"""Constrained Hamiltanean Monte Carlo step sampling.
Uses gradient to reflect at nested sampling boundaries.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def stop_criterion(thetaminus, thetaplus, rminus, rplus):
"""Compute the stop condition in the main loop
`dot(dtheta, rminus) >= 0 & dot(dtheta, rplus >= 0)`
thetaminus: ndarray[float, ndim=1]
under position
thetaplus: ndarray[float, ndim=1]
above position
rminus: ndarray[float, ndim=1]
under momentum
rplus: ndarray[float, ndim=1]
above momentum
criterion: bool
whether the condition is valid
dtheta = thetaplus - thetaminus
#print("stop?", dtheta, rminus, rplus, np.dot(dtheta, rminus.T), np.dot(dtheta, rplus.T))
return (np.dot(dtheta, rminus.T) >= 0) & (np.dot(dtheta, rplus.T) >= 0)
def step_or_reflect(theta, v, epsilon, transform, loglike, gradient, Lmin):
"""Make a step from `theta` towards `v` with stepsize `epsilon`. """
# step in position:
thetaprime = theta + epsilon * v
# check if still inside
mask = np.logical_and(thetaprime > 0, thetaprime < 1)
if mask.all():
p = transform(thetaprime.reshape((1, -1)))
logL = loglike(p)[0]
if logL > Lmin:
return thetaprime, v, p[0], logL, False
# outside, need to reflect
normal = gradient(thetaprime)
#print("reflecting with gradient", normal)
# make a unit vector pointing inwards
normal = np.where(thetaprime <= 0, 1, np.where(thetaprime >= 1, -1, 0))
#print("reflecting to inside", mask, normal)
# project outside gradient onto our current velocity
# subtract that part
vnew = v - 2 * np.dot(normal, v) * normal
# if the reflection is a reverse, it cannot be helpful. Stop.
if np.dot(v, vnew) <= 0:
return thetaprime, vnew, None, -np.inf, True
# get new location, to check if we are back in the constraint
thetaprime2 = thetaprime + epsilon * vnew
# check if inside
mask2 = np.logical_and(thetaprime2 > 0, thetaprime2 < 1)
if mask2.all():
p2 = transform(thetaprime2.reshape((1, -1)))
logL2 = loglike(p2)[0]
#if logL2 < Lmin:
# #print("new point is also outside", (theta, thetaprime, thetaprime2), (v, vnew), (Lmin, logL2))
# #print("recovered to inside", (theta, thetaprime, thetaprime2), (v, vnew), (Lmin, logL2))
# caller needs to figure out if this is ok
return thetaprime2, vnew, p2[0], logL2, True
#print("new point is also outside cube", (theta, thetaprime, thetaprime2), (v, vnew))
return thetaprime2, vnew, None, -np.inf, True
def build_tree(theta, v, direction, j, epsilon, transform, loglike, gradient, Lmin):
"""The main recursion."""
if j == 0:
# Base case: Take a single leapfrog step in the direction v.
thetaprime, vprime, pprime, logpprime, reflected = step_or_reflect(
theta=theta, v=v * direction, epsilon=epsilon,
transform=transform, loglike=loglike, gradient=gradient, Lmin=Lmin)
#if not sprime:
# print("stopped trajectory:", direction, logpprime, Lmin, (theta, thetaprime, epsilon))
# Set the return values---minus=plus for all things here, since the
# "tree" is of depth 0.
thetaminus = thetaprime
thetaplus = thetaprime
if reflected and np.dot(v, vprime) <= 0:
# if reversing locally, store that in can_continue, not s
sprime = True
#print(" reversed locally")
