[worst] = samples[ib, :]
active_v[worst] = samplesv[ib,:]
active_logl[worst] = likes[ib]
# if we keep the region informed about the new live points
# then the region follows the live points even if maxradius is not updated
region.u[worst,:] = active_u[worst]
region.unormed[worst,:] = region.transformLayer.transform(region.u[worst,:])
# if we track the cluster assignment, then in the next round
# the ids with the same members are likely to have the same id
# this is imperfect
# transformLayer.clusterids[worst] = transformLayer.clusterids[father[ib]]
# so we just mark the replaced ones as "unassigned"
transformLayer.clusterids[worst] = 0
ib = ib + 1
ib = ib + 1
# Shrink interval
logvol -= 1.0 / self.num_live_points
logz_remain = np.max(active_logl) - it / self.num_live_points
fraction_remain = np.logaddexp(logz, logz_remain) - logz
if it % log_interval == 0 and self.log:
# nicelogger(self.paramnames, active_u, active_v, active_logl, it, ncall, logz, logz_remain, region=region)
sys.stdout.write('Z=%.1g+%.1g | Like=%.1g..%.1g | it/evals=%d/%d eff=%.4f%% \r' % (
logz, logz_remain, loglstar, np.max(active_logl), it,
ncall, np.inf if ncall == 0 else it * 100 / ncall))
# if efficiency becomes low, bulk-process larger arrays
ndraw = max(128, min(16384, round((ncall + 1) / (it + 1) / self.mpi_size)))
# Stopping criterion
if fraction_remain < dlogz:
it = it + 1
logvol = -len(saved_v) / self.num_live_points - log(self.num_live_points)
for i in range(self.num_live_points):
logwt = logvol + active_logl[i]
logz_new = np.logaddexp(logz, logwt)
h = (exp(logwt - logz_new) * active_logl[i] + exp(logz - logz_new) * (h + logz) - logz_new)
logz = logz_new
saved_u = np.array(saved_u)
saved_v = np.array(saved_v)
saved_wt = exp(np.array(saved_logwt) - logz)
saved_logl = np.array(saved_logl)
logzerr = np.sqrt(h / self.num_live_points)
if self.log_to_disk:
with open(os.path.join(self.logs['results'], 'final.csv'), 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow(['niter', 'ncall', 'logz', 'logzerr', 'h'])
writer.writerow([it + 1, ncall, logz, logzerr, h])
if not self.use_mpi or self.mpi_rank == 0:
print("niter: {:d}\n ncall: {:d}\n nsamples: {:d}\n logz: {:6.3f} +/- {:6.3f}\n h: {:6.3f}"
.format(it + 1, ncall, len(saved_v), logz, logzerr, h))
self.results = dict(
samples=resample_equal(saved_v, saved_wt / saved_wt.sum()),
ncall=ncall, niter=it, logz=logz, logzerr=logzerr,
upoints=saved_u, points=saved_v, weights=saved_wt,
logweights=saved_logwt, logl=saved_logl),
return self.results
def print_results(self):
"""Give summary of marginal likelihood and parameters."""
print('logZ = %(logz).3f +- %(logzerr).3f' % self.results)
for i, p in enumerate(self.paramnames + self.derivedparamnames):
v = self.results['samples'][:,i]
sigma = v.std()
med = v.mean()
if sigma == 0:
i = 3
i = max(0, int(-np.floor(np.log10(sigma))) + 1)
fmt = '%%.%df' % i
fmts = '\t'.join([' %-20s' + fmt + " +- " + fmt])
print(fmts % (p, med, sigma))
def plot(self):
"""Make corner plot."""
if self.log_to_disk:
import corner
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = np.array(self.results['weighted_samples']['points'])
weights = np.array(self.results['weighted_samples']['weights'])
cumsumweights = np.cumsum(weights)
mask = cumsumweights > 1e-4
data[mask,:], weights=weights[mask],
labels=self.paramnames + self.derivedparamnames,
plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.logs['plots'], 'corner.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight')
def warmstart_from_similar_file(
"""Warmstart from a previous run.
aux_paramnames, aux_log_likelihood, aux_prior_transform, vectorized = warmstart_from_similar_file(
'model1/chains/weighted_post_untransformed.txt', parameters, log_likelihood_with_background, prior_transform)
aux_sampler = ReactiveNestedSampler(aux_paramnames, aux_log_likelihood, transform=aux_prior_transform,vectorized=vectorized)
posterior_samples = aux_results['samples'][:,-1]
See :py:func:`ultranest.hotstart.get_auxiliary_contbox_parameterization`
for more information.
The remaining parameters have the same meaning as in :py:class:`ReactiveNestedSampler`.
usample_filename: str
contains posteriors in u-space (untransformed) of a previous run.
Columns are weight, logl, param1, param2, ...
min_num_samples: int
minimum number of samples in the usample_filename file required.
Too few samples will give a poor approximation.
Other Parameters
param_names: list
loglike: function
transform: function
vectorized: bool
aux_param_names: list
new parameter list
aux_loglikelihood: function
new loglikelihood function
aux_transform: function
new prior transform function
vectorized: bool
whether the new functions are vectorized
# load samples
with open(usample_filename) as f:
old_param_names = f.readline().lstrip('#').strip().split()
auxiliary_usamples = np.loadtxt(f)
except IOError:
warnings.warn('not hot-resuming, could not load file "%s"' % usample_filename, stacklevel=2)
return param_names, loglike, transform, vectorized
ulogl = auxiliary_usamples[:,1]
uweights_full = auxiliary_usamples[:,0] * np.exp(ulogl - ulogl.max())
mask = uweights_full > 0
uweights = uweights_full[mask]
uweights /= uweights.sum()
upoints = auxiliary_usamples[mask,2:]
del auxiliary_usamples
nsamples = len(upoints)
if nsamples < min_num_samples:
raise ValueError('file "%s" has too few samples (%d) to hot-resume' % (usample_filename, nsamples))
# check that the parameter meanings have not changed
if old_param_names != ['weight', 'logl'] + param_names:
raise ValueError('file "%s" has parameters %s, expected %s, cannot hot-resume.' % (usample_filename, old_param_names, param_names))
return get_auxiliary_contbox_parameterization(
param_names, loglike=loglike, transform=transform,
class ReactiveNestedSampler:
"""Nested sampler with reactive exploration strategy.
Storage & resume capable, optionally MPI parallelised.
def __init__(self,
"""Initialise nested sampler.
param_names: list of str, names of the parameters.
Length gives dimensionality of the sampling problem.
loglike: function
log-likelihood function.
Receives multiple parameter vectors, returns vector of likelihood.
transform: function
parameter transform from unit cube to physical parameters.
Receives multiple cube vectors, returns multiple parameter vectors.
derived_param_names: list of str
Additional derived parameters created by transform. (empty by default)
log_dir: str
where to store output files
resume: 'resume', 'resume-similar', 'overwrite' or 'subfolder'
if 'overwrite', overwrite previous data.
if 'subfolder', create a fresh subdirectory in log_dir.
if 'resume' or True, continue previous run if available.
Only works when dimensionality, transform or likelihood are consistent.
if 'resume-similar', continue previous run if available.
Only works when dimensionality and transform are consistent.
If a likelihood difference is detected, the existing likelihoods
are updated until the live point order differs.
Otherwise, behaves like resume.
run_num: int or None
If resume=='subfolder', this is the subfolder number.
Automatically increments if set to None.
wrapped_params: list of bools
indicating whether this parameter wraps around (circular parameter).
num_test_samples: int
test transform and likelihood with this number of
random points for errors first. Useful to catch bugs.
vectorized: bool
If true, loglike and transform function can receive arrays
of points.
draw_multiple: bool
If efficiency goes down, dynamically draw more points
from the region between `ndraw_min` and `ndraw_max`.
If set to False, few points are sampled at once.
ndraw_min: int
Minimum number of points to simultaneously propose.
Increase this if your likelihood makes vectorization very cheap.
ndraw_max: int
Maximum number of points to simultaneously propose.
Increase this if your likelihood makes vectorization very cheap.
Memory allocation may be slow for extremely high values.
num_bootstraps: int
number of logZ estimators and MLFriends region
bootstrap rounds.
storage_backend: str or class
Class to use for storing the evaluated points (see ultranest.store)
'hdf5' is strongly recommended. 'tsv' and 'csv' are also possible.
warmstart_max_tau: float
Maximum disorder to accept when resume='resume-similar';
Live points are reused as long as the live point order
is below this normalised Kendall tau distance.
Values from 0 (highly conservative) to 1 (extremely negligent).
