Source code for snowline

"""Calculates the Bayesian evidence and posterior samples of arbitrary monomodal models."""

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import os
import sys
import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial

from iminuit import Minuit
    from iminuit.util import HesseFailedWarning
except ImportError:
    from iminuit.iminuit_warnings import HesseFailedWarning
from pypmc.sampler.importance_sampling import combine_weights
from pypmc.density.mixture import create_gaussian_mixture
from pypmc.density.gauss import Gauss
from pypmc.sampler.importance_sampling import ImportanceSampler
from import ess
from pypmc.mix_adapt.variational import GaussianInference

__all__ = ['ReactiveImportanceSampler']
__author__ = """Johannes Buchner"""
__email__ = ''
__version__ = '0.5.0'

# Some parts are from the nnest library by Adam Moss (
def create_logger(module_name, log_dir=None, level=logging.INFO):
    Set up the logging channel `module_name`.

    Append to ``debug.log`` in `log_dir` (if not ``None``).
    Write to stdout with output level `level`.

    If logging handlers are already registered, no new handlers are
    logger = logging.getLogger(str(module_name))
    first_logger = logger.handlers == []
    if log_dir is not None and first_logger:
        # create file handler which logs even debug messages
        handler = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(log_dir, 'debug.log'))
        msgformat = '%(asctime)s [{}] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s'
        formatter = logging.Formatter(
            msgformat.format(module_name), datefmt='%H:%M:%S')
    if first_logger:
        # if it is new, register to write to stdout
        handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
        formatter = logging.Formatter('[{}] %(message)s'.format(module_name))

    return logger

"""Square root of a small number."""
SQRTEPS = (float(np.finfo(np.float64).eps))**0.5

# Some parts are from the Nestle library by Kyle Barbary (
def resample_equal(samples, weights, N=None, rstate=None):
    """Resample the samples so that the final samples all have equal weight.

    Each input sample appears in the output array either
    `floor(weights[i] * N)` or `ceil(weights[i] * N)` times, with
    `floor` or `ceil` randomly selected (weighted by proximity).

    samples : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Unequally weight samples returned by the nested sampling algorithm.
        Shape is (N, ...), with N the number of samples.
    weights : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Weight of each sample. Shape is (N,).
    N : int
        Number of samples to draw. if None, len(weights) is used.

    equal_weight_samples : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Samples with equal weights, same shape as input samples.

    >>> x = np.array([[1., 1.], [2., 2.], [3., 3.], [4., 4.]])
    >>> w = np.array([0.6, 0.2, 0.15, 0.05])
    >>> nestle.resample_equal(x, w)
    array([[ 1.,  1.],
           [ 1.,  1.],
           [ 1.,  1.],
           [ 3.,  3.]])

    Implements the systematic resampling method described in
    `this PDF <>`_.
    Another way to sample according to weights would be::

        N = len(weights)
        new_samples = samples[np.random.choice(N, size=N, p=weights)]

    However, the method used in this function is less "noisy".

    if abs(np.sum(weights) - 1.) > SQRTEPS:  # same tol as in np.random.choice.
        raise ValueError("weights do not sum to 1 (%g)" % np.sum(weights))

    if rstate is None:
        rstate = np.random

    if N is None:
        N = len(weights)

    # make N subdivisions, and choose positions with a consistent random offset
    positions = (rstate.random() + np.arange(N)) / N

    idx = np.zeros(N,
    cumulative_sum = np.cumsum(weights)
    i, j = 0, 0
    while i < N:
        if positions[i] < cumulative_sum[j]:
            idx[i] = j
            i += 1
            j += 1

    return samples[idx]

def _make_initial_proposal(optu, cov):
    # 1) find the middle between the estimate and the full prior
    stdevs = np.diag(cov)**0.5
    # mid_stdevs = np.exp((np.log(stdevs) + np.log(1)) / 2)
    mid_stdevs = stdevs**0.5
    # use that as a wide, uncorrelated gaussian proposal
    verywidecov = np.diag(mid_stdevs**2)
    # 2) blow up the current covariance
    widecov = cov * 100**2
    # 3) narrow the current covariance
    narrowcov = cov / 100**2
    # combine
    return [optu, optu, optu, optu], [cov, widecov, verywidecov, narrowcov], [0.7, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]

def _make_proposal(samples, weights, optu, cov, invcov):
    # split samples into 3 equally large groups, by L
    w1, w2 = np.percentile(weights[weights>0], [33, 66])

    means = [optu]
    covs = [cov]
    chunk_weights = [1]
    # for each group (top: L1 < L, mid: L1 > L > L2, bottom: L < L2)

    cov_guess = cov
    for mask in weights >= w1, ~np.logical_or(weights >= w2, weights <= w1), weights <= w2:
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, weights > 0)
        if not mask.any():
        # assume H as distance metric
        # find most distant point from ML (u)
        dists = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(samples[mask, :], [optu], 'mahalanobis', VI=invcov).flatten()
        # maximum size of clusters:

        handled = np.zeros(len(dists), dtype=bool)