can_continue = False
vminus = v * direction
vplus = v * direction
v = v * direction
# Is the point acceptable?
sprime = logpprime > Lmin
#if sprime:
# print(" -->")
# print(" stuck")
can_continue = True
vminus = vprime * direction
vplus = vprime * direction
v = vprime * direction
pminus = pprime
pplus = pprime
#print(direction, (theta, thetaprime), (v, vprime))
# probability is zero if it is an invalid state
alphaprime = 1.0 * (sprime and can_continue)
nalphaprime = 1
nreflectprime = reflected * 1
# Recursion: Implicitly build the height j-1 left and right subtrees.
thetaminus, vminus, pminus, thetaplus, vplus, pplus, thetaprime, vprime, pprime, logpprime, sprime, can_continue, alphaprime, nalphaprime, nreflectprime = \
build_tree(theta, v, direction, j - 1, epsilon, transform, loglike, gradient, Lmin)
# No need to keep going if the stopping criteria were met in the first subtree.
if can_continue and sprime:
if direction == -1:
thetaminus, vminus, pminus, _, _, _, thetaprime2, vprime2, pprime2, logpprime2, sprime2, can_continue2, alphaprime2, nalphaprime2, nreflectprime2 = \
build_tree(thetaminus, vminus, direction, j - 1, epsilon, transform, loglike, gradient, Lmin)
_, _, _, thetaplus, vplus, pplus, thetaprime2, vprime2, pprime2, logpprime2, sprime2, can_continue2, alphaprime2, nalphaprime2, nreflectprime2 = \
build_tree(thetaplus, vplus, direction, j - 1, epsilon, transform, loglike, gradient, Lmin)
# Choose which subtree to propagate a sample up from.
if np.random.uniform() < alphaprime2 / (alphaprime + alphaprime2):
thetaprime = thetaprime2[:]
vprime = vprime2[:]
pprime = pprime2[:]
logpprime = logpprime2
# Update the stopping criterion.
sturn = stop_criterion(thetaminus, thetaplus, vminus, vplus)
#print(sprime, sprime2, sturn)
#if not (sprime and sprime2 and sturn):
# print("sprime stop:", sprime, sprime2, sturn)
sprime = sprime and sprime2 and sturn
can_continue = can_continue and can_continue2
# Update the acceptance probability statistics.
alphaprime += alphaprime2
nalphaprime += nalphaprime2
nreflectprime += nreflectprime2
return thetaminus, vminus, pminus, thetaplus, vplus, pplus, thetaprime, vprime, pprime, logpprime, sprime, can_continue, alphaprime, nalphaprime, nreflectprime
def tree_sample(theta, p, logL, v, epsilon, transform, loglike, gradient, Lmin, maxheight=np.inf):
"""Build NUTS-like tree of sampling path from `theta` towards `p` with stepsize `epsilon`."""
# initialize the tree
thetaminus = theta
thetaplus = theta
vminus = v[:]
vplus = v[:]
alpha = 1
nalpha = 1
nreflect = 0
logp = logL
fwd_possible = True
rwd_possible = True
j = 0 # initial heigth j = 0
s = True # Main loop: will keep going until s == 0.
while s and j < maxheight:
# Choose a direction. -1 = backwards, 1 = forwards.
if fwd_possible and rwd_possible:
direction = int(2 * (np.random.uniform() < 0.5) - 1)
elif fwd_possible:
direction = 1
elif rwd_possible:
direction = -1
print("stuck in both ends")
# Double the size of the tree.
if direction == -1:
thetaminus, vminus, pminus, _, _, _, thetaprime, vprime, pprime, logpprime, sprime, can_continue, alphaprime, nalphaprime, nreflectprime = \
build_tree(thetaminus, vminus, direction, j, epsilon, transform, loglike, gradient, Lmin)
_, _, _, thetaplus, vplus, pplus, thetaprime, vprime, pprime, logpprime, sprime, can_continue, alphaprime, nalphaprime, nreflectprime = \
build_tree(thetaplus, vplus, direction, j, epsilon, transform, loglike, gradient, Lmin)
