Source code for bxa.xspec.gof

Compute poisson-based GOF

from __future__ import print_function
import sys, os
import numpy
import scipy.stats, scipy.special
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs] def build(options, k): if len(options) == 1: o = options[0] if k < len(o): #print 'yielding kth option', k, o yield [o[k]] else: for i, o in enumerate(options[0]): if i > k: break for p in build(options[1:], k - i): yield [o] + p
[docs] def gen_choices(cpart, k): nchoices =[len(c) for c in cpart]) print(' gen?', k, len(cpart), nchoices) #print [c for c in build(cpart, k) if c is not None] probs = sum(( for c in build(cpart, k) if c is not None)) return probs if k == 0: probs =[cp[0] for cp in cpart]) elif k == 1: for i in range(len(cpart)): probs +=[cp[1] if j == i else cp[0] for j, cp in enumerate(cpart)]) elif k == 2: for i in range(len(cpart)): probs +=[cp[2] if j == i else cp[0] for j, cp in enumerate(cpart)]) for j in range(i + 1, len(cpart)): probs +=[cp[1] if k == i or k == j else cp[0] for k, cp in enumerate(cpart)]) else: probs = sum(( for c in build(cpart, k))) for c in range(nchoices): prob = 1 kc = 0 for cp in cpart: ci = c % len(cp) kc += ci if kc > k: break c /= len(cp) prob *= cp[ci] if kc != k: continue print(' gen!', kc, prob) probs += prob return probs
[docs] def calc_models_range(data): stats = [] lowmodel = numpy.zeros_like(data)*1e-10 highmodel = numpy.ones_like(data)*1e10 for i in range(20): n = 4**i m = len(data) / n if n > len(data): break kplusones = [] masks = [] for j in range(int(numpy.ceil(len(data) * 1. / n))): mask = slice(j * n, (j + 1) * n) dpart = data[mask] lowpart = lowmodel[mask] highpart = highmodel[mask] k = int(dpart.sum()) if len(dpart) > 0 else 0 kplusones.append(k + 1) masks.append(mask) #print 'GOF MODEL RANGE', k, n, m, 0.1 / m lowmodel_parts = scipy.special.gammaincinv(kplusones, 0.1 / m) / n highmodel_parts = scipy.special.gammaincinv(kplusones, 1 - 0.1 / m) / n assert not numpy.any(numpy.isnan(lowmodel_parts)), (lowmodel_parts, kplusones, m, n) assert not numpy.any(numpy.isnan(highmodel_parts)), (highmodel_parts, kplusones, m, n) for mask, lowmodel_part, highmodel_part in zip(masks, lowmodel_parts, highmodel_parts): lowpart = lowmodel[mask] highpart = highmodel[mask] lowpart [lowpart < lowmodel_part] = lowmodel_part highpart[highpart > highmodel_part] = highmodel_part return lowmodel, highmodel
[docs] def calc_multigof(data, model): #choice_limit = 1e-2 / len(data) #choices = numpy.array([[scipy.stats.poisson(m).pmf(i) #for i in range( #int(scipy.stats.poisson(m).ppf(choice_limit)), #int(scipy.stats.poisson(m).ppf(1 - choice_limit) + 1))] #for m in model]) stats = [] for i in range(20): n = 4**i if n > len(data): break for j in range(int(numpy.ceil(len(data) * 1. / n))): dpart = data [j*n:(j + 1)*n] mpart = model[j*n:(j + 1)*n] #cpart = choices[j*n: (j + 1)*n] #print data.shape, dpart.shape, j*n, (j + 1)*n, dpart, data k = int(dpart.sum()) if len(dpart) > 0 else 0 m = mpart.sum() # compare this probability to all the other k #probs = gen_choices(cpart, k) stats.append([n, j, 0., m, k]) # * len(data) / n]) #print ' multigof', n, j, probs, len(stats) # lam = sum(mpart) WRONG! # go through all possibilities to get k stats = numpy.array(stats) m = stats[:,3] k = stats[:,4] probs = numpy.where(m > 0, scipy.stats.poisson(m).pmf(k), numpy.where(k == 0, 1, 1e-10)) assert not numpy.isnan(probs).any(), [m, k] stats[:,2] = probs return stats
[docs] def group_adapt(data, nmin = 10): i = 0 while i < len(data): #print ' ',i,'--',len(data) for j in range(i + 1, len(data) + 1): #print ' ',i,j if sum(data[i:j + 1]) >= nmin or j + 1 >= len(data): yield (i,j + 1) #print ' groups', i,j break i = j + 1
