Source code for bxa.sherpa.background.fitters

from __future__ import print_function
Lets try something simpler.

Background model has stages
SingleFitter goes through stages and fits each with chi^2, then cstat

MultiFitter fits first one with SingleFitter,
then goes through all the others
by setting the parameter values to those of the previous id
and then fitting each stage


import os
if 'MAKESPHINXDOC' not in os.environ:
	import sherpa.astro.ui as ui
	from sherpa.stats import Cash, CStat
	from sherpa.models.parameter import Parameter
	from sherpa.models import ArithmeticModel, CompositeModel
	from sherpa.astro.ui import *
	from sherpa.astro.instrument import RSPModelNoPHA, RMFModelNoPHA
	CompositeModel, ArithmeticModel = object, object
	load_user_stat = lambda _1, _2, _3: None
import numpy
import json
import logging
import warnings

custom background statistic, similar to chi^2

Sherpa itself does not expose the statistic of the background fit
as far as I can tell. This has the benefit of being rather stable
and giving large, sensitive values when the fit is poor. (CStat tends to 
flatten out)

i: spectrum ID

logi = logging.getLogger('bxa.internal')

[docs] def my_bkg_stat(i): p = get_bkg_fit_plot(i) m = p.modelplot d = p.dataplot chi = (((d.y - m.y) / (m.y + 1e-20)) ** 2) return chi.mean()
def group_adapt(data, model, nmin = 20): i = 0 while i < len(data): for j in range(i, len(data)+1): mask = numpy.arange(i, j) n = data[mask].sum() if n >= nmin or j + 1 >= len(data): yield (n, model[mask].sum()) break i = j + 1 def wstatfunc(data, model, staterror=None, syserror=None, weight=None): n = data.astype('int').sum() l = len(data) if n >= l * 20: # no rebinning needed r = (((data - model) / model)**2).sum() return r, r else: r = numpy.sum([((d - m)/m)**2 for d, m in group_adapt(data.astype('int'), model, nmin=20)]) for p in get_bkg_model().pars: logi.debug('%s = %.f' % (p.fullname, p.val))'bxaroughstat: %.3f' % r) return r, r def wstatfunc(data, model, staterror=None, syserror=None, weight=None): n = data.astype('int').sum() l = len(data) r = (((data - model) / model)**2).sum() return r, r def custom_staterr_func(data): return data**0.5 load_user_stat("bxaroughstat", wstatfunc, custom_staterr_func) """ custom routine to find the best normalisation in a robust way. Often the starting point can be way off and the statistic will not give good indications which way to go. So use my_bkg_stat. This routine tries to go both up and down from the starting point to escape this flatness. i: spectrum ID params: list of params to deal with, in sequence """
[docs] def robust_opt(i, params): logi.debug(' robust_opt: my optimization --- of %s' % i) logi.debug(' robust_opt: \tparameters:', ', '.join([p.fullname for p in params])) #plot_bkg_fit_resid(i) for p in params: logi.debug(' robust_opt: \toptimizing %s normalization [%e .. %e]' % (p.fullname, p.min, p.max)) startval = p.val beststat = my_bkg_stat(i) bestval = p.val' robust_opt: \t\tstart val = %e: %e' % (p.val, beststat)) go_up = True go_down = True for n in list(3.**numpy.arange(1, 20)) + [None] + list(1.1**numpy.arange(1, 13)): if n is None: startval = bestval' robust_opt: \t\trefining from %e' % (startval)) go_up = True go_down = True continue if go_up and startval * n > p.max:' robust_opt: \t\thit upper border (%e * %e > %e)' % (startval, n, p.max)) go_up = False if go_down and startval / n < p.min:'\t\thit lower border (%e / %e > %e)' % (startval, n, p.min)) go_down = False if go_up: logi.debug(' robust_opt: \t\ttrying %e ^' % (startval * n)) p.val = startval * n newstat = my_bkg_stat(i) logi.debug(' robust_opt: \t\tval = %e: %e' % (p.val, newstat)) if newstat <= beststat: bestval = p.val beststat = newstat logi.debug(' robust_opt: \t\t\timprovement: %e' % p.val) if newstat > beststat + 100: go_up = False if go_down: logi.debug(' robust_opt: \t\ttrying %e v' % (startval / n)) p.val = startval / n newstat = my_bkg_stat(i) logi.debug(' robust_opt: \t\tval = %e: %e' % (p.val, newstat)) if newstat + 1e-3 < beststat: bestval = p.val beststat = newstat logi.debug(' robust_opt: \t\t\timprovement: %e' % p.val) if newstat > beststat + 100: go_down = False p.val = bestval logi.debug(' robust_opt: \tnew normalization of %s: %e' % (p.fullname, p.val)) #plot_bkg_fit_resid(i)' robust_opt: optimization of %s in %s done, reached %.3f' % (', '.join([p.fullname for p in params]), i, beststat)) if beststat > 0.2:' robust_opt: no good fit found: %.3f' % beststat) if False: plot_bkg_fit_resid(i) print('press ENTER to continue >> ', end=' ') sys.stdin.readline() logi.debug(' robust_opt: my optimization end ---')
logbs = logging.getLogger('bxa.BackgroundStorage') logbs.setLevel(logging.WARN) """ Loads background file and assigns unit response matrix. Capabilities for loading and storing previously fitted background models. """
[docs] class BackgroundStorage(object): def __init__(self, backgroundfilename, i, load=False): self.backgroundfilename = backgroundfilename self.backgroundparamsfile = backgroundfilename + '_bkgparams.json'' BackgroundStorage: for background model params of ID=%s, will use "%s" as storage' % (i, self.backgroundparamsfile)) if load: load_pha(i, self.backgroundfilename) self.i = i self.load_rsp()
[docs] def load_rsp(self): i = self.i copy_data(i,1000+2) unit_arf = get_bkg_arf(1000+2) unit_arf.specresp = 0.*unit_arf.specresp + 1.0 # * unit_arf.specresp.mean() self.bunitrsp = get_response(1000+2,bkg_id=1) delete_data(1000+2)
[docs] def load_bkg_model(self): i = self.i m = get_bkg_model(i) bkg_model = json.load(open(self.backgroundparamsfile, 'r')) bkg_pars = bkg_model['params'] for p in"loaded parameter: \tbkg[%s] = %e" % (p.fullname, bkg_pars[p.fullname])) if bkg_pars[p.fullname] > p.max or bkg_pars[p.fullname] < p.min: warnings.warn('WARNING: ignoring stored parameter value for %s (val=%s, min=%s, max=%s)' % (p.fullname, p.val, p.min, p.max)) continue p.val = bkg_pars[p.fullname] return bkg_model
[docs] def store_bkg_model(self, stats, **kwargs): i = self.i m = get_bkg_model(i) params = dict([(p.fullname, p.val) for p in]) oldstats = 1e300 try: prev_model = json.load(open(self.backgroundparamsfile, 'r')) oldstats = prev_model['stats'] except IOError as e: warnings.warn('store_bkg_model: could not check previously stored model, perhaps this is the first. (Error was: %s)' % e) if stats > oldstats + 0.02: logbs.warn('store_bkg_model: ERROR: refusing to store worse model! %.3f (new) vs %.3f (old)' % (stats, oldstats)) else: set_analysis(i, "energy", "counts") p = get_bkg_fit_plot(i) with open(self.backgroundparamsfile, 'w') as f: json.dump(dict(params=params, stats=stats, plot=dict(x=p.dataplot.x.tolist(), ydata=p.dataplot.y.tolist(), ymodel=p.modelplot.y.tolist()), **kwargs), f, indent=4)'store_bkg_model: stored as "%s"' % self.backgroundparamsfile) names = [p.fullname for p in] values = [p.val for p in] return names, values
""" Robust fitting strategies for background models """ logf = logging.getLogger('bxa.Fitter') logf.setLevel(logging.INFO)
[docs] class SingleFitter(object): def __init__(self, id, filename, backgroundmodel, load=False): """ id: which data id to fit filename: prefix for where to store background information backgroundmodel: A background model, such as ChandraBackground load: whether the background file should be loaded now """ = id'SingleFitter(for ID=%s, storing to "%s")' % (id, filename)) logf.debug(' creating backgroundstorage ...') b = BackgroundStorage(filename, id, load=load) logf.debug(' creating Background Model ...') = backgroundmodel(b)
