Source code for bxa.xspec.qq

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

Statistics and Plotting for quantile-quantile analysis for model discovery

import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from xspec import Plot

[docs] def KSstat(data, model): """ Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic: maximum deviance between data and model """ modelc = model.cumsum() / model.sum() datac = data.cumsum() / data.sum() ks = numpy.abs(modelc - datac).max() return ks
[docs] def CvMstat(data, model): """ Cramér–von Mises statistic: Takes all deviances into account """ modelc = model.cumsum() datac = data.cumsum() maxmodelc = modelc.max() cvm = ((modelc / maxmodelc - datac / datac.max())**2 * model / maxmodelc).mean() return cvm
[docs] def ADstat(data, model): """ Anderson-Darling statistic: Takes all deviances into account more weight on tails than CvM. """ modelc = model.cumsum() datac = data.cumsum() maxmodelc = modelc.max() valid = numpy.logical_and(modelc > 0, maxmodelc - modelc > 0) modelc = modelc[valid] / maxmodelc datac = datac[valid] / datac.max() model = model[valid] / maxmodelc assert (modelc > 0).all(), ['ADstat has zero cumulative denominator', modelc] assert (maxmodelc - modelc > 0).all(), ['ADstat has zero=1-1 cumulative denominator', maxmodelc - modelc] ad = ((modelc - datac)**2 / (modelc * (maxmodelc - modelc)) * model).sum() return ad
[docs] def qq_plot(bins, data, model, markers = [0.2, 1, 2, 5, 10], unit = '', annotate = True): """ Create a quantile-quantile plot for model discovery (deviations in data from model). * bins: energies/channel * data: amount observed * model: amount predicted * markers: list of energies/channels (whichever the current plotting xaxis unit) * unit: unit to append to marker * annotate: add information to the plot """ assert numpy.isfinite(data).all(), data assert numpy.isfinite(model).all(), model datac = data.cumsum() modelc = model.cumsum() plt.plot(modelc, datac, color='red', drawstyle='steps', linewidth=3) for m in markers: mask = bins >= m # first true value i = mask.argmax() if mask[i]: plt.plot(modelc[i], datac[i], marker='+', color='k') if datac[i] < modelc[i]: textkwargs = dict(va='top', ha='left') else: textkwargs = dict(va='bottom', ha='right') plt.text(modelc[i], datac[i], '%s%s' % (m, unit), **textkwargs) u = max(datac[-1], modelc[-1]) plt.plot([0, u], [0, u], ls='--', color='grey') plt.xlim(0, u) plt.ylim(0, u) plt.title('QQ-plot') plt.xlabel('integrated model') plt.ylabel('cumulative data counts') if annotate: plt.text(u/2, u/2, 'data excess', va='bottom', ha='center', rotation=45, color='grey', size=8) plt.text(u/2, u/2, 'model excess', va='center', ha='left', rotation=45, color='grey', size=8) stats = dict( ks = KSstat(data, model), cvm = CvMstat(data, model), ad = ADstat(data, model), ) text = """K-S = %(ks).3f C-vM = %(cvm).5f A-D = %(ad)e""" % stats plt.text(u*0.98, u*0.02, text, va='bottom', ha='right', color='grey')
[docs] def xspecfilenamenormalise(path): """ Xspec gets a bit confused if there are "." in the filename So we replace . with _ in the filename. But if we replace it as part of the parent directory, we cannot write there, so this only alters the filename, not the entire path. """ if '/' in path: parts = path.split('/') parts = (parts[:-1] + [xspecfilenamenormalise(parts[-1])]) return '/'.join(parts) return path.replace('.', '_')
[docs] def qq(prefix, markers=5, annotate=True): """ Create a quantile-quantile plot for model discovery (deviations in data from model). The current data and model is used, so call *set_best_fit(analyzer, transformations)* before, to get the qq plot at the best fit. * markers: list of energies/channels (whichever the current plotting xaxis unit) or number of equally spaced markers between minimum+maximum. * annotate: add information to the plot """ olddevice = Plot.device Plot.device = '/null' tmpfilename = '%swdatatmp.qdp' % xspecfilenamenormalise(prefix) if os.path.exists(tmpfilename): os.remove(tmpfilename) while len(Plot.commands) > 0: Plot.delCommand(1) Plot.addCommand('wdata "%s"' % tmpfilename.replace('.qdp', '')) Plot.background = True Plot("counts") content = numpy.genfromtxt(tmpfilename, skip_header=3) os.remove(tmpfilename) while len(Plot.commands) > 0: Plot.delCommand(1) if Plot.background: bins, width, data, dataerror, background, backgrounderror, model = content[:,0:7].transpose() else: bins, width, data, dataerror, model = content[:,0:5].transpose() if not hasattr(markers, '__len__'): nmarkers = int(markers) decimals = int(-numpy.log10(bins[-1] - bins[0] + 1e-4)) markers = numpy.linspace(bins[0], bins[-1], nmarkers+2)[1:-1] markers = set(numpy.round(markers, decimals=decimals)) # make qq plot, with 1:1 line qq_plot(bins=bins, data=data * width * 2, model=model * width * 2, markers = markers, annotate = annotate, unit=Plot.xAxis) Plot.device = olddevice