"""Experimental constrained Hamiltanean Monte Carlo step sampling
Contrary to CHMC, this uses the likelihood gradients throughout the path.
A helper surface is created using the live points.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.special
import scipy.stats
def stop_criterion(thetaminus, thetaplus, rminus, rplus):
""" Compute the stop condition in the main loop
dot(dtheta, rminus) >= 0 & dot(dtheta, rplus >= 0)
thetaminus: ndarray[float, ndim=1]
under position
thetaplus: ndarray[float, ndim=1]
above position
rminus: ndarray[float, ndim=1]
under momentum
rplus: ndarray[float, ndim=1]
above momentum
criterion: bool
whether the condition is valid
dtheta = thetaplus - thetaminus
return (np.dot(dtheta, rminus.T) >= 0) & (np.dot(dtheta, rplus.T) >= 0)
def leapfrog(theta, r, grad, epsilon, invmassmatrix, f):
"""Leap frog step from theta with momentum r and stepsize epsilon.
The local gradient grad is updated with function f"""
# make half step in r
rprime = r + 0.5 * epsilon * grad
# make new step in theta
thetaprime = theta + epsilon * np.dot(invmassmatrix, rprime)
# compute new gradient
(logpprime, gradprime), extra = f(thetaprime)
# make half step in r again
rprime = rprime + 0.5 * epsilon * gradprime
return thetaprime, rprime, gradprime, logpprime, extra
def build_tree(theta, r, grad, v, j, epsilon, invmassmatrix, f, joint0):
"""The main recursion."""
if j == 0:
# Base case: Take a single leapfrog step in the direction v.
thetaprime, rprime, gradprime, logpprime, extraprime = leapfrog(theta, r, grad, v * epsilon, invmassmatrix, f)
joint = logpprime - 0.5 * np.dot(np.dot(rprime, invmassmatrix), rprime.T)
# Is the simulation wildly inaccurate?
sprime = joint0 - 1000. < joint # and logpprime > Lmin
# Set the return values---minus=plus for all things here, since the
# "tree" is of depth 0.
thetaminus = thetaprime[:]
thetaplus = thetaprime[:]
rminus = rprime[:]
rplus = rprime[:]
r = rprime[:]
gradminus = gradprime[:]
gradplus = gradprime[:]
# Compute the acceptance probability.
if not sprime:
# print("stopped trajectory:", joint0, joint, logpprime, gradprime)
alphaprime = 0.0
alphaprime = min(1., np.exp(joint - joint0))
if logpprime < -300:
# if alphaprime > 0:
# print("stopping at very low probability:", joint0, joint, logpprime, gradprime)
betaprime = 0.0
betaprime = alphaprime * np.exp(-logpprime)
if betaprime == 0.0:
sprime = False
nalphaprime = 1
# Recursion: Implicitly build the height j-1 left and right subtrees.
thetaminus, rminus, gradminus, thetaplus, rplus, gradplus, \
thetaprime, gradprime, logpprime, extraprime, rprime, sprime, \
alphaprime, betaprime, nalphaprime = build_tree(
theta, r, grad, v, j - 1, epsilon, invmassmatrix, f, joint0)
# No need to keep going if the stopping criteria were met in the first subtree.
if sprime:
if v == -1:
thetaminus, rminus, gradminus, _, _, _, \
thetaprime2, gradprime2, logpprime2, extraprime2, \
rprime2, sprime2, alphaprime2, betaprime2, nalphaprime2 = build_tree(
thetaminus, rminus, gradminus, v, j - 1, epsilon, invmassmatrix, f, joint0)
_, _, _, thetaplus, rplus, gradplus, \
thetaprime2, gradprime2, logpprime2, extraprime2, \
rprime2, sprime2, alphaprime2, betaprime2, nalphaprime2 = build_tree(
thetaplus, rplus, gradplus, v, j - 1, epsilon, invmassmatrix, f, joint0)
# Choose which subtree to propagate a sample up from.
if betaprime + betaprime2 > 0 and np.random.uniform() < betaprime2 / (betaprime + betaprime2):
thetaprime = thetaprime2[:]
gradprime = gradprime2[:]
logpprime = logpprime2
extraprime = extraprime2
rprime = rprime2
# Update the stopping criterion.
sturn = stop_criterion(thetaminus, thetaplus, rminus, rplus)
# print(sprime, sprime2, sturn)
sprime = sprime and sprime2 and sturn
# Update the acceptance probability statistics.
alphaprime += alphaprime2
betaprime += betaprime2
nalphaprime += nalphaprime2
return thetaminus, rminus, gradminus, thetaplus, rplus, gradplus, \
thetaprime, gradprime, logpprime, extraprime, \
rprime, sprime, alphaprime, betaprime, nalphaprime
def tree_sample(theta, logp, r0, grad, extra, epsilon, invmassmatrix, f, joint, maxheight=np.inf):
"""Build NUTS-like tree of sampling path from theta towards p with stepsize epsilon."""