        # repeat recursively until no points left
        while not handled.all():
            samples_todo = samples[mask, :][~handled, :]

            # find most distant point, which is used as the center
            i = dists[~handled].argmax()
            # add all points within distance until peak is included
            d = dists[~handled][i]
            #    but include at most a distance of maxdistance

            dists_todo = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(samples_todo, [samples_todo[i, :]], 'mahalanobis', VI=invcov).flatten()
            selected = dists_todo <= d
            cluster = samples_todo[selected]
            #print("  accreted %d (of %d to do)" % (len(cluster), (~handled).sum()), 'from', samples_todo[i, :])
            handled[~handled] = selected

            if len(cluster) < cluster.shape[1]:

            # print(np.diag(np.var(cluster, axis=0)))
            # cov_guess = np.diag(np.var(cluster, axis=0))
                cov_local = np.cov(cluster, rowvar=0)
                # check that it is positive-definite
                if not np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(cov_local) > 0):
            except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
                cov_local = cov_guess
                # reject, too few points in cluster
            assert np.isfinite(cluster).all(), cluster[~np.isfinite(cluster)]
            assert np.isfinite(cov_local).all(), (cov_local, cov_local[np.isfinite(cov_local)])
            means.append(np.mean(cluster, axis=0))

    chunk_weights = np.asarray(chunk_weights) / np.sum(chunk_weights)

