Benchmark/Test Suite

The benchmark runs the implemented algorithms against a number of test problems, and ranks them, after evaluating 10 runs with different seeds, by

  1. correctness (tolerance of \(\Delta Z < 0.1\) in accuracy) is fulfilled
  2. claimed accuracy does not overestimate actual accuracy
  3. number of likelihood evaluations

Following the Benchmark, one may choose the right algorithm for a problem according to characteristics, such as

  • unimodal vs multimodal
  • low-dimensional (<7), medium-dimensional (7-20), high-dimensional (30-1000)
  • simple peak shape vs peculiar shapes (e.g. bananas, funnels, multiple scales in modes)

The evaluation of various algorithms can be found at

Algorithms available

All algorithms implemented in the python package are available. To add your own algorithm, add a if-clause in testsuite/algorithms/

Additionally, the following algorithms are evaluated in the benchmark:

  • Suave (through PyCuba)
  • Divonne (through PyCuba)
  • Cuhre (through PyCuba)
  • Vegas (through PyCuba)
  • MultiNest (through PyMultiNest)

Running the Test Suite

To run all the algorithms against all the problems, run:

$ cd testsuite
$ mkdir -p output && cd output
$ PYTHONPATH=../../ python ../

This ensures you are using the current source of the nested sampling python package.

Parallel execution

Parallel execution using multiple threads can be enabled by setting the environment variable PARALLEL=1.

Partially running the Test Suite

Create a algorithm exclusion file named skip_algorithms, which contains regular expressions on the names of algorithms to skip. Example:


Create a problem exclusion file named skip_problems, which contains regular expressions on the names of problems to skip. Example:


As before, run the test suite, but with

$ cd testsuite
$ mkdir -p output && cd output
$ PYTHONPATH=../../ python ../

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