# initialize the tree
thetaminus = theta
thetaplus = theta
rminus = r0[:]
rplus = r0[:]
gradminus = grad[:]
gradplus = grad[:]
alpha = 1
beta = 1
nalpha = 1
j = 0 # initial heigth j = 0
s = True # Main loop: will keep going until s == 0.
while s and j < maxheight:
# Choose a direction. -1 = backwards, 1 = forwards.
v = int(2 * (np.random.uniform() < 0.5) - 1)
# Double the size of the tree.
if v == -1:
thetaminus, rminus, gradminus, _, _, _, thetaprime, gradprime, \
logpprime, extraprime, rprime, sprime, \
alphaprime, betaprime, nalphaprime = build_tree(
thetaminus, rminus, gradminus, v, j, epsilon, invmassmatrix, f, joint)
_, _, _, thetaplus, rplus, gradplus, thetaprime, gradprime, \
logpprime, extraprime, rprime, sprime, \
alphaprime, betaprime, nalphaprime = build_tree(
thetaplus, rplus, gradplus, v, j, epsilon, invmassmatrix, f, joint)
assert beta > 0, beta
assert betaprime >= 0, betaprime
# Use Metropolis-Hastings to decide whether or not to move to a
# point from the half-tree we just generated.
if sprime and np.random.uniform() < betaprime / (beta + betaprime):
logp = logpprime
grad = gradprime[:]
theta = thetaprime
extra = extraprime
r0 = rprime
# print("accepting", theta, logp)
alpha += alphaprime
beta += betaprime
nalpha += nalphaprime
# Decide if it's time to stop.
sturn = stop_criterion(thetaminus, thetaplus, rminus, rplus)
# print(sprime, sturn)
s = sprime and sturn
# Increment depth.
j += 1
# print("jumping to:", theta)
# print('Tree height: %d, acceptance fraction: %03.2f%%/%03.2f%%, epsilon=%g' % (j, alpha/nalpha*100, beta/nalpha*100, epsilon))
return alpha, beta, nalpha, theta, grad, logp, extra, r0, j
def find_beta_params_static(d, u10):
""" Define auxiliary distribution following naive intuition.
Make 50% quantile to be at u=0.1, and very flat at high u. """
del d
betas = np.arange(1, 20)
z50 = scipy.special.betaincinv(1.0, betas, 0.5)
alpha = 1
beta = np.interp(u10, z50[::-1], betas[::-1])
print("Auxiliary Beta distribution(alpha=%.1f, beta=%.1f)" % (alpha, beta))
return alpha, beta
def find_beta_params_dynamic(d, u10):
""" Define auxiliary distribution taking into account
kinetic energy of a d-dimensional HMC.
Make exp(-d/2) quantile to be at u=0.1, and 95% quantile at u=0.5. """
u50 = (u10 + 1) / 2.
def minfunc(params):
""" minimization function """
alpha, beta = params
q10 = scipy.special.betainc(alpha, beta, u10)
q50 = scipy.special.betainc(alpha, beta, u50)
return (q10 - np.exp(-d / 2))**2 + (q50 - 0.98)**2
r = scipy.optimize.minimize(minfunc, [1.0, 10.0])
alpha, beta = r.x
print("Auxiliary Beta distribution(alpha=%.1f, beta=%.1f)" % (alpha, beta), u10)
return alpha, beta
def generate_momentum_normal(d, massmatrix):
""" draw direction vector according to mass matrix """
return np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(d), np.dot(massmatrix, np.eye(d)))
def generate_momentum(d, massmatrix, alpha, beta):
""" draw momentum from a circle, with amplitude following the beta distribution """
momentum = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(d), np.dot(massmatrix, np.eye(d)))
# generate normalisation from beta distribution
# add a bit of noise in the step size
# norm *= np.uniform(0.2, 2)
betainc = scipy.special.betainc
auxnorm = -betainc(alpha + 1, beta, 1) + betainc(alpha + 1, beta, 0) + betainc(alpha, beta, 1)
u = np.random.uniform()
if u > 0.9:
norm = 1.
u /= 0.9
norm = betainc(alpha, beta, u)
momnorm = -np.log((norm + 1e-10) / auxnorm)
assert momnorm >= 0, (momnorm, norm, auxnorm)
momentum *= momnorm / (momentum**2).sum()**0.5
return momentum
def generate_momentum_circle(d, massmatrix):
""" draw from a circle, with a little noise in amplitude """
momentum = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(d), np.dot(massmatrix, np.eye(d)))
momentum *= 10**np.random.uniform(-0.3, 0.3) / (momentum**2).sum()**0.5
return momentum
def generate_momentum_flattened(d, massmatrix):
""" like normal distribution, but make momenta distributed like a single gaussian.