# Use Bernoulli trial to decide whether or not to move to a
# point from the half-tree we just generated.
if sprime and np.random.uniform() < alphaprime / (alpha + alphaprime):
theta = thetaprime
p = pprime
logp = logpprime
v = vprime
alpha += alphaprime
nalpha += nalphaprime
nreflect += nreflectprime
# Decide if it's time to stop.
sturn = stop_criterion(thetaminus, thetaplus, vminus, vplus)
#print(sprime, sturn)
s = sprime and sturn
if not can_continue:
if direction == 1:
fwd_possible = False
if direction == -1:
rwd_possible = False
#if not s and (fwd_possible or rwd_possible):
# print("U-turn found a:%d r:%d t:%d" % (alpha, nreflect, nalpha), sturn, sprime, (thetaminus, thetaplus), (vminus, vplus))
#assert False
# Increment depth.
j += 1
#print("jumping to:", theta)
#print('Tree height: %d, accepts: %03.2f%%, reflects: %03.2f%%, epsilon=%g' % (j, alpha/nalpha*100, nreflect/nalpha*100, epsilon))
return alpha, nreflect, nalpha, theta, p, logp, j
class DynamicCHMCSampler(object):
"""Dynamic Constrained Hamiltonian/Hybrid Monte Carlo technique
Run a billiard ball inside the likelihood constrained.
The ball reflects off the constraint.
The trajectory is explored in steps of stepsize epsilon.
A No-U-turn criterion and randomized doubling of forward or backward
steps is used to avoid repeating circular trajectories.
Because of this, the number of steps is dynamic.
nsteps: int
number of accepted steps until the sample is considered independent.
adaptive_nsteps: False, 'proposal-distance', 'move-distance'
if not false, allow earlier termination than nsteps.
The 'proposal-distance' strategy stops when the sum of
all proposed vectors exceeds the mean distance
between pairs of live points.
As distance, the Mahalanobis distance is used.
The 'move-distance' strategy stops when the distance between
start point and current position exceeds the mean distance
between pairs of live points.
delta: float
step size
nudge: float
change in step size, must be >1.
def __init__(self, scale, nsteps, adaptive_nsteps=False, delta=0.9, nudge=1.04):
self.history = []
self.nsteps = nsteps
self.scale = scale
self.nudge = nudge
self.nsteps_nudge = 1.01
adaptive_nsteps_options = (False, 'proposal-total-distances-NN', 'proposal-summed-distances-NN',
'proposal-total-distances', 'proposal-summed-distances',
'move-distance', 'move-distance-midway', 'proposal-summed-distances-min-NN',
'proposal-variance-min', 'proposal-variance-min-NN')
if adaptive_nsteps not in adaptive_nsteps_options:
raise ValueError("adaptive_nsteps must be one of: %s, not '%s'" % (adaptive_nsteps_options, adaptive_nsteps))
self.adaptive_nsteps = adaptive_nsteps
self.mean_pair_distance = np.nan
self.delta = delta
self.massmatrix = 1
self.invmassmatrix = 1
self.logstat = []
self.logstat_labels = ['acceptance_rate', 'reflect_fraction', 'stepsize', 'treeheight']
if adaptive_nsteps:
self.logstat_labels += ['jump-distance', 'reference-distance']
self.logstat_trajectory = []
def set_gradient(self, gradient):
self.gradient = gradient
def __str__(self):
"""Get string representation."""
if not self.adaptive_nsteps:
return type(self).__name__ + '(nsteps=%d)' % self.nsteps
return type(self).__name__ + '(adaptive_nsteps=%s)' % self.adaptive_nsteps
def plot(self, filename):
"""Plot sampler statistics."""
