Source code for bxa.sherpa.background.pca

from __future__ import print_function
PCA-based background model.
import numpy
import json
import logging
import warnings
import os

if 'MAKESPHINXDOC' not in os.environ:
	import sherpa.astro.ui as ui
	from sherpa.stats import Cash, CStat
	from sherpa.models.parameter import Parameter
	from sherpa.models import ArithmeticModel, CompositeModel
	from sherpa.astro.ui import *
	from sherpa.astro.instrument import RSPModelNoPHA, RMFModelNoPHA, create_delta_rmf, create_arf
	# mock objects when sherpa doc is built
	ArithmeticModel = object
	class CompositeModel(object):
	RSPModelNoPHA, RMFModelNoPHA = object, object

def pca(M):
	mean = M.mean(axis=0)
	Moffset = M - mean.reshape((1,-1))
	U, s, Vt = numpy.linalg.svd(Moffset, full_matrices=False)
	V = Vt.T
	print('variance explained:', s**2/len(M))
	c = numpy.cumsum(s**2/len(M))
	c = c / c[-1]
	for cut in 0.80, 0.90, 0.95, 0.99:
		idx, = numpy.where(c>cut)
		n = idx.min() + 1
		print('  --> need %d components to explain %.2f%%' % (n, cut))
	return U, s, V, mean

def pca_predict(U, s, V, mean):
	S = numpy.diag(s)
	return,, V.T)) + mean.reshape((1,-1))

def pca_get_vectors(s, V, mean):
	#U = numpy.eye(len(s))
	#return pca_predict(U, s, V, mean)
	Sroot = numpy.diag(s**0.5)
	return, V.T)

def pca_cut(U, s, V, mean, ncomponents=20):
	return U[:, :ncomponents], s[:ncomponents], V[:,:ncomponents], mean
def pca_cut_adapt(U, s, V, mean):
	return U[:, :ncomponents], s[:ncomponents], V[:,:ncomponents], mean

def pca_check(M, U, s, V, mean):
	# if we use only the first 20 PCs the reconstruction is less accurate
	Mhat2 = pca_predict(U, s, V, mean)
	print("Using %d PCs, MSE = %.6G"  % (len(s), numpy.mean((M - Mhat2)**2)))
	return M - Mhat2