[docs] def store(self): i = # reset filter for equal comparison newstats = my_bkg_stat(i), stage=self.stage)
[docs] def tryload(self): for stage in self.prepare_stage(stage=stage) props ='Background loaded, stage %s%s' % (stage, '(last)' if[-1] == stage else '(more to go)')) if stage == props['stage']: break
[docs] def fit(self, reinit=True, plot=False): for stage in self.prepare_stage(stage=stage) self.fit_stage(stage=stage, plot=plot)'Background fit complete.')
#def fit_continue(self, reinit=True, plot=False): # stages = list( # for stage in # self.prepare_stage(stage=stage) # try: # props = #'Background loaded, stage %s%s' % (stage, '(last)' if[-1] == stage else '(more to go)')) # stages.pop(0) # if stage == props['stage']: # break # for stage in stages: # self.prepare_stage(stage=stage) # self.fit_stage(stage=stage, plot=plot)
[docs] def prepare_stage(self, stage, prev=None, link=False): i ='prepare_stage %s of ID=%s' % (stage, i)) if prev is not None and link: otherpars = prev this = assert len(otherpars) == len(, (other, 'incompatible with', for pa, pb in zip(otherpars, aname = pa.fullname.split('_')[0] bname = pb.fullname.split('_')[0] assert aname == bname, ('names should be the same', pa.fullname, pb.fullname) logf.debug(' linking %s <- %s' % (pb.fullname, pa.fullname)) pb = pa elif prev is not None: for pa, pb in zip(, prev): if logf.debug(' unlinking %s' % (pa.fullname)) pa.unlink() if pa in pa.val = pb.val # only thaw those parameters that are new for pa in if pa in if continue pa.thaw() else: pa.freeze()'prepare_stage %s of ID=%s done' % (stage, i))
[docs] def fit_stage(self, stage, plot=False): i = #set_method_opt('ftol', 0.1) def doplot(): if plot: s = my_bkg_stat(i) logf.debug('fit_stage %s of ID=%s (stat: %.3f)... plotting ... ' % (stage, i, s)) plot_bkg_fit_resid(i) logf.debug('fit_stage %s of ID=%s (stat: %.3f)... plotting done' % (stage, i, s))'fit_stage %s of ID=%s' % (stage, i)) logf.debug(get_bkg_model(i)) if get_bkg(i).counts.sum() > 500:'fit_stage %s of ID=%s. rough fit ...' % (stage, i)) prev_filter = get_filter(i) logf.debug('grouping') group_counts(i, 20) set_stat('chi2gehrels') logf.debug('plotting') doplot() normparams = [p for p in if in ['ampl', 'norm']] if normparams: logf.debug('simple optimization') robust_opt(i, normparams) logf.debug('calling fit_bkg()') fit_bkg(i) logf.debug('plotting') doplot() ungrouping_bug = False logf.debug('ungrouping') try: ungroup(i) except Exception as e: logf.warn('ungrouping failed') ungrouping_bug = True logf.debug('setting filters') ignore() notice(prev_filter) self.stage = stage logf.debug('storing')'fit_stage %s of ID=%s. fine fit ...' % (stage, i)) set_method_opt('ftol', 0.001) set_stat('cstat') doplot() fit_bkg(i) doplot()'fit_stage %s of ID=%s. fitted' % (stage, i)) self.stage = stage'fit_stage %s of ID=%s. stage done' % (stage, i)) try: ungroup(i) except Exception as e: logf.warn('ungrouping failed')
logmf = logging.getLogger('bxa.MultiFitter') logmf.setLevel(logging.INFO)