self.paramnames = param_names
x_dim = len(self.paramnames)
self.sampler = 'reactive-nested'
self.x_dim = x_dim
self.transform_layer_class = LocalAffineLayer if x_dim > 1 else ScalingLayer
self.derivedparamnames = derived_param_names
self.num_bootstraps = int(num_bootstraps)
num_derived = len(self.derivedparamnames)
self.num_params = x_dim + num_derived
if wrapped_params is None:
self.wrapped_axes = []
assert len(wrapped_params) == self.x_dim, ("wrapped_params has the number of entries:", wrapped_params, ", expected", self.x_dim)
self.wrapped_axes = np.where(wrapped_params)[0]
self.use_mpi = False
from mpi4py import MPI
self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
self.mpi_size = self.comm.Get_size()
self.mpi_rank = self.comm.Get_rank()
if self.mpi_size > 1:
self.use_mpi = True
except Exception:
self.mpi_size = 1
self.mpi_rank = 0
self.log = self.mpi_rank == 0
self.log_to_disk = self.log and log_dir is not None
self.log_to_pointstore = self.log_to_disk
assert resume in (True, 'overwrite', 'subfolder', 'resume', 'resume-similar'), \
"resume should be one of 'overwrite' 'subfolder', 'resume' or 'resume-similar'"
append_run_num = resume == 'subfolder'
resume_similar = resume == 'resume-similar'
resume = resume in ('resume-similar', 'resume', True)
if self.log and log_dir is not None:
self.logs = make_run_dir(log_dir, run_num, append_run_num=append_run_num)
log_dir = self.logs['run_dir']
log_dir = None
if self.log:
self.logger = create_logger('ultranest', log_dir=log_dir)
self.logger.debug('ReactiveNestedSampler: dims=%d+%d, resume=%s, log_dir=%s, backend=%s, vectorized=%s, nbootstraps=%s, ndraw=%s..%s' % (
x_dim, num_derived, resume, log_dir, storage_backend, vectorized,
num_bootstraps, ndraw_min, ndraw_max,
self.root = TreeNode(id=-1, value=-np.inf)
self.pointpile = PointPile(self.x_dim, self.num_params)
if self.log_to_pointstore:
storage_filename = os.path.join(self.logs['results'], 'points.' + storage_backend)
storage_num_cols = 3 + self.x_dim + self.num_params
if storage_backend == 'tsv':
self.pointstore = TextPointStore(storage_filename, storage_num_cols)
self.pointstore.delimiter = '\n'
elif storage_backend == 'csv':
self.pointstore = TextPointStore(storage_filename, storage_num_cols)
self.pointstore.delimiter = ','
elif storage_backend == 'hdf5':
self.pointstore = HDF5PointStore(storage_filename, storage_num_cols, mode='a' if resume else 'w')
# use custom backend
self.pointstore = storage_backend
self.pointstore = NullPointStore(3 + self.x_dim + self.num_params)
self.ncall = self.pointstore.ncalls
self.ncall_region = 0
if not vectorized:
if transform is not None:
transform = vectorize(transform)
loglike = vectorize(loglike)
draw_multiple = False
self.draw_multiple = draw_multiple
self.ndraw_min = ndraw_min
self.ndraw_max = ndraw_max
self.build_tregion = transform is not None
if not self._check_likelihood_function(transform, loglike, num_test_samples):
assert self.log_to_disk
if resume_similar and self.log_to_disk:
assert storage_backend == 'hdf5', 'resume-similar is only supported for HDF5 files'
assert 0 <= warmstart_max_tau <= 1, 'warmstart_max_tau parameter needs to be set to a value between 0 and 1'
# close
del self.pointstore
# rewrite points file
if self.log:
self.logger.info('trying to salvage points from previous, different run ...')
log_dir, x_dim, loglike, transform,
ndraw=ndraw_min if vectorized else 1,
max_tau=warmstart_max_tau, verbose=False)
self.pointstore = HDF5PointStore(
os.path.join(self.logs['results'], 'points.hdf5'),
3 + self.x_dim + self.num_params, mode='a' if resume else 'w')
elif resume:
raise Exception("Cannot resume because loglikelihood function changed, "
"unless resume=resume-similar. To start from scratch, delete '%s'." % (log_dir))
self._set_likelihood_function(transform, loglike, num_test_samples)
self.stepsampler = None
def _setup_distributed_seeds(self):
if not self.use_mpi:
seed = 0
if self.mpi_rank == 0:
seed = np.random.randint(0, 1000000)
seed = self.comm.bcast(seed, root=0)
if self.mpi_rank > 0:
# from http://arxiv.org/abs/1005.4117
seed = int(abs(((seed * 181) * ((self.mpi_rank - 83) * 359)) % 104729))
# print('setting seed:', self.mpi_rank, seed)
def _check_likelihood_function(self, transform, loglike, num_test_samples):
"""Test the `transform` and `loglike`lihood functions.
`num_test_samples` samples are used to check whether they work and give the correct output.
returns whether the most recently stored point (if any)
still returns the same likelihood value.
# do some checks on the likelihood function
# this makes debugging easier by failing early with meaningful errors
# if we are resuming, check that last sample still gives same result
num_resume_test_samples = 0
if num_test_samples and not self.pointstore.stack_empty:
num_resume_test_samples = 1
num_test_samples -= 1
if num_test_samples > 0:
# test with num_test_samples random points
u = np.random.uniform(size=(num_test_samples, self.x_dim))
p = transform(u) if transform is not None else u
assert np.shape(p) == (num_test_samples, self.num_params), (
"Error in transform function: returned shape is %s, expected %s" % (
np.shape(p), (num_test_samples, self.num_params)))
logl = loglike(p)
assert np.logical_and(u > 0, u < 1).all(), (
"Error in transform function: u was modified!")
assert np.shape(logl) == (num_test_samples,), (
"Error in loglikelihood function: returned shape is %s, expected %s" % (np.shape(logl), (num_test_samples,)))
assert np.isfinite(logl).all(), (
"Error in loglikelihood function: returned non-finite number: %s for input u=%s p=%s" % (logl, u, p))
if not self.pointstore.stack_empty and num_resume_test_samples > 0:
# test that last sample gives the same likelihood value
_, lastrow = self.pointstore.stack[-1]
assert len(lastrow) == 3 + self.x_dim + self.num_params, (
"Cannot resume: problem has different dimensionality",
len(lastrow), (2, self.x_dim, self.num_params))
lastL = lastrow[1]
lastu = lastrow[3:3 + self.x_dim]
u = lastu.reshape((1, -1))
lastp = lastrow[3 + self.x_dim:3 + self.x_dim + self.num_params]
if self.log:
self.logger.debug("Testing resume consistency: %s: u=%s -> p=%s -> L=%s ", lastrow, lastu, lastp, lastL)
p = transform(u) if transform is not None else u
if not np.allclose(p.flatten(), lastp) and self.log:
"Trying to resume from previous run, but transform function gives different result: %s gave %s, now %s",
lastu, lastp, p.flatten())
assert np.allclose(p.flatten(), lastp), (
"Cannot resume because transform function changed. "
"To start from scratch, delete '%s'." % (self.logs['run_dir']))
logl = loglike(p).flatten()[0]
if not np.isclose(logl, lastL) and self.log:
"Trying to resume from previous run, but likelihood function gives different result: %s gave %s, now %s",
lastu.flatten(), lastL, logl)
return np.isclose(logl, lastL)
return True
def _set_likelihood_function(self, transform, loglike, num_test_samples, make_safe=False):
"""Store the transform and log-likelihood functions.
if make_safe is set, make functions safer by accepting misformed
return shapes and non-finite likelihood values.
def safe_loglike(x):
"""Safe wrapper of likelihood function."""
x = np.asarray(x)
if len(x.shape) == 1:
assert x.shape[0] == self.x_dim
x = np.expand_dims(x, 0)
logl = loglike(x)
if len(logl.shape) == 0:
logl = np.expand_dims(logl, 0)
logl[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(logl))] = -1e100
return logl
if make_safe:
self.loglike = safe_loglike
self.loglike = loglike
if transform is None:
self.transform = lambda x: x
elif make_safe:
def safe_transform(x):
"""Safe wrapper of transform function."""
x = np.asarray(x)
if len(x.shape) == 1:
assert x.shape[0] == self.x_dim
x = np.expand_dims(x, 0)
return transform(x)
self.transform = safe_transform
self.transform = transform
lims = np.ones((2, self.x_dim))
lims[0,:] = 1e-6
lims[1,:] = 1 - 1e-6
self.transform_limits = self.transform(lims).transpose()
self.volfactor = vol_prefactor(self.x_dim)
def _widen_nodes(self, weighted_parents, weights, nnodes_needed, update_interval_ncall):
"""Ensure that at parents have `nnodes_needed` live points (parallel arcs).
If not, fill up by sampling.
ndone = len(weighted_parents)
if ndone == 0:
if self.log:
self.logger.info('No parents, so widening roots')
return {}
# select parents with weight 1/parent_weights
p = 1. / np.array(weights)
if (p == p[0]).all():
parents = weighted_parents
# preferentially select nodes with few parents, as those
# have most weight
i = np.random.choice(len(weighted_parents), size=nnodes_needed, p=p / p.sum())
if self.use_mpi:
i = self.comm.bcast(i, root=0)
parents = [weighted_parents[ii] for ii in i]
del weighted_parents, weights
# sort from low to high
Lmin = parents[0].value
if np.isinf(Lmin):
# some of the parents were born by sampling from the entire
# prior volume. So we can efficiently apply a solution:
# expand the roots
if self.log:
self.logger.info('parent value is -inf, so widening roots')
return {}
# double until we reach the necessary points
# this is probably 1, from (2K - K) / K
nsamples = int(np.ceil((nnodes_needed - ndone) / len(parents)))
if self.log:
self.logger.info('Will add %d live points (x%d) at L=%.1g ...', nnodes_needed - ndone, nsamples, Lmin)
# add points where necessary (parents can have multiple entries)
target_min_num_children = {}
for n in parents:
orign = target_min_num_children.get(n.id, len(n.children))
target_min_num_children[n.id] = orign + nsamples
return target_min_num_children
def _widen_roots_beyond_initial_plateau(self, nroots, num_warn, num_stop):
"""Widen roots, but populate ahead of initial plateau.
calls _widen_roots, and if there are several points with the same
value equal to the lowest loglikelihood, widens some more until
there are `nroots`-1 that are different to the lowest
loglikelihood value.
nroots: int
Number of root live points, after the plateau is traversed.
num_warn: int
Warn if the number of root live points reached this.
num_stop: int
Do not increasing the number of root live points beyond this limit.
nroots_needed = nroots
user_has_been_warned = False
while True:
Ls = np.array([node.value for node in self.root.children])
Lmin = np.min(Ls)
if self.log and nroots_needed > num_warn and not user_has_been_warned:
self.logger.warning("""Warning: The log-likelihood has a large plateau with L=%g.
Probably you are returning a low value when the parameters are problematic/unphysical.
ultranest can handle this correctly, by discarding live points with the same loglikelihood.
(arxiv:2005.08602 arxiv:2010.13884). To mitigate running out of live points,
the initial number of live points is increased. But now this has reached over %d points.
You can avoid this making the loglikelihood increase towards where the good region is.
For example, let's say you have two parameters where the sum must be below 1. Replace this:
if params[0] + params[1] > 1:
return -1e300
if params[0] + params[1] > 1:
return -1e300 * (params[0] + params[1])
The current strategy will continue until %d live points are reached.
