Nested Sampling Development Framework & UltraNest


A Pythonic, modular implementation of the Nested Sampling integration algorithm for Bayesian model comparison and parameter estimation.

This package consists of three parts:

  1. Python package for integration using Nested Sampling
  2. Python framework for testing/benchmarking Nested Sampling
  3. UltraNest: A C drop-in replacement for MultiNest

Pythonic Nested Sampling

Nested Sampling consists of three software components:

  1. The Nested Sampling integrator. It performs the nested sampling integration itself, and computes the evidence. This component is very well understood theoretically.
  2. The Sampler. It keeps the current live points sorted, and replaces the least likely point in each iteration, using the next component. This component is trivial.
  3. The Constrained Drawing function. A method that samples point uniformly from the prior, subject to that their likelihood is above a given value. This package provides multiple implementations for constrained drawing functions, namely rejection sampling (the simplest), MCMC, RadFriends/SupFriends, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. See the documentation of Implemented Constrained Drawing Functions for more details. This component is subject of current research.

The Test Suite can be used to evaluate the correctness, accuracy and efficiency of various implementations.

Setting up a problem

The problem is specified via a coordinate transform from the unit cube (priortransform), and the logarithm of the likelihood:

from numpy import log, pi

# set dimensionality
ndim = 2

def priortransform(u):
        # linear transform into [-1 : 1] interval
        x = u * 2 - 1
        return x

def loglikelihood(x):
        a = -0.5 * (((x[0] - 0.5)/0.03)**2)
        b = -0.5 * (((x[1] - 0.5)/0.03)**2)
        return a + b - 0.5 * log(2*pi) * 2 - 0.5 * log(0.03**2) * 2

To integrate, we need the integrator and sampler, and we need to choose a constrained drawing function.

Here, we use the simplest setup:

from nested_integrator import nested_integrator
from nested_sampler import NestedSampler

# choose constrainer
# a more specialised constrainer may take more arguments
from samplers.rejection import RejectionConstrainer as Constrainer
constrainer = Constrainer()

print 'preparing sampler...'
sampler = NestedSampler(nlive_points = 400, # number of live points
        # problem
        # constrained drawing function
        draw_constrained = constrainer.draw_constrained,
        ndim=ndim # dimensionality
# tell constrainer about sampler so they can interact
constrainer.sampler = sampler

print 'running sampler...'
result = nested_integrator(tolerance=0.2, sampler=sampler)

print 'nested sampling (%d samples) logZ = ' % len(result['samples']), result['logZ'], result['logZerr']

Find out more about the implemented Constrained Drawing Functions.

Citing this work

The correct citation to use is Buchner (2014) published in Statistics and Computing.


  Title                    = {{A statistical test for Nested Sampling algorithms}},
  Author                   = {Buchner, Johannes},
  Year                     = {2014},
  Doi                      = {10.1007/s11222-014-9512-y},
  Eprint                   = {1407.5459},
  ISSN                     = {0960-3174},
  Language                 = {English},
  Month                    = jul,
  Pages                    = {1-10},

  Adsnote                  = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System},
  Adsurl                   = {},
  Archiveprefix            = {arXiv},
  Journal                  = {Statistics and Computing},
  Keywords                 = {Nested sampling; MCMC; Bayesian inference; Evidence; Test; Marginal likelihood},
  Owner                    = {user},
  Primaryclass             = {stat.CO},
  Publisher                = {Springer US},
  Timestamp                = {2014.08.20}

Download & Code repository

The code repository is at

with subfolders

  1. nested_sampling – Modular framework for nested sampling algorithms and their development
  2. testsuite – Test framework to evaluate the performance and accuracy of algorithms
  3. ultranest - A fast C implementation of a mixed RadFriends/MCMC nested sampling algorithm

Installation of the nested_sampling works as usual with

python install

Indices and tables