**this is the one being used** """
momentum = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(d), np.dot(massmatrix, np.eye(d)))
norm = (momentum**2).sum()**0.5
assert norm > 0
momentum *= norm**(1 / d) / norm
return momentum
class FlattenedProblem(object):
Creates a suitable auxiliary distribution from samples of likelihood values
The distribution is the CDF of a beta distribution, with
0 -> logLmin
1 -> 90% quantile of logLs
0.5 -> 10% quantile of logLs
.modify_Lgrad() returns the conversion from logL, grad to the
equivalents on the auxiliary distribution.
.__call__(x) returns logL, grad on the auxiliary distribution.
def __init__(self, d, Ls, function, layer):
self.Lmin = Ls.min()
self.L90 = np.percentile(Ls, 90)
self.L10 = np.percentile(Ls, 10)
u10 = (self.L10 - self.Lmin) / (self.L90 - self.Lmin)
self.function = function
self.layer = layer
# self.alpha, self.beta = find_beta_params_static(d, u10)
# self.alpha, self.beta = find_beta_params_dynamic(d, u10)
self.alpha, self.beta = 1.0, 6.0
self.du_dL = 1 / (self.L90 - self.Lmin)
# print("du/dL = %g " % du_dL)
self.C = scipy.special.beta(self.alpha, self.beta)
self.d = d
if hasattr(self.layer, 'invT'):
self.invmassmatrix = self.layer.cov
self.massmatrix = np.linalg.inv(self.invmassmatrix)
# print("invM:", self.invmassmatrix.shape)
elif hasattr(self.layer, 'std'):
if np.shape(self.layer.std) == () and self.layer.std == 1:
self.massmatrix = 1
self.invmassmatrix = 1
# invmassmatrix: covariance
self.invmassmatrix = np.diag(self.layer.std[0]**2)
self.massmatrix = np.diag(self.layer.std[0]**-2)
print(self.invmassmatrix.shape, self.layer.std)
assert False
def modify_Lgrad(self, L, grad):
u = (L - self.Lmin) / (self.L90 - self.Lmin)
if u <= 0:
logp = -np.inf
u = 0.0
dlogp_du = 1.0
# print("L <= Lmin", L, self.Lmin)
elif u > 1:
u = 1.0
p = 1.0
logp = 0.0
# print("L > L90", L, L90)
return logp, 0 * grad
# p = self.rv.cdf(u)
p = scipy.special.betainc(self.alpha, self.beta, u)
logp = np.log(p)
B = p * self.C
dlogp_du = u**(self.alpha - 1) * (1 - u)**(self.beta - 1) / B
# convert gradient to flattened space
tgrad = grad * dlogp_du * self.du_dL
return logp, tgrad
def __call__(self, u):
if not np.logical_and(u > 0, u < 1).all():
# outside unit cube, invalid.
# print("outside", u)
return (-np.inf, 0. * u), (None, -np.inf, 0. * u)
p, L, grad_orig = self.function(u)
# print("at ", u, "L:", L)
return self.modify_Lgrad(L, grad_orig), (p, L, grad_orig)
def generate_momentum(self):
return generate_momentum_flattened(self.d, self.massmatrix)
return generate_momentum_normal(self.d, self.massmatrix)
return generate_momentum(self.d, self.massmatrix, self.alpha, self.beta)
class DynamicHMCSampler(object):
"""Dynamic Hamiltonian/Hybrid Monte Carlo technique
Typically, HMC operates on the posterior. It has the benefit
of producing "orbit" trajectories, that can follow the guidance
of gradients.
In nested sampling, we need to sample the prior subject to the
likelihood constraint. This means a HMC would most of the time
go in straight lines, until it steps outside the boundary.
Techniques such as Constrained HMC and Galilean MC use the
gradient outside to select the reflection direction.
However, it would be beneficial to be repelled by the likelihood
boundary, and to take advantage of gradient guidance.