It is safe to ignore this warning.""", Lmin, num_warn, num_stop)
user_has_been_warned = True
if nroots_needed >= num_stop:
P = (Ls == Lmin).sum()
if 1 < P < len(Ls) and len(Ls) - P + 1 < nroots:
# guess the number of points needed: P-1 are useless
if self.log:
'Found plateau of %d/%d initial points at L=%g. '
'Avoid this by a continuously increasing loglikelihood towards good regions.',
P, nroots_needed, Lmin)
nroots_needed = min(num_stop, nroots_needed + (P - 1))
def _widen_roots(self, nroots):
"""Ensure root has `nroots` children.
Sample from prior to fill up (if needed).
nroots: int
Number of root live points, after the plateau is traversed.
if self.log and len(self.root.children) > 0:
self.logger.info('Widening roots to %d live points (have %d already) ...', nroots, len(self.root.children))
nnewroots = nroots - len(self.root.children)
if nnewroots <= 0:
# nothing to do
prev_u = []
prev_v = []
prev_logl = []
prev_rowid = []
if self.log and self.use_point_stack:
# try to resume:
# self.logger.info('Resuming...')
for _i in range(nnewroots):
rowid, row = self.pointstore.pop(-np.inf)
if row is None:
prev_u.append(row[3:3 + self.x_dim])
prev_v.append(row[3 + self.x_dim:3 + self.x_dim + self.num_params])
if self.log:
prev_u = np.array(prev_u)
prev_v = np.array(prev_v)
prev_logl = np.array(prev_logl)
num_live_points_missing = nnewroots - len(prev_logl)
num_live_points_missing = -1
if self.use_mpi:
num_live_points_missing = self.comm.bcast(num_live_points_missing, root=0)
prev_u = self.comm.bcast(prev_u, root=0)
prev_v = self.comm.bcast(prev_v, root=0)
prev_logl = self.comm.bcast(prev_logl, root=0)
assert num_live_points_missing >= 0
if self.log and num_live_points_missing > 0:
self.logger.info('Sampling %d live points from prior ...', num_live_points_missing)
if num_live_points_missing > 0:
num_live_points_todo = distributed_work_chunk_size(num_live_points_missing, self.mpi_rank, self.mpi_size)
self.ncall += num_live_points_missing
if num_live_points_todo > 0:
active_u = np.random.uniform(size=(num_live_points_todo, self.x_dim))
active_v = self.transform(active_u)
active_logl = self.loglike(active_v)
active_u = np.empty((0, self.x_dim))
active_v = np.empty((0, self.num_params))
active_logl = np.empty((0,))
if self.use_mpi:
recv_samples = self.comm.gather(active_u, root=0)
recv_samplesv = self.comm.gather(active_v, root=0)
recv_likes = self.comm.gather(active_logl, root=0)
recv_samples = self.comm.bcast(recv_samples, root=0)
recv_samplesv = self.comm.bcast(recv_samplesv, root=0)
recv_likes = self.comm.bcast(recv_likes, root=0)
active_u = np.concatenate(recv_samples, axis=0)
active_v = np.concatenate(recv_samplesv, axis=0)
active_logl = np.concatenate(recv_likes, axis=0)
assert active_logl.shape == (num_live_points_missing,), (active_logl.shape, num_live_points_missing)
if self.log_to_pointstore:
for i in range(num_live_points_missing):
rowid = self.pointstore.add(_listify(
[-np.inf, active_logl[i], 0.0],
active_v[i,:]), 1)
if len(prev_u) > 0:
active_u = np.concatenate((prev_u, active_u))
active_v = np.concatenate((prev_v, active_v))
active_logl = np.concatenate((prev_logl, active_logl))
assert active_u.shape == (nnewroots, self.x_dim), (active_u.shape, nnewroots, self.x_dim, num_live_points_missing, len(prev_u))
assert active_v.shape == (nnewroots, self.num_params), (active_v.shape, nnewroots, self.num_params, num_live_points_missing, len(prev_u))
assert active_logl.shape == (nnewroots,), (active_logl.shape, nnewroots)
active_u = prev_u
active_v = prev_v
active_logl = prev_logl
roots = [self.pointpile.make_node(logl, u, p) for u, p, logl in zip(active_u, active_v, active_logl)]
if len(active_u) > 4:
self.build_tregion = not is_affine_transform(active_u, active_v)
self.root.children += roots
def _adaptive_strategy_advice(self, Lmin, parallel_values, main_iterator, minimal_widths, frac_remain, Lepsilon):
"""Check if integration is done.
Returns range where more sampling is needed
Llo: float
lower log-likelihood bound, nan if done
Lhi: float
lower log-likelihood bound, nan if done
Lmin: float
current loglikelihood threshold
parallel_values: array of floats
loglikelihoods of live points
main_iterator: BreadthFirstIterator
current tree exploration iterator
minimal_widths: list
current width required
frac_remain: float
maximum fraction of integral in remainder for termination
Lepsilon: float
loglikelihood accuracy threshold
Ls = parallel_values.copy()
# Ls = [node.value] + [n.value for rootid2, n in parallel_nodes]
Lmax = Ls[-1]
Lmin = Ls[0]
# all points the same, stop
if Lmax - Lmin < Lepsilon:
return np.nan, np.nan
# max remainder contribution is Lmax + weight, to be added to main_iterator.logZ
# the likelihood that would add an equal amount as main_iterator.logZ is:
logZmax = main_iterator.logZremain
Lnext = logZmax - (main_iterator.logVolremaining + log(frac_remain)) - log(len(Ls))
L1 = Ls[1] if len(Ls) > 1 else Ls[0]
Lmax1 = np.median(Ls)
Lnext = max(min(Lnext, Lmax1), L1)
# if the remainder dominates, return that range
if main_iterator.logZremain > main_iterator.logZ:
return Lmin, Lnext
if main_iterator.remainder_fraction > frac_remain:
return Lmin, Lnext
return np.nan, np.nan
def _find_strategy(self, saved_logl, main_iterator, dlogz, dKL, min_ess):
"""Ask each strategy which log-likelihood interval needs more exploration.
(Llo_Z, Lhi_Z): floats
interval where dlogz strategy requires more samples.
(Llo_KL, Lhi_KL): floats
interval where posterior uncertainty strategy requires more samples.
(Llo_ess, Lhi_ess): floats
interval where effective sample strategy requires more samples.
saved_logl: array of float
loglikelihood values in integration
main_iterator: BreadthFirstIterator
current tree exploration iterator
dlogz: float
required logZ accuracy (smaller is stricter)
dKL: float
required Kulback-Leibler information gain between bootstrapped
nested sampling incarnations (smaller is stricter).
min_ess: float
required number of effective samples (higher is stricter).
saved_logl = np.asarray(saved_logl)
logw = np.asarray(main_iterator.logweights) + saved_logl.reshape((-1,1)) - main_iterator.all_logZ
ref_logw = logw[:,0].reshape((-1,1))
other_logw = logw[:,1:]
Llo_ess = np.inf
Lhi_ess = -np.inf
w = exp(ref_logw.flatten())
w /= w.sum()
ess = len(w) / (1.0 + ((len(w) * w - 1)**2).sum() / len(w))
if ess < min_ess:
samples = np.random.choice(len(w), p=w, size=min_ess)
Llo_ess = saved_logl[samples].min()
Lhi_ess = saved_logl[samples].max()
if self.log and Lhi_ess > Llo_ess:
self.logger.info("Effective samples strategy wants to improve: %.2f..%.2f (ESS = %.1f, need >%d)",
Llo_ess, Lhi_ess, ess, min_ess)
elif self.log and min_ess > 0:
self.logger.info("Effective samples strategy satisfied (ESS = %.1f, need >%d)",
ess, min_ess)
# compute KL divergence
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
KL = np.where(np.isfinite(other_logw), exp(other_logw) * (other_logw - ref_logw), 0)
KLtot = KL.sum(axis=0)
dKLtot = np.abs(KLtot - KLtot.mean())
p = np.where(KL > 0, KL, 0)
p /= p.sum(axis=0).reshape((1, -1))
Llo_KL = np.inf
Lhi_KL = -np.inf
for pi, dKLi, logwi in zip(p.transpose(), dKLtot, other_logw):
if dKLi > dKL:
ilo, ihi = _get_cumsum_range(pi, 1. / 400)
# ilo and ihi are most likely missing in this iterator
# --> select the one before/after in this iterator
ilos = np.where(np.isfinite(logwi[:ilo]))[0]
ihis = np.where(np.isfinite(logwi[ihi:]))[0]
ilo2 = ilos[-1] if len(ilos) > 0 else 0
ihi2 = (ihi + ihis[0]) if len(ihis) > 0 else -1
# self.logger.info(' - KL[%d] = %.2f: need to improve near %.2f..%.2f --> %.2f..%.2f' % (
# i, dKLi, saved_logl[ilo], saved_logl[ihi], saved_logl[ilo2], saved_logl[ihi2]))
Llo_KL = min(Llo_KL, saved_logl[ilo2])
Lhi_KL = max(Lhi_KL, saved_logl[ihi2])
if self.log and Lhi_KL > Llo_KL:
self.logger.info("Posterior uncertainty strategy wants to improve: %.2f..%.2f (KL: %.2f+-%.2f nat, need <%.2f nat)",
Llo_KL, Lhi_KL, KLtot.mean(), dKLtot.max(), dKL)
elif self.log:
self.logger.info("Posterior uncertainty strategy is satisfied (KL: %.2f+-%.2f nat, need <%.2f nat)",
KLtot.mean(), dKLtot.max(), dKL)
Nlive_min = 0
p = exp(logw)
p /= p.sum(axis=0).reshape((1, -1))
deltalogZ = np.abs(main_iterator.all_logZ[1:] - main_iterator.logZ)
tail_fraction = w[np.asarray(main_iterator.istail)].sum() / w.sum()
logzerr_tail = logaddexp(log(tail_fraction) + main_iterator.logZ, main_iterator.logZ) - main_iterator.logZ
maxlogzerr = max(main_iterator.logZerr, deltalogZ.max(), main_iterator.logZerr_bs)
if maxlogzerr > dlogz:
if self.log and logzerr_tail > maxlogzerr:
self.logger.info("logz error is dominated by tail. Decrease frac_remain to make progress.")