if len(self.logstat) == 0:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 1 + 3 * len(self.logstat_labels)))
for i, label in enumerate(self.logstat_labels):
part = [entry[i] for entry in self.logstat]
plt.subplot(len(self.logstat_labels), 1, 1 + i)
x = []
y = []
for j in range(0, len(part), 20):
y.append(np.mean(part[j:j + 20]))
plt.plot(x, y)
if np.min(part) > 0:
plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')
np.savetxt(filename + '.txt.gz', self.logstat,
header=','.join(self.logstat_labels), delimiter=',')
def __next__(self, region, Lmin, us, Ls, transform, loglike, ndraw=40, plot=False, tregion=None):
"""Get a new point.
region: MLFriends
Lmin: float
loglikelihood threshold
us: array of vectors
current live points
Ls: array of floats
current live point likelihoods
transform: function
transform function
loglike: function
loglikelihood function
ndraw: int
number of draws to attempt simultaneously.
plot: bool
whether to produce debug plots.
self.transform = transform
self.loglike = loglike
i = np.random.randint(len(Ls))
#print("starting from live point %d" % i)
self.starti = i
ui = us[i,:]
Li = Ls[i]
pi = None
assert np.logical_and(ui > 0, ui < 1).all(), ui
ncalls_total = 1
history = [(ui, Li)]
nsteps_remaining = self.nsteps
while nsteps_remaining > 0:
unew, pnew, Lnew, nc, alpha, fracreflect, treeheight = self.move(ui, pi, Li,
region=region, ndraw=ndraw, plot=plot, Lmin=Lmin)
if pnew is not None:
# do not count failed accepts
nsteps_remaining = nsteps_remaining - 1
# print("stuck:", Li, "->", Lnew, "Lmin:", Lmin, nsteps_remaining)
ncalls_total += nc
#print(" ->", Li, Lnew, unew, pnew)
assert np.logical_and(unew > 0, unew < 1).all(), unew
if plot:
plt.plot([ui[0], unew[:,0]], [ui[1], unew[:,1]], '-', color='k', lw=0.5)
plt.plot(ui[0], ui[1], 'd', color='r', ms=4)
plt.plot(unew[:,0], unew[:,1], 'x', color='r', ms=4)
ui, pi, Li = unew, pnew, Lnew
history.append((ui, Li))
self.logstat_trajectory.append([alpha, fracreflect, treeheight])
self.adjust_nsteps(region, history)
return ui, pi, Li, ncalls_total
def move(self, ui, pi, Li, region, Lmin, ndraw=1, plot=False):
"""Move from position ui, Li, gradi with a HMC trajectory.
unew: vector
new position in cube space
pnew: vector
new position in physical parameter space
Lnew: float
new likelihood
nc: int
number of likelihood evaluations
alpha: float
acceptance rate of trajectory
treeheight: int
height of NUTS tree
epsilon = self.scale
epsilon_here = 10**np.random.normal(0, 0.3) * epsilon
#epsilon_here = np.random.uniform() * epsilon
#epsilon_here = epsilon
d = len(ui)
assert Li >= Lmin
# draw from momentum
v = generate_uniform_direction(d, self.massmatrix)
# explore and sample from one trajectory
alpha, nreflects, nalpha, theta, pnew, Lnew, treeheight = tree_sample(
ui, pi, Li, v, epsilon_here,
self.transform, self.loglike, self.gradient, Lmin, maxheight=15)
return theta, pnew, Lnew, nalpha, alpha / nalpha, nreflects / nalpha, treeheight
def create_problem(self, Ls, region):
""" Set up auxiliary distribution.