This implements a new technique that does this.
The trick is to define a auxiliary distribution from the likelihood,
generate HMC trajectories from it, and draw points from the
trajectory with inverse the probability of the auxiliary distribution
to sample from the prior. Thus, the auxiliary distribution should be
mostly flat, and go to zero at the boundaries to repell the HMC.
Given Lmin and Lmax from the live points,
use a beta approximation of log-likelihood
p=1 if L>Lmin
u = (L - Lmin) / (Lmax - Lmin)
p = Beta_PDF(u; alpha, beta)
then define
d log(p) / dx = dlog(p_orig)/dlog(p) * dlog(p_orig) / dx
new gradient = conversion * original gradient
with conversion
dlogp/du = 0 if u>1; otherwise:
dlogp/du = u**(1-alpha) * (1-u)**(1-beta) / Ic(u; alpha, beta) / Beta_PDF(u, alpha, beta)
du/dL = 1 / (Lmax - Lmin)
The beta distribution achieves:
* a flattening of the loglikelihood to avoid seeing only "walls"
* using the gradient to identify how to orbit the likelihood contour
* at higher, unseen likelihoods, the exploration is in straight lines
* trajectory do not have the energy to go below Lmin.
* alpha and beta parameters allow flexible choice of "contour avoidance"
Run HMC trajectory on p
This will draw samples proportional to p
Modify multinomial acceptance by 1/p to get uniform samples.
and reject porig < p_1
The remaining choices for HMC are how long the trajectories should
run (number of steps) and the step size. The former is solved
by No-U-Turn Sampler or dynamic HMC, which randomly build
forward and backward paths until the trajectory turns around.
Then, a random point from the trajectory is chosen.
The step size is chosen by targeting an acceptance rate of
delta~0.95, and decreasing(increasing) every time the region is
rebuilt if the acceptance rate is below(above).
def __init__(self, ndim, nsteps, transform_loglike_gradient, delta=0.90, nudge=1.04):
"""Initialise sampler.
nsteps: int
number of accepted steps until the sample is considered independent.
transform_loglike_gradient: function
called with unit cube position vector u, returns
transformed parameter vector p,
loglikelihood and gradient (dlogL/du, not just dlogL/dp)
self.history = []
self.nsteps = nsteps
self.nrejects = 0
self.scale = 0.1 * ndim**0.5
self.last = None, None, None, None
self.transform_loglike_gradient = transform_loglike_gradient
self.nudge = nudge
self.delta = delta
self.problem = None
self.logstat = []
self.logstat_labels = ['acceptance_rate', 'acceptance_rate_bias', 'stepsize', 'treeheight']
self.logstat_trajectory = []
def __str__(self):
"""Get string representation."""
return type(self).__name__ + '(nsteps=%d)' % self.nsteps
def plot(self, filename):
"""Plot sampler statistics."""
if len(self.logstat) == 0:
parts = np.transpose(self.logstat)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 1 + 3 * len(parts)))
for i, (label, part) in enumerate(zip(self.logstat_labels, parts)):
plt.subplot(len(parts), 1, 1 + i)
x = []
y = []
for j in range(0, len(part), 20):
y.append(part[j:j + 20].mean())
plt.plot(x, y)
if np.min(part) > 0:
plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')
def __next__(self, region, Lmin, us, Ls, transform, loglike, ndraw=40, plot=False, tregion=None):
"""Get a new point.
region: MLFriends
Lmin: float
loglikelihood threshold
us: array of vectors
current live points
Ls: array of floats
current live point likelihoods
transform: function
transform function
loglike: function
loglikelihood function
ndraw: int
number of draws to attempt simultaneously.
plot: bool
whether to produce debug plots.