# very convervative estimation using all iterations
# this punishes short intervals with many live points
niter_max = len(saved_logl)
Nlive_min = int(np.ceil(niter_max**0.5 / dlogz))
if self.log:
self.logger.debug(" conservative estimate says at least %d live points are needed to reach dlogz goal", Nlive_min)
# better estimation:
# get only until where logz bulk is (random sample here)
itmax = np.random.choice(len(w), p=w)
# back out nlive sequence (width changed by (1 - exp(-1/N))*(exp(-1/N)) )
logweights = np.array(main_iterator.logweights[:itmax])
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
widthratio = 1 - np.exp(logweights[1:,0] - logweights[:-1,0])
nlive = 1. / np.log((1 - np.sqrt(1 - 4 * widthratio)) / (2 * widthratio))
nlive[~np.logical_and(np.isfinite(nlive), nlive > 1)] = 1
# build iteration groups
nlive_sets, niter = np.unique(nlive.astype(int), return_counts=True)
if self.log:
" number of live points vary between %.0f and %.0f, most (%d/%d iterations) have %d",
nlive.min(), nlive.max(), niter.max(), itmax, nlive_sets[niter.argmax()])
for nlive_floor in nlive_sets:
# estimate error if this was the minimum nlive applied
nlive_adjusted = np.where(nlive_sets < nlive_floor, nlive_floor, nlive_sets)
deltalogZ_expected = (niter / nlive_adjusted**2.0).sum()**0.5
if deltalogZ_expected < dlogz:
# achievable with Nlive_min
Nlive_min = int(nlive_floor)
if self.log:
self.logger.debug(" at least %d live points are needed to reach dlogz goal", Nlive_min)
if self.log and Nlive_min > 0:
"Evidency uncertainty strategy wants %d minimum live points (dlogz from %.2f to %.2f, need <%s)",
Nlive_min, deltalogZ.mean(), deltalogZ.max(), dlogz)
elif self.log:
"Evidency uncertainty strategy is satisfied (dlogz=%.2f, need <%s)",
(main_iterator.logZerr_bs**2 + logzerr_tail**2)**0.5, dlogz)
if self.log:
' logZ error budget: single: %.2f bs:%.2f tail:%.2f total:%.2f required:<%.2f',
main_iterator.logZerr, main_iterator.logZerr_bs, logzerr_tail,
(main_iterator.logZerr_bs**2 + logzerr_tail**2)**0.5, dlogz)
return Nlive_min, (Llo_KL, Lhi_KL), (Llo_ess, Lhi_ess)
def _refill_samples(self, Lmin, ndraw, nit):
"""Get new samples from region."""
nc = 0
u = self.region.sample(nsamples=ndraw)
assert np.logical_and(u > 0, u < 1).all(), (u)
nu = u.shape[0]
if nu == 0:
v = np.empty((0, self.num_params))
logl = np.empty((0,))
accepted = np.empty(0, dtype=bool)
if nu > 1 and not self.draw_multiple:
# peel off first if multiple evaluation is not supported
nu = 1
u = u[:1,:]
v = self.transform(u)
logl = np.ones(nu) * -np.inf
if self.tregion is not None:
# check wrapping ellipsoid in transformed space
accepted = self.tregion.inside(v)
nt = accepted.sum()
# if undefined, all pass; rarer branch
accepted = np.ones(nu, dtype=bool)
nt = nu
if nt > 0:
logl[accepted] = self.loglike(v[accepted, :])
nc += nt
accepted = logl > Lmin
# print("it: %4d ndraw: %d -> %d -> %d -> %d " % (nit, ndraw, nu, nt, accepted.sum()))
if not self.sampling_slow_warned and nit * ndraw >= 100000 and nit > 20:
warning_message1 = ("Sampling from region seems inefficient (%d/%d accepted in iteration %d). " % (accepted.sum(), ndraw, nit))
warning_message2 = "To improve efficiency, modify the transformation so that the current live points%s are ellipsoidal, " + \
"or use a stepsampler, or set frac_remain to a lower number (e.g., 0.5) to terminate earlier."
if self.log_to_disk:
debug_filename = os.path.join(self.logs['extra'], 'sampling-stuck-it%d')
debug_filename + '.npz',
u=self.region.u, unormed=self.region.unormed,
sample_u=u, sample_v=v, sample_logl=logl)
np.savetxt(debug_filename + '.csv', self.region.u, delimiter=',')
warning_message = warning_message1 + (warning_message2 % (' (stored for you in %s.csv)' % debug_filename))
warning_message = warning_message1 + warning_message2 % ''
warnings.warn(warning_message, stacklevel=2)
logl_region = self.loglike(self.transform(self.region.u))
if (logl_region == Lmin).all():
raise ValueError(
"Region cannot sample a higher point. "
"All remaining live points have the same value.")
if not (logl_region > Lmin).any():
raise ValueError(
"Region cannot sample a higher point. "
"Perhaps you are resuming from a different problem?"
"Delete the output files and start again.")
self.sampling_slow_warned = True
self.ncall_region += ndraw
return u[accepted,:], v[accepted,:], logl[accepted], nc, 0
def _create_point(self, Lmin, ndraw, active_u, active_values):
"""Draw a new point above likelihood threshold `Lmin`.
Lmin: float
loglikelihood threshold to draw above
ndraw: float
number of points to try to sample at once
active_u: array of floats
current live points
active_values: array
loglikelihoods of current live points
if self.stepsampler is None:
assert self.region.inside(active_u).any(), \
("None of the live points satisfies the current region!",
self.region.maxradiussq, self.region.u, self.region.unormed, active_u,
nit = 0
while True:
ib = self.ib
if ib >= len(self.samples) and self.use_point_stack:
# root checks the point store
next_point = np.zeros((1, 3 + self.x_dim + self.num_params)) * np.nan
if self.log_to_pointstore:
_, stored_point = self.pointstore.pop(Lmin)
if stored_point is not None:
next_point[0,:] = stored_point
next_point[0,:] = -np.inf
self.use_point_stack = not self.pointstore.stack_empty
if self.use_mpi: # and informs everyone
self.use_point_stack = self.comm.bcast(self.use_point_stack, root=0)
next_point = self.comm.bcast(next_point, root=0)
# unpack
self.likes = next_point[:,1]
self.samples = next_point[:,3:3 + self.x_dim]
self.samplesv = next_point[:,3 + self.x_dim:3 + self.x_dim + self.num_params]
# skip if we already know it is not useful
ib = 0 if np.isfinite(self.likes[0]) else 1
use_stepsampler = self.stepsampler is not None
while ib >= len(self.samples):
ib = 0
if use_stepsampler:
u, v, logl, nc = self.stepsampler.__next__(
transform=self.transform, loglike=self.loglike,
Lmin=Lmin, us=active_u, Ls=active_values,
ndraw=ndraw, tregion=self.tregion)
quality = self.stepsampler.nsteps
u, v, logl, nc, quality = self._refill_samples(Lmin, ndraw, nit)
nit += 1
if logl is None:
u = np.empty((0, self.x_dim))
v = np.empty((0, self.num_params))
logl = np.empty((0,))
elif u.ndim == 1:
assert np.logical_and(u > 0, u < 1).all(), (u)
u = u.reshape((1, self.x_dim))
v = v.reshape((1, self.num_params))
logl = logl.reshape((1,))
if self.use_mpi:
recv_samples = self.comm.gather(u, root=0)
recv_samplesv = self.comm.gather(v, root=0)
recv_likes = self.comm.gather(logl, root=0)
recv_nc = self.comm.gather(nc, root=0)
recv_samples = self.comm.bcast(recv_samples, root=0)
recv_samplesv = self.comm.bcast(recv_samplesv, root=0)
recv_likes = self.comm.bcast(recv_likes, root=0)
recv_nc = self.comm.bcast(recv_nc, root=0)
self.samples = np.concatenate(recv_samples, axis=0)
self.samplesv = np.concatenate(recv_samplesv, axis=0)
self.likes = np.concatenate(recv_likes, axis=0)
self.ncall += sum(recv_nc)
self.samples = u
self.samplesv = v
self.likes = logl
self.ncall += nc
if self.log:
for ui, vi, logli in zip(self.samples, self.samplesv, self.likes):
_listify([Lmin, logli, quality], ui, vi),
if self.likes[ib] > Lmin:
u = self.samples[ib, :]
assert np.logical_and(u > 0, u < 1).all(), (u)
p = self.samplesv[ib, :]
logl = self.likes[ib]
self.ib = ib + 1
return u, p, logl
self.ib = ib + 1
def _update_region(
self, active_u, active_node_ids,
bootstrap_rootids=None, active_rootids=None,
nbootstraps=30, minvol=0., active_p=None
"""Build a new MLFriends region from `active_u`, and wrapping ellipsoid.
Both are safely built using bootstrapping, so that the
region can be used for sampling and rejecting points.
If MPI is enabled, this computation is parallelised.
