Source code for bxa.xspec.sinning

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

Binning routines for plotting

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy
import scipy.special, scipy.stats
from . import gof
import tqdm

[docs] def group_adapt(xdata, ydata, xlo, xhi, nmin = 20): """ Adaptive grouping into nmin count bins. Args: :param xdata: bin center :param ydata: count values :param xlo: bin lower edge :param xhi: bin upper edge :param nmin: desired minimum number of counts in each bin Returns: sequence of (lower edge, upper edge, number of counts) tuples """ i = 0 while i < len(xlo): for j in range(i, len(xlo)): # [i:j] (with j) xmask = numpy.logical_and(xdata >= xlo[i], xdata < xhi[j]) if ydata[xmask].sum() >= nmin or j + 1 >= len(xlo): yield (xlo[i], xhi[j], ydata[xmask].sum()) #print ' groups', i,j break i = j + 1
[docs] def binning(outputfiles_basename, bins, widths, data, models, nmin=20): """Bins the data for plotting and checks the model. Using the gof module, computes a Poisson goodness-of-fit range, i.e. ranges where the model must lie. This is done for multiple binning sizes simultaneously. :param outputfiles_basename: not used. :param bins: bin location from Plot.x() :param widths: bin width from Plot.xErr() :param data: counts per bin width from Plot.y() with Plot.background = True and Plot('counts') :param model: counts per bin width predicted by the model, from Plot.model() :param nmin: number of counts per bin to use for rebinning. Returns -------- * marked_binned: data points binned to contain `nmin` counts a sequence ready to be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.errorbar * modelrange: range allowed by the data ready to be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between * and statistics (GoF measure) """ xdata = bins xlo = bins - widths xhi = bins + widths # convert from densities to counts ydata = numpy.rint(data * widths * 2) models = models * widths * 2 best_gof = None best_gof_stats = None data = None grouped_data = list(group_adapt(xdata, ydata, xlo, xhi, nmin=nmin)) data = numpy.array([ydata[numpy.logical_and(xdata >= i, xdata < j)].sum() for i, j in zip(xlo, xhi)]) component = models[:,0,:] for i, counts_predicted in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(component)): modelrange_low, modelrange_high = gof.calc_models_range(data) stats = gof.calc_multigof(data, counts_predicted) curgof = -numpy.log10( numpy.min([stats[stats[:,0] == n][:,2].min() * (stats[:,0] == n).sum() for n in sorted(set(stats[:,0]))]) + 1e-300) if best_gof is None or curgof < best_gof: best_gof = curgof best_gof_stats = stats if i > 100: break # check if we can reproduce the data curgof = best_gof stats = best_gof_stats data_gofp = [numpy.nan] * len(grouped_data) for n in numpy.unique(stats[:,0].astype(int)): # find the worst case for this level and each datapoint #exp(numpy.log(stats[stats[:,0] == n][:,2]).sum()) * (stats[:,0] == n).sum() # for n in sorted(set(stats[:,0]))])) nstats = stats[stats[:,0] == n] pxlo = xlo[(nstats[:,1] * n).astype(int)] pxhi = numpy.asarray(pxlo[1:].tolist() + [xdata.max()]) # so far so good. # mark data points that have not been achieved #print zip(pxlo, chi2min) for i, (xloi, xhii, ydatai) in enumerate(grouped_data): # select p values that intersect mask = numpy.logical_and(pxlo < xhii, xloi < pxhi) if mask.any(): data_gofp[i] = numpy.nanmin([data_gofp[i], (nstats[mask][:,2]).min() * len(nstats)]) gof_avg = curgof gof_total = gof_avg * len(data) # return data, marked marked_binned = [] # plot data ymin = 1e300 ymax = 0 for (xloi, xhii, ydatai), gofpi in zip(grouped_data, data_gofp): best_gof = -numpy.log10(gofpi + 1e-300) # 1e3 and 1e6 correspond roughly to 3 sigma and 5 sigma c = 'green' if best_gof < 2 else 'orange' if best_gof < 6. else 'red' f = 1. / (xhii - xloi) y = ydatai * f modelrange_low = scipy.special.gammaincinv(ydatai + 1, 0.1) * f modelrange_high = scipy.special.gammaincinv(ydatai + 1, 0.9) * f marked_binned.append(dict( x=(xloi + xhii)/2., xerr=(xhii - xloi) / 2., y = y, yerr = [[max(0, modelrange_high - y)], [max(0, y - modelrange_low)]], color=c) ) ymin = min(ymin, modelrange_low) ymax = max(ymax, modelrange_high) return dict(marked_binned = marked_binned, gof_avg=gof_avg, gof_total=gof_total, stats=stats, xlim = (xlo[0], xhi[-1]), ylim = (ymin, ymax), )