Ls: array of floats
live point likelihoods
region: MLFriends region object
region.transformLayer is used to obtain mass matrices
# problem dimensionality
layer = region.transformLayer
if hasattr(layer, 'invT'):
self.invmassmatrix = layer.cov
self.massmatrix = np.linalg.inv(self.invmassmatrix)
elif hasattr(layer, 'std'):
if np.shape(layer.std) == () and layer.std == 1:
self.massmatrix = 1
self.invmassmatrix = 1
# invmassmatrix: covariance
self.invmassmatrix = np.diag(layer.std[0]**2)
self.massmatrix = np.diag(layer.std[0]**-2)
print(self.invmassmatrix.shape, layer.std)
def adjust_stepsize(self):
"""Store chain statistics and adapt proposal."""
if len(self.logstat_trajectory) == 0:
# log averaged acceptance and trajectory statistics
np.mean([alpha for alpha, fracreflect, treeheight in self.logstat_trajectory]),
np.mean([fracreflect for alpha, fracreflect, treeheight in self.logstat_trajectory]),
np.mean([2**treeheight for alpha, fracreflect, treeheight in self.logstat_trajectory])
N = int(max(200 // self.nsteps, 1))
alphamean = np.mean([parts[0] for parts in self.logstat[-N:]])
reflectmean = np.mean([parts[1] for parts in self.logstat[-N:]])
treeheightmean = np.mean([parts[3] for parts in self.logstat[-N:]])
# aim towards an acceptance rate of delta
if alphamean > self.delta:
self.scale *= self.nudge**(1./N)
self.scale /= self.nudge**(1./N)
self.logstat_trajectory = []
if len(self.logstat) % N == 0:
print("updating step size: alpha=%.4f refl=%.4f treeheight=%.1f --> scale=%g " % (
alphamean, reflectmean, treeheightmean, self.scale))
def region_changed(self, Ls, region):
"""React to change of region. """
self.create_problem(Ls, region)
if self.adaptive_nsteps or True:
self.mean_pair_distance = region.compute_mean_pair_distance()
#print("region changed. new mean_pair_distance: %g" % self.mean_pair_distance)
def adjust_nsteps(self, region, history):
if not self.adaptive_nsteps:
elif len(history) < self.nsteps:
# incomplete or aborted for some reason
print("not adapting, incomplete history", len(history), self.nsteps)
#assert self.nrejects < len(history), (self.nsteps, self.nrejects, len(history))
#assert self.nrejects <= self.nsteps, (self.nsteps, self.nrejects, len(history))
assert np.isfinite(self.mean_pair_distance)
nlive, ndim = region.u.shape
if self.adaptive_nsteps == 'proposal-total-distances':
# compute mean vector of each proposed jump
# compute total distance of all jumps
tproposed = region.transformLayer.transform(np.asarray([u for u, _ in history]))
assert len(tproposed.sum(axis=1)) == len(tproposed)
d2 = ((((tproposed[0] - tproposed)**2).sum(axis=1))**0.5).sum()
far_enough = d2 > self.mean_pair_distance / ndim
self.logstat[-1] = self.logstat[-1] + [d2, self.mean_pair_distance]
#print(self.adaptive_nsteps, self.nsteps, self.nrejects, far_enough, self.mean_pair_distance, d2)
elif self.adaptive_nsteps == 'proposal-total-distances-NN':
# compute mean vector of each proposed jump
# compute total distance of all jumps
tproposed = region.transformLayer.transform(np.asarray([u for u, _ in history]))
assert len(tproposed.sum(axis=1)) == len(tproposed)
d2 = ((((tproposed[0] - tproposed)**2).sum(axis=1))**0.5).sum()
far_enough = d2 > region.maxradiussq**0.5
self.logstat[-1] = self.logstat[-1] + [d2, region.maxradiussq**0.5]
#print(self.adaptive_nsteps, self.nsteps, self.nrejects, far_enough, region.maxradiussq**0.5, d2)
elif self.adaptive_nsteps == 'proposal-summed-distances':