If active_p is not None, a wrapping ellipsoid is built also
in the user-transformed parameter space.
active_u: array of floats
current live points
active_node_ids: 2d array of ints
which bootstrap initialisation the points belong to.
active_rootids: 2d array of ints
roots active in each bootstrap initialisation
bootstrap_rootids: array of ints
bootstrap samples. if None, they are drawn fresh.
nbootstraps: int
number of bootstrap rounds
active_p: array of floats
current live points, in user-transformed space
minvol: float
expected current minimum volume of region.
updated: bool
True if update was made, False if previous region remained.
assert nbootstraps > 0
updated = False
if self.region is None:
# if self.log:
# self.logger.debug("building first region ...")
self.transformLayer = self.transform_layer_class(wrapped_dims=self.wrapped_axes)
self.transformLayer.optimize(active_u, active_u, minvol=minvol)
self.region = self.region_class(active_u, self.transformLayer)
self.region_nodes = active_node_ids.copy()
assert self.region.maxradiussq is None
_update_region_bootstrap(self.region, nbootstraps, minvol, self.comm if self.use_mpi else None, self.mpi_size)
# if self.log:
# self.logger.debug("building first region ... r=%e, f=%e" % (r, f))
updated = True
# verify correctness:
# self.region.create_ellipsoid(minvol=minvol)
# assert self.region.inside(active_u).all(), self.region.inside(active_u).mean()
assert self.transformLayer is not None
need_accept = False
if self.region.maxradiussq is None:
# we have been told that radius is currently invalid
# we need to bootstrap back to a valid state
# compute radius given current transformLayer
oldu = self.region.u
self.region.u = active_u
self.region_nodes = active_node_ids.copy()
_update_region_bootstrap(self.region, nbootstraps, minvol, self.comm if self.use_mpi else None, self.mpi_size)
# print("made first region, r=%e" % (r))
# now that we have r, can do clustering
# but such reclustering would forget the cluster ids
# instead, track the clusters from before by matching manually
oldt = self.transformLayer.transform(oldu)
clusterids = np.zeros(len(active_u), dtype=int_t)
nnearby = np.empty(len(self.region.unormed), dtype=int_t)
for ci in np.unique(self.transformLayer.clusterids):
if ci == 0:
# find points from that cluster
oldti = oldt[self.transformLayer.clusterids == ci]
# identify which new points are near this cluster
find_nearby(oldti, self.region.unormed, self.region.maxradiussq, nnearby)
mask = nnearby != 0
# assign the nearby ones to this cluster
# if they have not been set yet
# if they have, set them to -1
clusterids[mask] = np.where(clusterids[mask] == 0, ci, -1)
# clusters we are unsure about (double assignments) go unassigned
clusterids[clusterids == -1] = 0
# tell scaling layer the correct cluster information
self.transformLayer.clusterids = clusterids
# we want the clustering to repeat to remove remaining zeros
need_accept = (self.transformLayer.clusterids == 0).any()
updated = True
assert len(self.region.u) == len(self.transformLayer.clusterids)
# verify correctness:
# assert self.region.inside(active_u).all(), self.region.inside(active_u).mean()
assert len(self.region.u) == len(self.transformLayer.clusterids)
# rebuild space
with warnings.catch_warnings(), np.errstate(all='raise'):
nextTransformLayer = self.transformLayer.create_new(active_u, self.region.maxradiussq, minvol=minvol)
assert not (nextTransformLayer.clusterids == 0).any()
_, cluster_sizes = np.unique(nextTransformLayer.clusterids, return_counts=True)
smallest_cluster = cluster_sizes.min()
if self.log and smallest_cluster == 1:
"clustering found some stray points [need_accept=%s] %s",
np.unique(nextTransformLayer.clusterids, return_counts=True)
nextregion = self.region_class(active_u, nextTransformLayer)
assert np.isfinite(nextregion.unormed).all()
if self.log and not nextTransformLayer.nclusters < 20:
"Found a lot of clusters: %d (%d with >1 members)",
nextTransformLayer.nclusters, (cluster_sizes > 1).sum())
# if self.log:
# self.logger.info("computing maxradius...")
r, f = _update_region_bootstrap(nextregion, nbootstraps, minvol, self.comm if self.use_mpi else None, self.mpi_size)
# verify correctness:
# check if live points are numerically colliding or linearly dependent
self.live_points_healthy = len(active_u) > self.x_dim and \
np.all(np.sum(active_u[1:] != active_u[0], axis=0) > self.x_dim) and \
np.linalg.matrix_rank(nextregion.ellipsoid_cov) == self.x_dim
assert (nextregion.u == active_u).all()
assert np.allclose(nextregion.unormed, nextregion.transformLayer.transform(active_u))
# assert nextregion.inside(active_u).all(),
# ("live points should live in new region, but only %.3f%% do." % (100 * nextregion.inside(active_u).mean()), active_u)
good_region = nextregion.inside(active_u).all()
# assert good_region
if not good_region and self.log:
self.logger.debug("Proposed region is inconsistent (maxr=%g,enlarge=%g) and will be skipped.", r, f)
# avoid cases where every point is its own cluster,
# and even the largest cluster has fewer than x_dim points
sensible_clustering = nextTransformLayer.nclusters < len(nextregion.u) \
and cluster_sizes.max() >= nextregion.u.shape[1]
# force shrinkage of volume. avoids reconnecting dying modes
if good_region and \
(need_accept or nextregion.estimate_volume() <= self.region.estimate_volume()) \
and sensible_clustering:
self.region = nextregion
self.transformLayer = self.region.transformLayer
self.region_nodes = active_node_ids.copy()
updated = True
assert not (self.transformLayer.clusterids == 0).any(), (self.transformLayer.clusterids, need_accept, updated)
except Warning:
if self.log:
self.logger.debug("not updating region", exc_info=True)
except FloatingPointError:
if self.log:
self.logger.debug("not updating region", exc_info=True)
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
if self.log:
self.logger.debug("not updating region", exc_info=True)
assert len(self.region.u) == len(self.transformLayer.clusterids)
if active_p is None or not self.build_tregion:
self.tregion = None
with np.errstate(invalid='raise'):
tregion = WrappingEllipsoid(active_p)
f = tregion.compute_enlargement(
nbootstraps=max(1, nbootstraps // self.mpi_size))
if self.use_mpi:
recv_enlarge = self.comm.gather(f, root=0)
recv_enlarge = self.comm.bcast(recv_enlarge, root=0)
f = np.max(recv_enlarge)
tregion.enlarge = f
self.tregion = tregion
except FloatingPointError:
if self.log:
self.logger.debug("not updating t-ellipsoid", exc_info=True)
self.tregion = None
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
if self.log:
self.logger.debug("not updating t-ellipsoid", exc_info=True)
self.tregion = None
return updated
def _expand_nodes_before(self, Lmin, nnodes_needed, update_interval_ncall):
"""Expand nodes before `Lmin` to have `nnodes_needed`.
Llo: float
lowest parent sampled (-np.inf if sampling from root)
Lhi: float
target_min_num_children: int
number of children that need to be maintained between Llo, Lhi
parents, weights = find_nodes_before(self.root, Lmin)
target_min_num_children = self._widen_nodes(parents, weights, nnodes_needed, update_interval_ncall)
if len(parents) == 0:
Llo = -np.inf
Llo = min(n.value for n in parents)
Lhi = Lmin
return Llo, Lhi, target_min_num_children
def _should_node_be_expanded(
self, it, Llo, Lhi, minimal_widths_sequence, target_min_num_children,
node, parallel_values, max_ncalls, max_iters, live_points_healthy
"""Check if node needs new children.
expand_node: bool
True if should sample a new point
based on this node (above its likelihood value Lmin).
it: int
current iteration
Llo: float
lower loglikelihood bound for the strategy
Lhi: float
upper loglikelihood bound for the strategy
minimal_widths_sequence: list
list of likelihood intervals with minimum number of live points
target_min_num_children: int
minimum number of live points currently targeted
node: node
The node to consider
parallel_values: array of floats
loglikelihoods of live points
max_ncalls: int
maximum number of likelihood function calls allowed
max_iters: int
maximum number of nested sampling iteration allowed
live_points_healthy: bool
indicates whether the live points have become
linearly dependent (covariance not full rank)
or have attained the same exact value in some parameter.
Lmin = node.value
nlive = len(parallel_values)
if not (Lmin <= Lhi and Llo <= Lhi):
return False
if not live_points_healthy:
if self.log:
self.logger.debug("not expanding, because live points are linearly dependent")
return False
# some reasons to stop:
if it > 0:
if max_ncalls is not None and self.ncall >= max_ncalls:
# print("not expanding, because above max_ncall")
return False
if max_iters is not None and it >= max_iters:
# print("not expanding, because above max_iters")
return False
# in a plateau, only shrink (Fowlie+2020)
if (Lmin == parallel_values).sum() > 1:
if self.log:
self.logger.debug("Plateau detected at L=%e, not replacing live point." % Lmin)
return False
expand_node = False
# we should continue to progress towards Lhi
while Lmin > minimal_widths_sequence[0][0]:
# get currently desired width
if self.region is None:
minimal_width_clusters = 0
# compute number of clusters with more than 1 element
_, cluster_sizes = np.unique(self.region.transformLayer.clusterids, return_counts=True)
nclusters = (cluster_sizes > 1).sum()
minimal_width_clusters = self.cluster_num_live_points * nclusters
minimal_width = max(minimal_widths_sequence[0][1], minimal_width_clusters)
# if already has children, no need to expand
# if we are wider than the width required
# we do not need to expand this one
# expand_node = len(node.children) == 0
# prefer 1 child, or the number required, if specified
nmin = target_min_num_children.get(node.id, 1) if target_min_num_children else 1
expand_node = len(node.children) < nmin
# print("not expanding, because we are quite wide", nlive, minimal_width, minimal_widths_sequence)
# but we have to expand the first iteration,
# otherwise the integrator never sets H
too_wide = nlive > minimal_width and it > 0
return expand_node and not too_wide
def run(
r"""Run until target convergence criteria are fulfilled.
update_interval_volume_fraction: float
Update region when the volume shrunk by this amount.
update_interval_ncall: int
Update region after update_interval_ncall likelihood calls (not used).
log_interval: int
Update stdout status line every log_interval iterations
show_status: bool
show integration progress as a status line.
If no output desired, set to False.
viz_callback: function
callback function when region was rebuilt. Allows to
show current state of the live points.
See :py:func:`nicelogger` or :py:class:`LivePointsWidget`.
If no output desired, set to False.
dlogz: float
Target evidence uncertainty. This is the std
between bootstrapped logz integrators.
dKL: float
Target posterior uncertainty. This is the
Kullback-Leibler divergence in nat between bootstrapped integrators.
frac_remain: float
Integrate until this fraction of the integral is left in the remainder.
Set to a low number (1e-2 ... 1e-5) to make sure peaks are discovered.
Set to a higher number (0.5) if you know the posterior is simple.
Lepsilon: float
Terminate when live point likelihoods are all the same,
within Lepsilon tolerance. Increase this when your likelihood
function is inaccurate, to avoid unnecessary search.
min_ess: int
Target number of effective posterior samples.
max_iters: int
maximum number of integration iterations.
max_ncalls: int
stop after this many likelihood evaluations.
max_num_improvement_loops: int
run() tries to assess iteratively where more samples are needed.
