# noqa: D400 D205
Calibration of step sampler
import os
import numpy as np
from ultranest.integrator import ReactiveNestedSampler
def _substitute_log_dir(init_args, nsteps):
"""Append `nsteps` to `log_dir` argument, if set.
init_args: dict
arguments passed :py:class:`ReactiveNestedSampler`,
may contain the key `'log_dir'`.
nsteps: int
number of steps
new_init_args: dict
same as init_args, but if `'log_dir'` was set,
it now has `'-nsteps'+str(nsteps)` appended.
if 'log_dir' in init_args:
args = dict(init_args)
args['log_dir'] = init_args['log_dir'] + '-nsteps%d' % nsteps
return args
return init_args
class ReactiveNestedCalibrator():
"""Calibrator for the number of steps in step samplers.
The number of steps in a step sampler needs to be chosen.
A calibration recommended (e.g. https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019MNRAS.483.2044H)
is to run a sequence of nested sampling runs with increasing number of steps,
and stop when log(Z) converges.
This class automates this. See the :py:meth:`ReactiveNestedCalibrator.run`
for details.
Usage is designed to be a drop-in replacement for ReactiveNestedSampler.
If your code was::
sampler = ReactiveNestedSampler(my_param_names, my_loglike, my_transform)
sampler.stepsampler = SliceSampler(nsteps=10, generate_direction=region_oriented_direction)
You would change it to::
sampler = ReactiveNestedCalibrator(my_param_names, my_loglike, my_transform)
sampler.stepsampler = SliceSampler(nsteps=10, generate_direction=region_oriented_direction)
The run() command will print the number of slice sampler steps
that appear safe for the inference task.
The initial value for nsteps (e.g. in `SliceSampler(nsteps=...)`)
is overwritten by this class.
def __init__(self,
"""Initialise nested sampler calibrator.
param_names: list of str
Names of the parameters.
Length gives dimensionality of the sampling problem.
loglike: function
log-likelihood function.
transform: function
parameter transform from unit cube to physical parameters.
kwargs: dict
further arguments passed to ReactiveNestedSampler
if `log_dir` is set, then the suffix `-nsteps%d` is added for each
run where %d is replaced with the number of steps (2, 4, 8 etc).
self.init_args = dict(param_names=param_names, loglike=loglike, transform=transform, **kwargs)
self.stepsampler = None
def run(self, **kwargs):
"""Run a sequence of ReactiveNestedSampler runs until convergence.
The first run is made with the number of steps set to the number of parameters.
Each subsequent run doubles the number of steps.
Runs are made until convergence is reached.
Then this generator stops yielding results.
Convergence is defined as three consecutive runs which
1) are not ordered in their log(Z) results,
and 2) the consecutive log(Z) error bars must overlap.
**kwargs: dict
All arguments are passed to :py:meth:`ReactiveNestedSampler.run`.
nsteps: int
number of steps for the current run
result: dict
return value of :py:meth:`ReactiveNestedSampler.run` for the current run
assert self.stepsampler is not None
self.run_args = kwargs
# start with nsteps=d
nsteps = len(self.init_args['param_names'])
self.results = []
self.nsteps = []
self.relsteps = []
while True:
print("running with %d steps ..." % nsteps)
init_args = _substitute_log_dir(self.init_args, nsteps)
sampler = ReactiveNestedSampler(**init_args)
sampler.stepsampler = self.stepsampler.__class__(
nsteps=nsteps, generate_direction=self.stepsampler.generate_direction,
log=open(init_args['log_dir'] + '/stepsampler.log', 'w') if 'log_dir' in self.init_args else None) # noqa: SIM115
self.sampler = sampler
result = sampler.run(**self.run_args)
print("Z=%(logz).2f +- %(logzerr).2f" % result)
if self.sampler.log_to_disk:
sampler.stepsampler.plot(os.path.join(self.sampler.logs['plots'], 'stepsampler.pdf'))
os.path.join(self.sampler.logs['plots'], 'stepsampler-jumphist.pdf'),
histtype='step', bins='auto')
if 'jump-distance' in sampler.stepsampler.logstat_labels and 'reference-distance' in sampler.stepsampler.logstat_labels:
i = sampler.stepsampler.logstat_labels.index('jump-distance')
j = sampler.stepsampler.logstat_labels.index('reference-distance')
jump_distances = np.array([entry[i] for entry in sampler.stepsampler.logstat])
reference_distances = np.array([entry[j] for entry in sampler.stepsampler.logstat])
self.relsteps.append(jump_distances / reference_distances)
# TODO: handle population step samplers
yield nsteps, result
if len(self.results) > 2:
last_result = self.results[-2]
last_result2 = self.results[-3]
# check if they agree within the error bars
last_significant = abs(result['logz'] - last_result['logz']) > (result['logzerr']**2 + last_result['logzerr']**2)**0.5
last2_significant = abs(last_result2['logz'] - last_result['logz']) > (last_result2['logzerr']**2 + last_result['logzerr']**2)**0.5
# check if there is order
monotonic_increase = result['logz'] > last_result['logz'] > last_result2['logz']
monotonic_decrease = result['logz'] < last_result['logz'] < last_result2['logz']
if last_significant:
print("not converged: last two Z were significantly different")
elif last2_significant:
print("not yet converged: previous two Z were significantly different")
elif monotonic_increase:
print("not converged: monotonic increase in the last three Z results")
elif monotonic_decrease:
print("not converged: monotonic decrease in the last three Z results")
print("converged! nsteps=%d appears safe" % nsteps)
nsteps *= 2
def plot(self):
"""Visualise the convergence diagnostics.
Stores into `<log_dir>/plots/` folder:
* stepsampler.pdf: diagnostic of stepsampler, see :py:meth:`StepSampler.plot`
* nsteps-calibration-jumps.pdf: distribution of relative jump distance
* nsteps-calibration.pdf: evolution of ln(Z) with nsteps
self.sampler.stepsampler.plot(os.path.join(self.sampler.logs['plots'], 'stepsampler.pdf'))
# plot U-test convergence run length (at 4 sigma) (or niter) vs nsteps
# plot step > reference fraction vs nsteps
calibration_results = []
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
print("jump distance diagnostic:")
for nsteps, relsteps, result in zip(self.nsteps, self.relsteps, self.results):
nsteps, result['logz'], result['logzerr'],
min(result['niter'], result['insertion_order_MWW_test']['independent_iterations']),
result['insertion_order_MWW_test']['converged'] * 1,
np.nanmean(relsteps > 1)])
plt.hist(np.log10(relsteps + 1e-10), histtype='step', bins='auto', label=nsteps)
print(' %-4d: %.2f%% avg:%.2f' % (nsteps, np.nanmean(relsteps > 1) * 100.0, np.exp(np.nanmean(np.log(relsteps)))))
if 'log_dir' in self.init_args:
self.init_args['log_dir'] + 'calibration.csv',
calibration_results, delimiter=',', comments='',
plt.xlabel('$log_{10}$(relative step distance)')
plt.legend(title='nsteps', loc='best')
if self.sampler.log_to_disk:
plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.sampler.logs['plots'], 'nsteps-calibration-jumps.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight')
y=[result['logz'] for result in self.results],
yerr=[result['logzerr'] for result in self.results],
plt.title('Step sampler calibration')
plt.xlabel('Number of steps')
if self.sampler.log_to_disk:
plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.sampler.logs['plots'], 'nsteps-calibration.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight')
self.sampler.logger.debug('Making nsteps calibration plot ... done')