# compute sum of distances from each jump
tproposed = region.transformLayer.transform(np.asarray([u for u, _ in history]))
d2 = (((tproposed[1:,:] - tproposed[:-1,:])**2).sum(axis=1)**0.5).sum()
far_enough = d2 > self.mean_pair_distance / ndim
#print(self.adaptive_nsteps, self.nsteps, self.nrejects, far_enough, self.mean_pair_distance, d2)
self.logstat[-1] = self.logstat[-1] + [d2, self.mean_pair_distance]
elif self.adaptive_nsteps == 'proposal-summed-distances-NN':
# compute sum of distances from each jump
tproposed = region.transformLayer.transform(np.asarray([u for u, _ in history]))
d2 = (((tproposed[1:,:] - tproposed[:-1,:])**2).sum(axis=1)**0.5).sum()
far_enough = d2 > region.maxradiussq**0.5
self.logstat[-1] = self.logstat[-1] + [d2, region.maxradiussq**0.5]
#print(self.adaptive_nsteps, self.nsteps, self.nrejects, far_enough, region.maxradiussq**0.5, d2)
elif self.adaptive_nsteps == 'proposal-summed-distances-min-NN':
# compute sum of distances from each jump
tproposed = region.transformLayer.transform(np.asarray([u for u, _ in history]))
d2 = (np.abs(tproposed[1:,:] - tproposed[:-1,:]).sum(axis=1)).min()
far_enough = d2 > region.maxradiussq**0.5
self.logstat[-1] = self.logstat[-1] + [d2, region.maxradiussq**0.5]
#print(self.adaptive_nsteps, self.nsteps, self.nrejects, far_enough, region.maxradiussq**0.5, d2)
elif self.adaptive_nsteps == 'proposal-variance-min':
# compute sum of distances from each jump
tproposed = region.transformLayer.transform(np.asarray([u for u, _ in history]))
d2 = tproposed.std(axis=0).min()
far_enough = d2 > self.mean_pair_distance / ndim
self.logstat[-1] = self.logstat[-1] + [d2, self.mean_pair_distance]
#print(self.adaptive_nsteps, self.nsteps, self.nrejects, far_enough, region.maxradiussq**0.5, d2)
elif self.adaptive_nsteps == 'proposal-variance-min-NN':
# compute sum of distances from each jump
tproposed = region.transformLayer.transform(np.asarray([u for u, _ in history]))
d2 = tproposed.std(axis=0).min()
far_enough = d2 > region.maxradiussq**0.5
self.logstat[-1] = self.logstat[-1] + [d2, region.maxradiussq**0.5]
#print(self.adaptive_nsteps, self.nsteps, self.nrejects, far_enough, region.maxradiussq**0.5, d2)
elif self.adaptive_nsteps == 'move-distance':
# compute distance from start to end
ustart, _ = history[0]
ufinal, _ = history[-1]
tstart, tfinal = region.transformLayer.transform(np.vstack((ustart, ufinal)))
d2 = ((tstart - tfinal)**2).sum()
far_enough = d2 > region.maxradiussq
self.logstat[-1] = self.logstat[-1] + [d2, region.maxradiussq**0.5]
#print(self.adaptive_nsteps, self.nsteps, self.nrejects, far_enough, region.maxradiussq**0.5, d2)
elif self.adaptive_nsteps == 'move-distance-midway':
# compute distance from start to end
ustart, _ = history[0]
middle = max(1, len(history) // 2)
ufinal, _ = history[middle]
tstart, tfinal = region.transformLayer.transform(np.vstack((ustart, ufinal)))
d2 = ((tstart - tfinal)**2).sum()
far_enough = d2 > region.maxradiussq
self.logstat[-1] = self.logstat[-1] + [d2, region.maxradiussq**0.5]
#print(self.adaptive_nsteps, self.nsteps, self.nrejects, far_enough, region.maxradiussq**0.5, d2)
assert False, self.adaptive_nsteps
# adjust nsteps
if far_enough:
self.nsteps = min(self.nsteps - 1, int(self.nsteps / self.nsteps_nudge))
self.nsteps = max(self.nsteps + 1, int(self.nsteps * self.nsteps_nudge))
self.nsteps = max(1, min(1000, self.nsteps))
if len(self.logstat) % 50 == 0:
print("updating number of steps: %d " % (self.nsteps))