This number limits the number of improvement loops.
min_num_live_points: int
minimum number of live points throughout the run
cluster_num_live_points: int
require at least this many live points per detected cluster
insertion_test_zscore_threshold: float
z-score used as a threshold for the insertion order test.
Set to infinity to disable.
insertion_test_window: int
Number of iterations after which the insertion order test is reset.
region_class: :py:class:`MLFriends` or :py:class:`RobustEllipsoidRegion` or :py:class:`SimpleRegion`
Whether to use MLFriends+ellipsoidal+tellipsoidal region (better for multi-modal problems)
or just ellipsoidal sampling (faster for high-dimensional, gaussian-like problems)
or a axis-aligned ellipsoid (fastest, to be combined with slice sampling).
widen_before_initial_plateau_num_warn: int
If a likelihood plateau is encountered, increase the number
of initial live points so that once the plateau is traversed,
*min_num_live_points* live points remain.
If the number exceeds *widen_before_initial_plateau_num_warn*,
a warning is raised.
widen_before_initial_plateau_num_max: int
If a likelihood plateau is encountered, increase the number
of initial live points so that once the plateau is traversed,
*min_num_live_points* live points remain, but not more than
results (dict): Results dictionary, with the following entries:
- samples (ndarray): re-weighted posterior samples: distributed according
to :math:`p(\theta | d)` - these points are not sorted, and can be assumed
to have been randomly shuffled.
See :py:func:`ultranest.utils.resample_equal` for more details.
- logz (float64): natural logarithm of the evidence
:math:`\log Z = \log \int p(d|\theta) p(\theta) \text{d}\theta`
- logzerr (float64): global estimate of the :math:`1\sigma` error on
:math:`\log Z`
(`can be safely assumed to be Gaussian <https://github.com/JohannesBuchner/UltraNest/issues/63>`_);
obtained as the quadratic sum of ``logz_bs`` and ``logz_tail``.
Users are advised to use ``logz`` :math:`\pm` ``logzerr``
as the best estimate for the evidence and its error.
- niter (int): number of sampler iterations
- ncall (int): total number of likelihood evaluations (accepted and not)
- logz_bs (float64): estimate of :math:`\log Z` from bootstrapping -
for details, see the
`ultranest paper <https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.03001>`_
- logzerr_bs (float64): estimate of the error on the of :math:`\log Z`
from bootstrapping
- logz_single (float64): estimate of :math:`\log Z` from a single sampler
- logzerr_single (float64): estimate of the error :math:`\log Z` from a
single sampler, obtained as :math:`\sqrt{H / n_{\text{live}}}`
- logzerr_tail (float64): contribution of the tail (i.e. the terminal
leaves of the tree) to the error on :math:`\log Z` (?)
- ess (float64): effective sample size, i.e. number of samples divided by
the estimated correlation length, estimated as
:math:`N / (1 + N^{-1} \sum_i (N w_i - 1)^2)` where :math:`w_i` are
the sample weights while :math:`N` is the number of samples
- H (float64): `information gained <https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.00009>`_
- Herr (float64): (Gaussian) :math:`1\sigma` error on :math:`H`
- posterior (dict): summary information on the posterior marginal distributions for each parameter -
a dictionary of lists each with as many items as the fit parameters,
indexed as :math:`\theta_i` in the following:
- mean (list): expectation value of :math:`\theta_i`
- stdev (list): standard deviation of :math:`\theta_i`
- median (list): median of :math:`\theta_i`
- errlo (list): one-sigma lower quantile of the marginal for :math:`\theta_i`, i.e. 15.8655% quantile
- errup (list): one-sigma upper quantile of the marginal for :math:`\theta_i`, i.e. 84.1345% quantile
- information_gain_bits (list): information gain from the marginal prior on :math:`\theta_i` to the posterior
- weighted_samples (dict): weighted samples from the posterior, as computed during sampling,
sorted by their log-likelihood value
- upoints (ndarray): sample locations in the unit cube :math:`[0, 1]^{d}`,
where :math:`d` is the number of parameters - the shape is ``n_iter`` by :math:`d`
- points (ndarray): sample locations in the physical, user-provided space (same shape as ``upoints``)
- weights (ndarray): sample weights - shape ``n_iter``, they sum to 1
- logw (ndarray): logs of the sample weights (?)
- bootstrapped_weights (ndarray): bootstrapped estimate of the sample weights
- logl (ndarray): log-likelihood values at the sample points
- maximum_likelihood (dict): summary information on the maximum likelihood value
:math:`\theta_{ML}` found by the posterior exploration
- logl (float64): value of the log-likelihood at this point: :math:`\log p(d | \theta_{ML})`
- point (list): coordinates of :math:`\theta_{ML}` in the physical space
- point_untransformed (list): coordinates of :math:`\theta_{ML}` in the unit cube :math:`[0, 1]^{d}`
- paramnames (list): input parameter names
- insertion_order_MWW_test (dict): results for the Mann-Whitney U-test;
for more information, see the :py:class:`ultranest.netiter.MultiCounter` class
or `section 4.5.2 of Buchner 2023 <http://arxiv.org/abs/2101.09675>`_
- independent_iterations (float): shortest insertion order test run length
- converged (bool): whether the run is converged according to the MWW test, at the given threshold
for _result in self.run_iter(
dlogz=dlogz, dKL=dKL,
Lepsilon=Lepsilon, frac_remain=frac_remain,
min_ess=min_ess, max_iters=max_iters,
max_ncalls=max_ncalls, max_num_improvement_loops=max_num_improvement_loops,
if self.log:
self.logger.debug("did a run_iter pass!")
if self.log:
self.logger.info("done iterating.")
return self.results
def run_iter(
r"""Iterate towards convergence.
Use as an iterator like so::
for result in sampler.run_iter(...):
print('lnZ = %(logz).2f +- %(logzerr).2f' % result)
Parameters as described in run() method.
results (dict):
Results dictionary computed at the current iteration, with the same
keys as discussed in the :py:meth:`run` method.
# frac_remain=1 means 1:1 -> dlogz=log(0.5)
# frac_remain=0.1 means 1:10 -> dlogz=log(0.1)
# dlogz_min = log(1./(1 + frac_remain))
# dlogz_min = -log1p(frac_remain)
if -np.log1p(frac_remain) > dlogz:
raise ValueError("To achieve the desired logz accuracy, set frac_remain to a value much smaller than %s (currently: %s)" % (
exp(-dlogz) - 1, frac_remain))
# the error is approximately dlogz = sqrt(iterations) / Nlive
# so we need a minimum, which depends on the number of iterations
# fewer than 1000 iterations is quite unlikely
if min_num_live_points < 1000**0.5 / dlogz:
min_num_live_points = int(np.ceil(1000**0.5 / dlogz))
if self.log:
self.logger.info("To achieve the desired logz accuracy, min_num_live_points was increased to %d" % (
if self.log_to_pointstore:
if len(self.pointstore.stack) > 0:
self.logger.info("Resuming from %d stored points", len(self.pointstore.stack))
self.use_point_stack = not self.pointstore.stack_empty
self.use_point_stack = False
assert min_num_live_points >= cluster_num_live_points, \
('min_num_live_points(%d) cannot be less than cluster_num_live_points(%d)' %
(min_num_live_points, cluster_num_live_points))
self.min_num_live_points = min_num_live_points
self.cluster_num_live_points = cluster_num_live_points
self.sampling_slow_warned = False
self.build_tregion = True
self.region_class = region_class
update_interval_volume_log_fraction = log(update_interval_volume_fraction)
if viz_callback == 'auto':
viz_callback = get_default_viz_callback()
widen_before_initial_plateau_num_warn, widen_before_initial_plateau_num_max)
Llo, Lhi = -np.inf, np.inf
Lmax = -np.inf
strategy_stale = True
minimal_widths = []
target_min_num_children = {}
improvement_it = 0
assert max_iters is None or max_iters > 0, ("Invalid value for max_iters: %s. Set to None or positive number" % max_iters)
assert max_ncalls is None or max_ncalls > 0, ("Invalid value for max_ncalls: %s. Set to None or positive number" % max_ncalls)
if self.log:
'run_iter dlogz=%.1f, dKL=%.1f, frac_remain=%.2f, Lepsilon=%.4f, min_ess=%d' % (
dlogz, dKL, frac_remain, Lepsilon, min_ess)
'max_iters=%d, max_ncalls=%d, max_num_improvement_loops=%d, min_num_live_points=%d, cluster_num_live_points=%d' % (
max_iters if max_iters else -1, max_ncalls if max_ncalls else -1,
max_num_improvement_loops, min_num_live_points, cluster_num_live_points)
self.results = None
while True:
roots = self.root.children
nroots = len(roots)
if update_interval_ncall is None:
update_interval_ncall = nroots
if log_interval is None:
log_interval = max(1, round(0.1 * nroots))
log_interval = round(log_interval)
if log_interval < 1:
raise ValueError("log_interval must be >= 1")
explorer = BreadthFirstIterator(roots)