[docs] class MultiFitter(object): def __init__(self, filename, backgroundmodel, load=True): """ filename should be a text file, containing all the file names (if load=True) or storage prefixes backgroundmodel: background model to use (e.g. ChandraBackground) load: whether the background file should be loaded now """ ids = [l.strip() for l in open(filename).readlines()] names = list(ids) #if load: # ids = list(range(1, 1+len(names))) logmf.debug('MultiFitter: loading...') self.fitters = {} for i, name in zip(ids, names): self.fitters[i] = SingleFitter(i, name, backgroundmodel, load=load) self.ids = sorted(ids, key=lambda i: get_bkg(i).counts.sum(), reverse=True) logmf.debug('MultiFitter: loading done') """ MultiFitter fits first one with SingleFitter, then goes through all the others by setting the parameter values to those of the previous id and then fitting each stage """
[docs] def fit(self, **kwargs): batchsize = 10'MultiFitter: splitting work into batches of size %d' % batchsize) for part in range(int(numpy.ceil(len(self.ids[1:]) * 1. / batchsize))): batchids = self.ids[part*batchsize:part*batchsize+batchsize] logmf.debug('MultiFitter: batch with %s' % str(batchids)) first = batchids[0] firstfit = self.fitters[first]'MultiFitter: fit first ID=%s ...' % first) stages = pars_at_stages = {} for stage in firstfit.prepare_stage(stage=stage) firstfit.fit_stage(stage=stage, **kwargs) pars_at_stages[stage] = list('MultiFitter: fit first ID=%s done' % first) # we want to improve our statistics by fitting jointly for stage in stages:'MultiFitter: joint fitting, stage "%s" ...' % stage) firstfit.prepare_stage(stage=stage) for i in batchids[1:]: self.fitters[i].prepare_stage(stage=stage, prev=pars_at_stages[stage], link=True) logmf.debug('MultiFitter: joint fitting, stage "%s", rough chi^2...' % stage) set_method_opt('ftol', 0.1) set_stat('chi2gehrels') logmf.debug('MultiFitter: joint fitting, stage "%s", rough chi^2 fit...' % stage) fit_bkg(*batchids) logmf.debug('MultiFitter: joint fitting, stage "%s", rough chi^2 storing...' % stage) for i in batchids: self.fitters[i].store() set_stat('cstat') logmf.debug('MultiFitter: joint fitting, stage "%s", cstat...' % stage) fit_bkg(*batchids) for i in batchids: self.fitters[i].store() #self.fitters[i].fit_stage(stage=stage, **kwargs) pars_at_stages[stage] = self.fitters[i]'MultiFitter: joint fitting, stage "%s" done' % stage) # now we release the links and try to improve the fits # individually for stage in stages:'MultiFitter: individual fitting, stage "%s" ...' % stage) firstfit.prepare_stage(stage=stage)'MultiFitter: individual fitting, stage "%s" unlinking ' % stage) for i in batchids[1:]: self.fitters[i].prepare_stage(stage=stage, prev=pars_at_stages[stage], link=False)'MultiFitter: individual fitting, stage "%s" fitting ' % stage) for i in batchids: self.fitters[i].fit_stage(stage=stage, **kwargs) #pars_at_stages[stage] = self.fitters[i]'MultiFitter: individual fitting, stage "%s" done' % stage)
[docs] def fit_jointly_stage(self, stage, ids, plot=False): def doplot(i): if plot: s = my_bkg_stat(i) logmf.debug('fit_jointly_stage %s of ID=%s (stat: %.3f)... plotting ... ' % (stage, i, s)) plot_bkg_fit_resid(i) logmf.debug('fit_jointly_stage %s of ID=%s (stat: %.3f)... plotting done' % (stage, i, s)) params = [] prev_filters = [] for i in ids: prev_filters.append(get_filter(i)) group_counts(i, 20) set_stat('chi2gehrels') doplot(i) params += [p for p in if not and not p.frozen] fit_bkg(id=ids[0], otherids=ids[1:]) doplot(ids[0]) for i, prev_filter in zip(ids, prev_filters): ungroup(i) ignore() notice(prev_filter) self.fitters[i].store() logmf.debug('fit_jointly_stage %s: fine fit ...' % (stage)) set_method_opt('ftol', 0.001) set_stat('cstat') doplot(ids[0]) fit_bkg(id=ids[0], otherids=ids[1:]) doplot(ids[0]) logmf.debug('fit_jointly_stage %s: fitted' % (stage)) for i in ids: self.fitters[i].store() logmf.debug('fit_jointly_stage %s: stage done' % (stage))
__all__ = ['SingleFitter', 'MultiFitter', 'BackgroundStorage', 'robust_opt', 'my_bkg_stat']