# i = np.argsort(Ls)[0]
mask = Ls > Lmin
i = np.random.randint(mask.sum())
# print("starting from live point %d" % i)
self.starti = np.where(mask)[0][i]
ui = us[mask,:][i]
assert np.logical_and(ui > 0, ui < 1).all(), ui
if self.problem is None:
self.create_problem(Ls, region)
ncalls_total = 1
(Lflat, gradflat), (pi, Li, gradi) = self.problem(ui)
assert np.shape(Lflat) == (), (Lflat, Li, gradi)
assert np.shape(gradflat) == (len(ui),), (gradi, gradflat)
nsteps_remaining = self.nsteps
while nsteps_remaining > 0:
unew, pnew, Lnew, gradnew, Lflatnew, gradflatnew, nc, alpha, beta, treeheight = self.move(
ui, pi, Li, gradi, gradflat=gradflat, Lflat=Lflat, region=region, ndraw=ndraw, plot=plot)
if treeheight > 1:
# do not count failed accepts
nsteps_remaining = nsteps_remaining - 1
print("stuck:", Li, "->", Lnew, "Lmin:", Lmin)
ncalls_total += nc
# print(" ->", Li, Lnew, unew)
assert np.logical_and(unew > 0, unew < 1).all(), unew
if plot:
plt.plot([ui[0], unew[:,0]], [ui[1], unew[:,1]], '-', color='k', lw=0.5)
plt.plot(ui[0], ui[1], 'd', color='r', ms=4)
plt.plot(unew[:,0], unew[:,1], 'x', color='r', ms=4)
ui, pi, Li, gradi, Lflat, gradflat = unew, pnew, Lnew, gradnew, Lflatnew, gradflatnew
self.logstat_trajectory.append([alpha, beta, treeheight])
return unew, pnew, Lnew, nc
def move(self, ui, pi, Li, gradi, region, ndraw=1, Lflat=None, gradflat=None, plot=False):
"""Move from position ui, Li, gradi with a HMC trajectory.
unew: vector
new position in cube space
pnew: vector
new position in physical parameter space
Lnew: float
new likelihood
gradnew: vector
new gradient
Lflat: float
new likelihood on auxiliary distribution
gradflat: vector
new gradient on auxiliary distribution
nc: int
number of likelihood evaluations
alpha: float
acceptance rate of HMC trajectory
beta: float
acceptance rate of inverse-beta-biased HMC trajectory
epsilon = self.scale
# epsilon_here = 10**np.random.normal(0, 0.3) * epsilon
epsilon_here = np.random.uniform() * epsilon
# epsilon_here = epsilon
problem = self.problem
d = len(ui)
assert Li > problem.Lmin
# get initial likelihood and gradient from auxiliary distribution
if Lflat is None or gradflat is None:
Lflat, gradflat = problem.modify_Lgrad(Li, gradi)
assert np.shape(Lflat) == (), (Lflat, Li, gradi)
assert np.shape(gradflat) == (d,), (gradi, gradflat)
# draw from momentum
momentum = problem.generate_momentum()
# compute current Hamiltonian
joint0 = Lflat - 0.5 * np.dot(np.dot(momentum, problem.invmassmatrix), momentum.T)
assert np.isfinite(joint0), (
Lflat, momentum, -0.5 * np.dot(np.dot(momentum, problem.invmassmatrix), momentum.T))
# explore and sample from one trajectory
alpha, beta, nalpha, theta, gradflat, Lflat, (pnew, Lnew, gradnew), rprime, treeheight = tree_sample(
ui, Lflat, momentum, gradflat, (pi, Li, gradi), epsilon_here, problem.invmassmatrix, problem, joint0, maxheight=30)
return theta, pnew, Lnew, gradnew, Lflat, gradflat, nalpha, alpha / nalpha, beta / nalpha, treeheight
def create_problem(self, Ls, region):
""" Set up auxiliary distribution.
Ls: array of floats
live point likelihoods
region: MLFriends region object
region.transformLayer is used to obtain mass matrices
# problem dimensionality
d = len(region.u[0])
self.problem = FlattenedProblem(d, Ls, self.transform_loglike_gradient, region.transformLayer)
def adjust_stepsize(self):
if len(self.logstat_trajectory) == 0:
# log averaged acceptance and trajectory statistics
np.mean([alpha for alpha, beta, treeheight in self.logstat_trajectory]),
np.mean([beta for alpha, beta, treeheight in self.logstat_trajectory]),
np.mean([treeheight for alpha, beta, treeheight in self.logstat_trajectory])
nsteps = len(self.logstat_trajectory)
# update step size based on collected acceptance rates
if any([treeheight <= 1 for alpha, beta, treeheight in self.logstat_trajectory]):
# stuck, no move. Finer steps needed.
self.scale /= self.nudge
elif all([2**treeheight > 10 for alpha, beta, treeheight in self.logstat_trajectory]):
# slowly go towards more efficiency
self.scale *= self.nudge**(1. / 40)
alphamean, scale, betamean, treeheightmean = self.logstat[-1]
if alphamean < self.delta:
self.scale /= self.nudge
elif alphamean > self.delta:
self.scale *= self.nudge
self.logstat_trajectory = []
print("updating step size: %.4f %g %.4f %.1f" % tuple(self.logstat[-1]), "-->", self.scale)
def region_changed(self, Ls, region):
self.create_problem(Ls, region)