# Integrating thing
main_iterator = MultiCounter(
nbootstraps=max(1, self.num_bootstraps // self.mpi_size),
random=False, check_insertion_order=False)
main_iterator.Lmax = max(Lmax, max(n.value for n in roots))
insertion_test = UniformOrderAccumulator()
insertion_test_runs = []
insertion_test_quality = np.inf
insertion_test_direction = 0
self.transformLayer = None
self.region = None
self.tregion = None
self.live_points_healthy = True
it_at_first_region = 0
self.ib = 0
self.samples = []
if self.draw_multiple:
ndraw = self.ndraw_min
ndraw = 40
if self.log_to_pointstore:
self.use_point_stack = not self.pointstore.stack_empty
self.use_point_stack = False
if self.use_mpi:
self.use_point_stack = self.comm.bcast(self.use_point_stack, root=0)
if self.log and (np.isfinite(Llo) or np.isfinite(Lhi)):
self.logger.info("Exploring (in particular: L=%.2f..%.2f) ...", Llo, Lhi)
region_sequence = []
minimal_widths_sequence = _sequentialize_width_sequence(minimal_widths, self.min_num_live_points)
if self.log:
self.logger.debug('minimal_widths_sequence: %s', minimal_widths_sequence)
saved_nodeids = []
saved_logl = []
it = 0
ncall_at_run_start = self.ncall
ncall_region_at_run_start = self.ncall_region
next_update_interval_volume = 1
last_status = time.time()
# we go through each live point (regardless of root) by likelihood value
while True:
next_node = explorer.next_node()
if next_node is None:
rootid, node, (_, active_rootids, active_values, active_node_ids) = next_node
assert not isinstance(rootid, float)
# this is the likelihood level we have to improve upon
self.Lmin = Lmin = node.value
# if within suggested range, expand
if strategy_stale or not (Lmin <= Lhi) or not np.isfinite(Lhi) or (active_values == Lmin).all():
# check with advisor if we want to expand this node
Llo, Lhi = self._adaptive_strategy_advice(
Lmin, active_values, main_iterator,
minimal_widths, frac_remain, Lepsilon=Lepsilon)
# when we are going to the peak, numerical accuracy
# can become an issue. We should try not to get stuck there
strategy_stale = Lhi - Llo < max(Lepsilon, 0.01)
expand_node = self._should_node_be_expanded(
it, Llo, Lhi, minimal_widths_sequence,
target_min_num_children, node, active_values,
max_ncalls, max_iters, self.live_points_healthy)
region_fresh = False
if expand_node:
# sample a new point above Lmin
active_u = self.pointpile.getu(active_node_ids)
active_p = self.pointpile.getp(active_node_ids)
nlive = len(active_u)
# first we check that the region is up-to-date
if main_iterator.logVolremaining < next_update_interval_volume:
if self.region is None:
it_at_first_region = it
region_fresh = self._update_region(
active_u=active_u, active_p=active_p, active_node_ids=active_node_ids,
if region_fresh and self.stepsampler is not None:
self.stepsampler.region_changed(active_values, self.region)
_, cluster_sizes = np.unique(self.region.transformLayer.clusterids, return_counts=True)
nclusters = (cluster_sizes > 1).sum()
region_sequence.append((Lmin, nlive, nclusters, np.max(active_values)))
# next_update_interval_ncall = self.ncall + (update_interval_ncall or nlive)
next_update_interval_volume = main_iterator.logVolremaining + update_interval_volume_log_fraction
# provide nice output to follow what is going on
# but skip if we are resuming
# and (self.ncall != ncall_at_run_start and it_at_first_region == it)
if self.log and viz_callback:
points=dict(u=active_u, p=active_p, logl=active_values),
it=it, ncall=self.ncall,
paramnames=self.paramnames + self.derivedparamnames,
stepsampler_info=self.stepsampler.get_info_dict() if hasattr(self.stepsampler, 'get_info_dict') else {}
region=self.region, transformLayer=self.transformLayer,
if self.log:
if nlive < cluster_num_live_points * nclusters and improvement_it < max_num_improvement_loops:
# make wider here
if self.log:
"Found %d clusters, but only have %d live points, want %d.",
self.region.transformLayer.nclusters, nlive,
cluster_num_live_points * nclusters)
# sample point
u, p, L = self._create_point(Lmin=Lmin, ndraw=ndraw, active_u=active_u, active_values=active_values)
child = self.pointpile.make_node(L, u, p)
main_iterator.Lmax = max(main_iterator.Lmax, L)
if np.isfinite(insertion_test_zscore_threshold) and nlive > 1:
insertion_test.add((active_values < L).sum(), nlive)
if abs(insertion_test.zscore) > insertion_test_zscore_threshold:
insertion_test_quality = insertion_test.N
insertion_test_direction = np.sign(insertion_test.zscore)
elif insertion_test.N > insertion_test_window:
insertion_test_quality = np.inf
insertion_test_direction = 0
# identify which point is being replaced (from when we built the region)
worst = np.where(self.region_nodes == node.id)[0]
self.region_nodes[worst] = child.id
# if we keep the region informed about the new live points
# then the region follows the live points even if maxradius is not updated
self.region.u[worst] = u
self.region.unormed[worst] = self.region.transformLayer.transform(u)
# move also the ellipsoid
self.region.ellipsoid_center = np.mean(self.region.u, axis=0)
if self.tregion:
self.tregion.update_center(np.mean(active_p, axis=0))
# if we track the cluster assignment, then in the next round
# the ids with the same members are likely to have the same id
# this is imperfect
# transformLayer.clusterids[worst] = transformLayer.clusterids[father[ib]]
# so we just mark the replaced ones as "unassigned"
self.transformLayer.clusterids[worst] = 0
if self.log and (region_fresh or it % log_interval == 0 or time.time() > last_status + 0.1):
last_status = time.time()
# the number of proposals asked from region
ncall_region_here = (self.ncall_region - ncall_region_at_run_start)
# the number of proposals returned by the region
ncall_here = self.ncall - ncall_at_run_start
# the number of likelihood evaluations above threshold
it_here = it - it_at_first_region
if show_status:
if Lmin < -1e8:
txt = 'Z=%.1g(%.2f%%) | Like=%.2g..%.2g [%.4g..%.4g]%s| it/evals=%d/%d eff=%.4f%% N=%d \r'
elif Llo < -1e8:
txt = 'Z=%.1f(%.2f%%) | Like=%.2f..%.2f [%.4g..%.4g]%s| it/evals=%d/%d eff=%.4f%% N=%d \r'
txt = 'Z=%.1f(%.2f%%) | Like=%.2f..%.2f [%.4f..%.4f]%s| it/evals=%d/%d eff=%.4f%% N=%d \r'
sys.stdout.write(txt % (
main_iterator.logZ, 100 * (1 - main_iterator.remainder_fraction),
Lmin, main_iterator.Lmax, Llo, Lhi, '*' if strategy_stale else ' ', it, self.ncall,
np.inf if ncall_here == 0 else it_here * 100 / ncall_here,
self.logger.debug('iteration=%d, ncalls=%d, regioncalls=%d, ndraw=%d, logz=%.2f, remainder_fraction=%.4f%%, Lmin=%.2f, Lmax=%.2f' % (
it, self.ncall, self.ncall_region, ndraw, main_iterator.logZ,
100 * main_iterator.remainder_fraction, Lmin, main_iterator.Lmax))
# if efficiency becomes low, bulk-process larger arrays
if self.draw_multiple:
# inefficiency is the number of (region) proposals per successful number of iterations
# but improves by parallelism (because we need only the per-process inefficiency)
# sampling_inefficiency = (self.ncall - ncall_at_run_start + 1) / (it + 1) / self.mpi_size
sampling_inefficiency = (ncall_region_here + 1) / (it_here + 1) / self.mpi_size
# smooth update:
ndraw_next = 0.04 * sampling_inefficiency + ndraw * 0.96
ndraw = max(self.ndraw_min, min(self.ndraw_max, round(ndraw_next), ndraw * 100))
if sampling_inefficiency > 100000 and it >= it_at_first_region + 10:
# if the efficiency is poor, there are enough samples in each iteration
# to estimate the inefficiency
ncall_at_run_start = self.ncall
it_at_first_region = it
ncall_region_at_run_start = self.ncall_region
# we do not want to count iterations without work
# otherwise efficiency becomes > 1
it_at_first_region += 1
# inform iterators (if it is their business) about the arc
main_iterator.passing_node(rootid, node, active_rootids, active_values)
if len(node.children) == 0 and self.region is not None:
# the region radius needs to increase if nlive decreases
# radius is not reliable, so set to inf
# (heuristics do not work in practice)
self.region.maxradiussq = None
# ask for the region to be rebuilt
next_update_interval_volume = 1
it += 1
explorer.expand_children_of(rootid, node)
if self.log:
self.logger.info("Explored until L=%.1g ", node.value)
# print_tree(roots[::10])
self._update_results(main_iterator, saved_logl, saved_nodeids)
yield self.results
if max_ncalls is not None and self.ncall >= max_ncalls:
if self.log:
'Reached maximum number of likelihood calls (%d > %d)...',
self.ncall, max_ncalls)
improvement_it += 1
if max_num_improvement_loops >= 0 and improvement_it > max_num_improvement_loops:
if self.log:
self.logger.info('Reached maximum number of improvement loops.')
if ncall_at_run_start == self.ncall and improvement_it > 1:
if self.log:
'No changes made. '
'Probably the strategy was to explore in the remainder, '
'but it is irrelevant already; try decreasing frac_remain.')