[docs] def write_multigof(filename, data, model, skip_plot_ifeq=None): segments = list(group_adapt(data)) stats = calc_multigof(data, model) #gof = -2 * numpy.log10(stats[:,2]).mean() #print gof, #gof = - numpy.mean([numpy.log10(stats[stats[:,0] == n][:,2]).mean() for n in sorted(set(stats[:,0]))]) #gof = - 2 * numpy.log( # numpy.mean([exp(numpy.log(stats[stats[:,0] == n][:,2]).sum()) * (stats[:,0] == n).sum() # for n in sorted(set(stats[:,0]))])) gof = -numpy.log10( numpy.min([stats[stats[:,0] == n][:,2].min() * (stats[:,0] == n).sum() for n in sorted(set(stats[:,0]))])) if skip_plot_ifeq is not None and numpy.abs(gof - skip_plot_ifeq) < 0.01 and os.path.exists(filename + ".pdf"): return gof plt.figure(figsize=(4*1.5,7*1.5)) plt.subplot(4, 1, 1) segdata = [model[i:j].sum() for i, j in segments] segerr = [[s - scipy.stats.poisson(s).ppf(0.1) for s in segdata], [scipy.stats.poisson(s).ppf(0.9) - s for s in segdata]] plt.errorbar(x=[(i+j)/2 for i,j in segments], xerr=[(j-i)/2 for i,j in segments], y=segdata, yerr=segerr, label='model') segmodel = [data[i:j].sum() for i, j in segments] segerr = [[s - scipy.special.gammaincinv(s + 1, 0.1) for s in segmodel], [scipy.special.gammaincinv(s + 1, 0.9) - s for s in segmodel]] plt.errorbar(x=[(i+j)/2. for i,j in segments], xerr=[(j-i)/2. for i,j in segments], y=segdata, yerr=segerr, label='data') plt.legend(loc='best', prop=dict(size=6)) # plot probabilities plt.subplot(4, 1, 3) colors = dict(list(zip(sorted(set(stats[:,0])), ['b','g','r','c','m','y','k','w']))) for n in sorted(set(stats[:,0])): j = stats[stats[:,0] == n][:,1] * n p = stats[stats[:,0] == n][:,2] #print j, p plt.plot(j, p, '-x', drawstyle='steps-pre', label='%d' % n, color=colors[n]) plt.gca().set_yscale('log') plt.ylim(1e-9, 1) plt.legend(loc='best', prop=dict(size=6)) #for l in sorted(stats, key=lambda l: l[2])[:10]: # print l plt.subplot(4, 1, 2) for n in sorted(set(stats[:,0])): j = stats[stats[:,0] == n][:,1] * n p = stats[stats[:,0] == n][:,3] plt.plot(j, p, '--o', drawstyle='steps-pre', label='%d model' % n, color=colors[n], markersize=3) p = stats[stats[:,0] == n][:,4] plt.plot(j, p, '-x', drawstyle='steps-pre', label='%d data' % n, color=colors[n]) plt.gca().set_yscale('log') plt.legend(loc='best', prop=dict(size=6)) #print gof plt.subplot(4, 1, 4) plt.hist(numpy.log10(stats[:,2]), bins=numpy.linspace(-10,0,30), label="avg: %.2f" % gof) plt.legend(loc='best', prop=dict(size=6)) plt.savefig(filename + ".pdf") plt.close() return gof
gof_limit = 2
[docs] def write_gof(prefix, gof_avg, gof_total): verdict = ('good' if gof_avg < gof_limit else 'bad') print("%.2f %5s %s" % (gof_avg, verdict, prefix)) #file(filename + ".out", 'w').write(str(gof) + "\n") numpy.savetxt(prefix + ".out", [gof_total, gof_avg]) with open(prefix + ".summary", 'w') as f: f.write(verdict + "\n")
[docs] def load_gof(prefix): gof_total, gof_avg = numpy.loadtxt(prefix + ".out") return gof_total, gof_avg
if __name__ == '__main__': gofs = [] #gof_limit = 1.5 for filename in sys.argv[1:]: table = numpy.loadtxt(filename) data, model = table[:len(table)/2,0], table[:len(table)/2,1] try: prev_gof, prev_avg = load_gof(filename) except Exception as e: print(e) prev_gof, prev_avg = None, None gof_avg = write_multigof(filename, data[:650], model[:650], skip_plot_ifeq=prev_avg) gof = gof_avg * len(data[:650]) write_gof(filename, gof_avg, gof) gofs.append(gof_avg) gofs = numpy.array(gofs) plt.figure() plt.hist(gofs, bins=numpy.linspace(0,5,21) ) print('good:', (gofs < gof_limit).sum(), (gofs < gof_limit).sum() * 1. / len(gofs)) plt.ylabel("number of objects") plt.xlabel("gof") plt.savefig("gof.pdf", bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()