[docs] def get_unit_response(i): copy_data(i,"temp_unitrsp") unit_arf = get_bkg_arf("temp_unitrsp") unit_arf.specresp = 0. * unit_arf.specresp + 1.0 bunitrsp = get_response("temp_unitrsp", bkg_id=1) delete_data("temp_unitrsp") return bunitrsp
class IdentityResponse(RSPModelNoPHA): def __init__(self, n, model, arf, rmf): self.n = n RSPModelNoPHA.__init__(self, arf=arf, rmf=rmf, model=model) self.elo = numpy.arange(n) self.ehi = numpy.arange(n) self.lo = numpy.arange(n) self.hi = numpy.arange(n) self.xlo = numpy.arange(n) self.xhi = numpy.arange(n) def apply_rmf(src): return src def calc(self, p, x, xhi=None, *args, **kwargs): src = self.model.calc(p, self.xlo, self.xhi) assert numpy.isfinite(src).all(), src return src class IdentityRMF(RMFModelNoPHA): def __init__(self, n, model, rmf): self.n = n RMFModelNoPHA.__init__(self, rmf=rmf, model=model) self.elo = numpy.arange(n) self.ehi = numpy.arange(n) self.lo = numpy.arange(n) self.hi = numpy.arange(n) self.xlo = numpy.arange(n) self.xhi = numpy.arange(n) def apply_rmf(src): return src def calc(self, p, x, xhi=None, *args, **kwargs): src = self.model.calc(p, self.xlo, self.xhi) assert numpy.isfinite(src).all(), src return src
[docs] def get_identity_response(i): rmf = get_rmf(i) delta_rmf = create_delta_rmf(rmf.e_min, rmf.e_max, offset=1, e_min=rmf.e_min, e_max=rmf.e_max, ethresh=rmf.ethresh) flat_arf = create_arf(rmf.e_min, rmf.e_max, ethresh=rmf.ethresh) return lambda model: RSPModelNoPHA(flat_arf, delta_rmf, model)
logf = logging.getLogger('bxa.Fitter') logf.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Model
[docs] class PCAModel(ArithmeticModel): def __init__(self, modelname, data): self.U = data['U'] self.V = numpy.matrix(data['components']) self.mean = data['mean'] self.s = data['values'] self.ilo = data['ilo'] self.ihi = data['ihi'] p0 = Parameter(modelname=modelname, name='lognorm', val=1, min=-5, max=20, hard_min=-100, hard_max=100) pars = [p0] for i in range(len(self.s)): pi = Parameter(modelname=modelname, name='PC%d' % (i+1), val=0, min=-20, max=20, hard_min=-1e300, hard_max=1e300) pars.append(pi) super(ArithmeticModel, self).__init__(modelname, pars=pars)
[docs] def calc(self, p, left, right, *args, **kwargs): try: lognorm = p[0] pars = numpy.array(p[1:]) y = numpy.array(pars * self.V.T + self.mean).flatten() cts = (10**y - 1) * 10**lognorm out = left * 0.0 out[self.ilo:self.ihi] = cts return out except Exception as e: print("Exception in PCA model:", e, p) raise e
[docs] def startup(self, *args): pass
[docs] def teardown(self, *args): pass
[docs] def guess(self, dep, *args, **kwargs): self._load_params()
class GaussModel(ArithmeticModel): def __init__(self, modelname): self.LineE = Parameter(modelname=modelname, name='LineE', val=1, min=0, max=1e38) self.Sigma = Parameter(modelname=modelname, name='Sigma', val=1, min=0, max=1e38) self.norm = Parameter(modelname=modelname, name='norm', val=1, min=0, max=1e38) pars = (self.LineE, self.Sigma, self.norm) super(ArithmeticModel, self).__init__(modelname, pars=pars) def calc(self, p, left, right, *args, **kwargs): try: LineE, Sigma, norm = p cts = norm * numpy.exp(-0.5 * ((left - LineE)/Sigma)**2) out = cts.cumsum() return cts except Exception as e: print("Exception in PCA model:", e, p) raise e def startup(self): pass def teardown(self): pass def guess(self, dep, *args, **kwargs): self._load_params()
[docs] class PCAFitter(object): """Fitter mixing PCA-based templates and gaussian lines """ def __init__(self, id=None): """ id: which data id to fit filename: prefix for where to store background information load: whether the background file should be loaded now """ = id'PCAFitter(for ID=%s)' % (id)) hdr = get_bkg(id).header self.ndata = len(get_bkg(id).counts) telescope = hdr.get('TELESCOP','') instrument = hdr.get('INSTRUME', '') if telescope == '' and instrument == '': raise Exception('ERROR: The TELESCOP/INSTRUME headers are not set in the data file.') for folder in os.environ.get('BKGMODELDIR', '.'), os.path.dirname(__file__): filename = os.path.join(folder, ('%s_%s_%d.json' % (telescope, instrument, self.ndata)).lower()) if os.path.exists(filename): self.load(filename) return filename = os.path.join(folder, ('%s_%d.json' % (telescope, self.ndata)).lower()) if os.path.exists(filename): self.load(filename) return raise Exception('ERROR: Could not load PCA components for this detector (%s %s, %d channels). Try the SingleFitter instead.' % (telescope, instrument, self.ndata))
[docs] def load(self, filename):'loading PCA information from %s' % (filename)) data = json.load(open(filename)) self.pca = dict() for k, v in data.items(): self.pca[k] = numpy.array(v)
[docs] def decompose(self): ilo = int(self.pca['ilo']) ihi = int(self.pca['ihi']) lo = self.pca['lo'] hi = self.pca['hi'] mean = self.pca['mean'] V = numpy.matrix(self.pca['components']) s = self.pca['values'] U = self.pca['U'] cts = get_data([ilo:ihi] ncts = cts.sum()'have %d background counts for deconvolution' % ncts) y = numpy.log10(cts * 1. / ncts + 1.0) z = (y - mean) * V assert z.shape == (1,len(s)), z.shape z = z.tolist()[0] return numpy.array([numpy.log10(ncts + 0.1)] + z)
[docs] def calc_bkg_stat(self): ss = [s for s in get_stat_info() if in s.ids and s.bkg_ids is not None and len(s.bkg_ids) > 0] if len(ss) != 1: for s in get_stat_info(): if in s.ids and len(s.bkg_ids) > 0: print('get_stat_info returned: ids=%s bkg_ids=%s' % (s.ids, s.bkg_ids)) assert len(ss) == 1 return ss[0].statval