    mix = create_gaussian_mixture(means, covs, weights=chunk_weights)
    return mix

[docs]class ReactiveImportanceSampler(object): """Sampler with reactive exploration strategy. Storage & resume capable, optionally MPI parallelised. """ def __init__(self, param_names, loglike, transform=None, resume=True, run_num=None, num_test_samples=2, ): """Initialise importance sampler. Parameters ----------- param_names: list of str, names of the parameters. Length gives dimensionality of the sampling problem. loglike: function log-likelihood function. Receives multiple parameter vectors, returns vector of likelihood. transform: function parameter transform from unit cube to physical parameters. Receives multiple cube vectors, returns multiple parameter vectors. log_dir: str where to store output files resume: continue previous run if available. num_test_samples: int test transform and likelihood with this number of random points for errors first. Useful to catch bugs. """ self.paramnames = param_names x_dim = len(self.paramnames) self.sampler = 'reactive-importance' self.x_dim = x_dim self.use_mpi = False try: from mpi4py import MPI self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD self.mpi_size = self.comm.Get_size() self.mpi_rank = self.comm.Get_rank() if self.mpi_size > 1: self.use_mpi = True self._setup_distributed_seeds() except Exception: self.mpi_size = 1 self.mpi_rank = 0 self.log = self.mpi_rank == 0 if self.log: self.logger = create_logger('snowline') self.ncall = 0 self._set_likelihood_function(transform, loglike, num_test_samples) def _setup_distributed_seeds(self): if not self.use_mpi: return seed = 0 if self.mpi_rank == 0: seed = np.random.randint(0, 1000000) seed = self.comm.bcast(seed, root=0) if self.mpi_rank > 0: # from seed = int(abs(((seed * 181) * ((self.mpi_rank - 83) * 359)) % 104729)) # print('setting seed:', self.mpi_rank, seed) np.random.seed(seed) def _set_likelihood_function(self, transform, loglike, num_test_samples, make_safe=False): """Store the transform and log-likelihood functions. Tests with `num_test_samples` whether they work and give the correct output. if make_safe is set, make functions safer by accepting misformed return shapes and non-finite likelihood values. """ # do some checks on the likelihood function # this makes debugging easier by failing early with meaningful errors for i in range(num_test_samples): # test with num_test_samples random points u = np.random.uniform(size=self.x_dim) p = transform(u) if transform is not None else u assert p.shape == (self.x_dim,), ("Error in transform function: returned shape is %s, expected %s" % (p.shape, self.x_dim)) logl = loglike(p) assert np.logical_and(u > 0, u < 1).all(), ("Error in transform function: u was modified!") assert np.shape(logl) == (), ("Error in loglikelihood function: returned shape is %s, expected %s" % (np.shape(logl), self.x_dim)) assert np.isfinite(logl), ("Error in loglikelihood function: returned non-finite number: %s for input u=%s p=%s" % (logl, u, p)) self.ncall += num_test_samples self.loglike = loglike if transform is None: self.transform = lambda x: x else: self.transform = transform
[docs] def run(self, num_global_samples=400, num_gauss_samples=400, max_ncalls=100000, min_ess=400, max_improvement_loops=4, heavytail_laplaceapprox=True, verbose=True): """Sample at least *min_ess* effective samples have been drawn. The steps are: 1. Draw *num_global_samples* from prior. The highest likelihood point is chosen. 2. Optimize to find maximum likelihood point. 3. Estimate local covariance with finite differences. 4. Importance sample from Laplace approximation (with *num_gauss_samples*). 5. Construct Gaussian mixture model from samples 6. Simplify Gaussian mixture model with Variational Bayes 7. Importance sample from mixture model Steps 5-7 are repeated (*max_improvement_loops* times). Steps 2-3 are performed with MINUIT, Steps 3-6 are performed with pypmc. Parameters ---------- min_ess: float Number of effective samples to draw max_ncalls: int Maximum number of likelihood function evaluations max_improvement_loops: int Number of times the proposal should be improved num_gauss_samples: int Number of samples to draw from initial Gaussian likelihood approximation before improving the approximation. num_global_samples: int Number of samples to draw from the prior to heavytail_laplaceapprox: bool If False, use laplace approximation as initial gaussian proposal If True, use a gaussian mixture, including the laplace approximation but also wider gaussians. verbose: bool whether to print summary information to stdout """ self.laplace_approximate( num_global_samples=num_global_samples, verbose=verbose) results = None for results in self.run_iter( num_gauss_samples=num_gauss_samples, max_ncalls=max_ncalls, min_ess=min_ess, max_improvement_loops=max_improvement_loops, heavytail_laplaceapprox=heavytail_laplaceapprox, verbose=verbose, ): pass if verbose and max_improvement_loops > 0: self.print_results() return results