Lmax = main_iterator.Lmax
if len(region_sequence) > 0:
Lmin, nlive, nclusters, Lhi = region_sequence[-1]
nnodes_needed = cluster_num_live_points * nclusters
if nlive < nnodes_needed:
Llo, _, target_min_num_children_new = self._expand_nodes_before(Lmin, nnodes_needed, update_interval_ncall or nlive)
# if self.log:
# print_tree(self.root.children[::10])
minimal_widths.append((Llo, Lhi, nnodes_needed))
Llo, Lhi = -np.inf, np.inf
if self.log:
# self.logger.info(' logZ = %.4f +- %.4f (main)' % (main_iterator.logZ, main_iterator.logZerr))
self.logger.info(' logZ = %.4g +- %.4g', main_iterator.logZ_bs, main_iterator.logZerr_bs)
saved_logl = np.asarray(saved_logl)
# reactive nested sampling: see where we have to improve
dlogz_min_num_live_points, (Llo_KL, Lhi_KL), (Llo_ess, Lhi_ess) = self._find_strategy(
saved_logl, main_iterator, dlogz=dlogz, dKL=dKL, min_ess=min_ess)
Llo = min(Llo_ess, Llo_KL)
Lhi = max(Lhi_ess, Lhi_KL)
# to avoid numerical issues when all likelihood values are the same
Lhi = min(Lhi, saved_logl.max() - 0.001)
if self.use_mpi:
recv_Llo = self.comm.gather(Llo, root=0)
recv_Llo = self.comm.bcast(recv_Llo, root=0)
recv_Lhi = self.comm.gather(Lhi, root=0)
recv_Lhi = self.comm.bcast(recv_Lhi, root=0)
recv_dlogz_min_num_live_points = self.comm.gather(dlogz_min_num_live_points, root=0)
recv_dlogz_min_num_live_points = self.comm.bcast(recv_dlogz_min_num_live_points, root=0)
Llo = min(recv_Llo)
Lhi = max(recv_Lhi)
dlogz_min_num_live_points = max(recv_dlogz_min_num_live_points)
if dlogz_min_num_live_points > self.min_num_live_points:
# more live points needed throughout to reach target
self.min_num_live_points = dlogz_min_num_live_points
elif Llo <= Lhi:
# if self.log:
# print_tree(roots, title="Tree before forking:")
parents, parent_weights = find_nodes_before(self.root, Llo)
# double the width / live points:
_, width = count_tree_between(self.root.children, Llo, Lhi)
nnodes_needed = width * 2
if self.log:
'Widening from %d to %d live points before L=%.1g...',
len(parents), nnodes_needed, Llo)
if len(parents) == 0:
Llo = -np.inf
Llo = min(n.value for n in parents)
target_min_num_children.update(self._widen_nodes(parents, parent_weights, nnodes_needed, update_interval_ncall))
minimal_widths.append((Llo, Lhi, nnodes_needed))
# if self.log:
# print_tree(roots, title="Tree after forking:")
# print('tree size:', count_tree(roots))
def _update_results(self, main_iterator, saved_logl, saved_nodeids):
if self.log:
self.logger.info('Likelihood function evaluations: %d', self.ncall)
results = combine_results(
saved_logl, saved_nodeids, self.pointpile,
main_iterator, mpi_comm=self.comm if self.use_mpi else None)
results['ncall'] = int(self.ncall)
results['paramnames'] = self.paramnames + self.derivedparamnames
results['logzerr_single'] = (main_iterator.all_H[0] / self.min_num_live_points)**0.5
sequence, results2 = logz_sequence(self.root, self.pointpile, random=True, check_insertion_order=True)
results['insertion_order_MWW_test'] = results2['insertion_order_MWW_test']
results_simple = dict(results)
weighted_samples = results_simple.pop('weighted_samples')
samples = results_simple.pop('samples')
saved_wt0 = weighted_samples['weights']
saved_u = weighted_samples['upoints']
saved_v = weighted_samples['points']
if self.log_to_disk:
if self.log:
self.logger.info("Writing samples and results to disk ...")
np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.logs['chains'], 'equal_weighted_post.txt'),
header=' '.join(self.paramnames + self.derivedparamnames),
np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.logs['chains'], 'weighted_post.txt'),
np.hstack((saved_wt0.reshape((-1, 1)), np.reshape(saved_logl, (-1, 1)), saved_v)),
header=' '.join(['weight', 'logl'] + self.paramnames + self.derivedparamnames),
np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.logs['chains'], 'weighted_post_untransformed.txt'),
np.hstack((saved_wt0.reshape((-1, 1)), np.reshape(saved_logl, (-1, 1)), saved_u)),
header=' '.join(['weight', 'logl'] + self.paramnames + self.derivedparamnames),
with open(os.path.join(self.logs['info'], 'results.json'), 'w') as f:
json.dump(results_simple, f, indent=4)
os.path.join(self.logs['info'], 'post_summary.csv'),
[[results['posterior'][k][i] for i in range(self.num_params) for k in ('mean', 'stdev', 'median', 'errlo', 'errup')]],
for k in self.paramnames + self.derivedparamnames]),
delimiter=',', comments='',
if self.log_to_disk:
keys = 'logz', 'logzerr', 'logvol', 'nlive', 'logl', 'logwt', 'insert_order'
np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.logs['chains'], 'run.txt'),
np.hstack(tuple([np.reshape(sequence[k], (-1, 1)) for k in keys])),
header=' '.join(keys),
if self.log:
self.logger.info("Writing samples and results to disk ... done")
self.results = results
self.run_sequence = sequence
def store_tree(self):
"""Store tree to disk (results/tree.hdf5)."""
if self.log_to_disk:
dump_tree(os.path.join(self.logs['results'], 'tree.hdf5'),
self.root.children, self.pointpile)
def print_results(self, use_unicode=True):
"""Give summary of marginal likelihood and parameter posteriors.
use_unicode: bool
Whether to print a unicode plot of the posterior distributions
if self.log:
print('logZ = %(logz).3f +- %(logzerr).3f' % self.results)
print(' single instance: logZ = %(logz_single).3f +- %(logzerr_single).3f' % self.results)
print(' bootstrapped : logZ = %(logz_bs).3f +- %(logzerr_bs).3f' % self.results)
print(' tail : logZ = +- %(logzerr_tail).3f' % self.results)
print('insert order U test : converged: %(converged)s correlation: %(independent_iterations)s iterations' % (
if self.stepsampler and hasattr(self.stepsampler, 'print_diagnostic'):
for i, p in enumerate(self.paramnames + self.derivedparamnames):
v = self.results['samples'][:,i]
sigma = v.std()
med = v.mean()
if sigma == 0:
j = 3
j = max(0, int(-np.floor(np.log10(sigma))) + 1)
fmt = '%%.%df' % j
if not use_unicode:
raise UnicodeEncodeError("")
# make fancy terminal visualisation on a best-effort basis
' ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇██'.encode(sys.stdout.encoding)
H, edges = np.histogram(v, bins=40)
# add a bit of padding, but not outside parameter limits
lo, hi = edges[0], edges[-1]
step = edges[1] - lo
lo = max(self.transform_limits[i,0], lo - 2 * step)
hi = min(self.transform_limits[i,1], hi + 2 * step)
H, edges = np.histogram(v, bins=np.linspace(lo, hi, 40))
lo, hi = edges[0], edges[-1]
dist = ''.join([' ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇██'[i] for i in np.ceil(H * 7 / H.max()).astype(int)])
print(' %-20s: %-6s│%s│%-6s %s +- %s' % (p, fmt % lo, dist, fmt % hi, fmt % med, fmt % sigma))
except Exception:
fmts = ' %-20s' + fmt + " +- " + fmt
print(fmts % (p, med, sigma))
def plot(self):
"""Make corner, run and trace plots.
* plot_corner()
* plot_run()
* plot_trace()
def plot_corner(self):
"""Make corner plot.
Writes corner plot to plots/ directory if log directory was
specified, otherwise show interactively.
This does essentially::
from ultranest.plot import cornerplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .plot import cornerplot
if self.log:
self.logger.debug('Making corner plot ...')
cornerplot(self.results, logger=self.logger if self.log else None)
if self.log_to_disk:
plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.logs['plots'], 'corner.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight')
self.logger.debug('Making corner plot ... done')
def plot_trace(self):
"""Make trace plot.
Write parameter trace diagnostic plots to plots/ directory
if log directory specified, otherwise show interactively.
This does essentially::
from ultranest.plot import traceplot
traceplot(results=results, labels=paramnames + derivedparamnames)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .plot import traceplot
if self.log:
self.logger.debug('Making trace plot ... ')
paramnames = self.paramnames + self.derivedparamnames
# get dynesty-compatible sequences
traceplot(results=self.run_sequence, labels=paramnames)
if self.log_to_disk:
plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.logs['plots'], 'trace.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight')
self.logger.debug('Making trace plot ... done')
def plot_run(self):
"""Make run plot.
Write run diagnostic plots to plots/ directory
if log directory specified, otherwise show interactively.
This does essentially::
from ultranest.plot import runplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .plot import runplot
if self.log:
self.logger.debug('Making run plot ... ')
# get dynesty-compatible sequences
runplot(results=self.run_sequence, logplot=True)
if self.log_to_disk:
plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.logs['plots'], 'run.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight')
self.logger.debug('Making run plot ... done')
def read_file(log_dir, x_dim, num_bootstraps=20, random=True, verbose=False, check_insertion_order=True):
Read the output HDF5 file of UltraNest.
log_dir: str
Folder containing results
x_dim: int
number of dimensions
num_bootstraps: int
number of bootstraps to use for estimating logZ.
random: bool
use randomization for volume estimation.
verbose: bool
show progress
check_insertion_order: bool
whether to perform MWW insertion order test for assessing convergence
sequence: dict
contains arrays storing for each iteration estimates of:
* logz: log evidence estimate
* logzerr: log evidence uncertainty estimate
* logvol: log volume estimate
* samples_n: number of live points
* logwt: log weight
* logl: log likelihood
final: dict
same as ReactiveNestedSampler.results and
ReactiveNestedSampler.run return values
import h5py
filepath = os.path.join(log_dir, 'results', 'points.hdf5')
fileobj = h5py.File(filepath, 'r')
_, ncols = fileobj['points'].shape
num_params = ncols - 3 - x_dim
points = fileobj['points'][:]
del fileobj
stack = list(enumerate(points))
pointpile = PointPile(x_dim, num_params)
def pop(Lmin):
"""Find matching sample from points file."""
# look forward to see if there is an exact match
# if we do not use the exact matches
# this causes a shift in the loglikelihoods
for i, (idx, next_row) in enumerate(stack):
row_Lmin = next_row[0]
L = next_row[1]
if row_Lmin <= Lmin and L > Lmin:
idx, row = stack.pop(i)
return idx, row
return None, None
roots = []
while True:
_, row = pop(-np.inf)
if row is None:
logl = row[1]
u = row[3:3 + x_dim]
v = row[3 + x_dim:3 + x_dim + num_params]
roots.append(pointpile.make_node(logl, u, v))
root = TreeNode(id=-1, value=-np.inf, children=roots)
def onNode(node, main_iterator):
"""Insert (single) child of node if available."""
while True:
_, row = pop(node.value)
if row is None:
if row is not None:
logl = row[1]
u = row[3:3 + x_dim]
v = row[3 + x_dim:3 + x_dim + num_params]
child = pointpile.make_node(logl, u, v)
assert logl > node.value, (logl, node.value)
main_iterator.Lmax = max(main_iterator.Lmax, logl)
return logz_sequence(root, pointpile, nbootstraps=num_bootstraps,
random=random, onNode=onNode, verbose=verbose,