[docs] def fit(self, max_lines=10): # try a PCA decomposition of this spectrum'fitting background of ID=%s using PCA method' % ( initial = self.decompose()'fit: initial PCA decomposition: %s' % (initial)) id = set_method('neldermead') bkgmodel = PCAModel('pca%s' % id, data=self.pca) self.bkgmodel = bkgmodel response = get_identity_response( convbkgmodel = response(bkgmodel) set_bkg_full_model(, convbkgmodel) for p, v in zip(, initial): p.val = v srcmodel = get_model( set_full_model(, srcmodel) fit_bkg('fit: first full fit done') final = [p.val for p in get_bkg_model(id).pars]'fit: parameters: %s' % (final)) initial_v = self.calc_bkg_stat()'fit: stat: %s' % (initial_v)) # lets try from zero'fit: second full fit from zero') for p in p.val = 0 fit_bkg( initial_v0 = self.calc_bkg_stat()'fit: parameters: %s' % (final))'fit: stat: %s' % (initial_v0)) # pick the better starting point if initial_v0 < initial_v:'fit: using zero-fit') initial_v = initial_v0 final = [p.val for p in get_bkg_model(id).pars] else:'fit: using decomposed-fit') for p, v in zip(, final): p.val = v # start with the full fit and remove(freeze) parameters print('%d parameters, stat=%.2f' % (len(initial), initial_v)) results = [(2 * len(final) + initial_v, final, len(final), initial_v)] for i in range(len(initial)-1, 0, -1):[i].val = 0[i].freeze() fit_bkg( final = [p.val for p in get_bkg_model(id).pars] v = self.calc_bkg_stat() print('--> %d parameters, stat=%.2f' % (i, v)) results.insert(0, (v + 2*i, final, i, v)) print() print('Background PCA fitting AIC results:') print('-----------------------------------') print() print('stat Ncomp AIC') for aic, params, nparams, val in results: print('%-05.1f %2d %-05.1f' % (val, nparams, aic)) aic, final, nparams, val = min(results) for p, v in zip(, final): p.val = v for i in range(nparams):[i].thaw() print() print('Increasing parameters again...') # now increase the number of parameters again #results = [(aic, final, nparams, val)] last_aic, last_final, last_nparams, last_val = aic, final, nparams, val for i in range(last_nparams, len( next_nparams = i + 1[i].thaw() for p, v in zip(, last_final): p.val = v fit_bkg( next_final = [p.val for p in get_bkg_model(id).pars] v = self.calc_bkg_stat() next_aic = v + 2*next_nparams if next_aic < last_aic: # accept print('%d parameters, aic=%.2f ** accepting' % (next_nparams, next_aic)) last_aic, last_final, last_nparams, last_val = next_aic, next_final, next_nparams, v else: print('%d parameters, aic=%.2f' % (next_nparams, next_aic)) # stop if we are 3 parameters ahead what we needed if next_nparams >= last_nparams + 3: break print('Final choice: %d parameters, aic=%.2f' % (last_nparams, last_aic)) # reset to the last good solution for p, v in zip(, last_final): p.val = v last_model = convbkgmodel for i in range(1, max_lines + 1): print() print('Adding Gaussian#%d' % (i)) # find largest discrepancy set_analysis(id, "ener", "rate") m = get_bkg_fit_plot(id) y = m.dataplot.y.cumsum() z = m.modelplot.y.cumsum() diff_rate = numpy.abs(y - z) set_analysis(id, "ener", "counts") m = get_bkg_fit_plot(id) x = m.dataplot.x y = m.dataplot.y.cumsum() z = m.modelplot.y.cumsum() diff = numpy.abs(y - z) imax = numpy.argmax(diff) energies = x e = x[imax] print('largest remaining discrepancy at %.3fkeV[%d], need %d counts' % (x[imax], imax, diff[imax])) power = diff_rate[imax] # power = diff[imax] # lets try to inject a gaussian there g = xsgaussian('g_%d_%d' % (id, i)) print('placing gaussian at %.2fkeV, with power %s' % (e, power)) # we work in energy bins, not energy g.LineE.min = energies[0] g.LineE.max = energies[-1] g.LineE.val = e if imax > len(diff) - 2: imax = len(diff) - 2 if imax < 2: imax = 2 g.Sigma = (x[imax + 1] - x[imax - 1]) try: g.Sigma.hard_max = 1e10 except: try: g.Sigma._hard_max = 1e10 except: pass g.Sigma.min = (x[imax + 1] - x[imax - 1])/3 g.Sigma.max = x[-1] - x[0] g.norm.min = power * 1e-6 g.norm.val = power convbkgmodel2 = response(g) next_model = last_model + convbkgmodel2 set_bkg_full_model(, next_model) fit_bkg( next_final = [p.val for p in get_bkg_model(id).pars] next_nparams = len(next_final) v = self.calc_bkg_stat() next_aic = v + 2 * next_nparams print('with Gaussian:', next_aic, '; change: %.1f (negative is good)' % (next_aic - last_aic)) if next_aic < last_aic: print('accepting') last_model = next_model last_aic, last_final, last_nparams, last_val = next_aic, next_final, next_nparams, v else: print('not significant, rejecting') set_bkg_full_model(, last_model) for p, v in zip(, last_final): p.val = v break
[docs] def auto_background(id, max_lines=10): """Automatically fits background *id* based on PCA-based templates, and additional gaussian lines as needed by AIC.""" bkgmodel = PCAFitter(id) log_sherpa = logging.getLogger('sherpa.astro.ui.utils') prev_level = log_sherpa.level try: log_sherpa.setLevel(logging.WARN) finally: log_sherpa.setLevel(prev_level) m = get_bkg_fit_plot(id) numpy.savetxt('test_bkg.txt', numpy.transpose([m.dataplot.x, m.dataplot.y, m.modelplot.x, m.modelplot.y])) return get_bkg_model(id)
__all__ = ['PCAFitter', 'PCAModel', 'auto_background', 'get_identity_response', 'get_unit_response']