def _collect_samples(self, sampler, mixes=None, all=False): if self.mpi_size > 1: if self.mpi_rank == 0: if all: samples = np.vstack([history_item[:] for history_item in sampler.samples_list]) weights = np.vstack([combine_weights( [samples[:] for samples in sampler.samples_list[i]], [np.where(weights[:][:, 0] > 0, weights[:][:, 0], 0) for weights in sampler.weights_list[i]], mixes)[:][:, 0] for i in range(self.mpi_size)]) else: samples = np.vstack([history_item[-1] for history_item in sampler.samples_list]) weights = np.vstack([history_item[-1] for history_item in sampler.weights_list])[:, 0] else: samples = None weights = None samples = self.comm.bcast(samples) weights = self.comm.bcast(weights).flatten() else: if all: weights = combine_weights( [samples[:] for samples in sampler.samples], [np.where(weights[:][:, 0] > 0, weights[:][:, 0], 0) for weights in sampler.weights], mixes)[:][:, 0] samples = sampler.samples[:] else: samples = sampler.samples[-1] weights = sampler.weights[-1].flatten() assert len(samples) == len(weights), (samples.shape, weights.shape) return samples, np.where(weights > 0, weights, 0)
[docs] def run_iter( self, num_gauss_samples=400, max_ncalls=100000, min_ess=400, max_improvement_loops=4, heavytail_laplaceapprox=True, verbose=True, ): """ Iterative version of run(). See documentation there. Returns current samples on each iteration. """ paramnames = self.paramnames loglike = self.loglike transform = self.transform ndim = len(paramnames) optu, cov, invcov = self.optu, self.cov, self.invcov # for numerical stability, use 1e260, so that we can go down be 1e-100, # but up by 1e600 self.Loffset = self.optL #+ 600 # first iteration: create a single gaussian and importance-sample if self.log:"Initiating gaussian importance sampler") def log_target(u): """ log-posterior to sample from """ if (u > 1).any() or (u < 0).any(): return -np.inf p = transform(u) L = loglike(p) return L - self.Loffset if not heavytail_laplaceapprox: initial_proposal = Gauss(optu, cov) else: # make a few gaussians, in case the fit errors were too narrow means, covs, weights = _make_initial_proposal(optu, cov) initial_proposal = create_gaussian_mixture(means, covs, weights) mixes = [initial_proposal] N = num_gauss_samples Nhere = N // self.mpi_size if self.mpi_size > 1: SequentialIS = ImportanceSampler from import MPISampler sampler = MPISampler( SequentialIS, target=log_target, proposal=initial_proposal, prealloc=Nhere) else: sampler = ImportanceSampler( target=log_target, proposal=initial_proposal, prealloc=Nhere) if self.log:" sampling %d ..." % N) np.seterr(over="warn") self.ncall += Nhere * self.mpi_size samples, weights = self._collect_samples(sampler) assert weights.sum() > 0, 'All samples have weight zero.' vbmix = None for it in range(max_improvement_loops): ess_fraction = ess(weights) if self.log:" sampling efficiency: %.3f%%" % (ess_fraction * 100)) if it % 3 == 0: if self.log:"Optimizing proposal (from scratch) ...") mix = _make_proposal( samples, weights, optu, cov, invcov) vb = GaussianInference( samples, weights=weights, initial_guess=mix, W0=np.eye(ndim) * 1e10) vb_prune = 0.5 * len( / vb.K else: if self.log:"Optimizing proposal (from previous) ...") prior_for_proposal_update = vb.posterior2prior() prior_for_proposal_update.pop('alpha0') vb = GaussianInference(samples, initial_guess=vbmix, weights=weights, **prior_for_proposal_update) if self.log:' running variational Bayes ...'), rel_tol=1e-8, abs_tol=1e-5, prune=vb_prune, verbose=False) vbmix = vb.make_mixture() if self.log:' reduced from %d to %d components' % ( len(mix.components), len(vbmix.components))) sampler.proposal = vbmix if self.log:"Importance sampling %d ..." % N) // self.mpi_size) self.ncall += (N // self.mpi_size) * self.mpi_size mixes.append(vbmix) samples, weights = self._collect_samples(sampler) ess_fraction = ess(weights) if self.log: self.logger.debug(" sampling efficiency: %.3f%%" % (ess_fraction * 100)) self.logger.debug(" obtained %.0f new effective samples" % (ess_fraction * len(weights))) samples, weights = self._collect_samples(sampler, all=True, mixes=mixes) ess_fraction = ess(weights) Ndone = ess_fraction * len(weights) result = self._update_results(samples, weights) if Ndone >= min_ess: if self.log:"Status: Have %d total effective samples, done." % Ndone) yield result break elif self.ncall > max_ncalls: if self.log:"Status: Have %d total effective samples, reached max number of calls." % Ndone) yield result break else: N = int(1.4 * min(max_ncalls - self.ncall, N)) if self.log:"Status: Have %d total effective samples, sampling %d next." % (Ndone, N)) yield result
[docs] def init_globally(self, num_global_samples=400): """ Sample *num_global_samples* points from the prior and store the best point. """ ndim, loglike, transform = self.x_dim, self.loglike, self.transform if self.log: self.logger.debug("global sampling for starting point ...") if self.use_mpi: if self.mpi_rank == 0: active_u = np.random.uniform(size=(num_global_samples, ndim)) else: active_u = np.empty((num_global_samples, ndim), dtype=np.float64) u = self.comm.bcast(active_u, root=0) if self.mpi_rank == 0: chunks = [[] for _ in range(self.mpi_size)] for i, chunk in enumerate(u): chunks[i % self.mpi_size].append(chunk) else: chunks = None data = self.comm.scatter(chunks, root=0) active_p = [transform(ui) for ui in data] active_L = [float(loglike(pi)) for pi in active_p] recv_active_p = self.comm.gather(active_p, root=0) recv_active_p = self.comm.bcast(recv_active_p, root=0) p = np.concatenate(recv_active_p, axis=0) recv_active_L = self.comm.gather(active_L, root=0) recv_active_L = self.comm.bcast(recv_active_L, root=0) L = np.concatenate(recv_active_L, axis=0) else: u = np.random.uniform(size=(num_global_samples, ndim)) p = [transform(ui) for ui in u] L = [float(loglike(pi)) for pi in p] i = np.argmax(L) self.cov = np.eye(ndim) * 0.04 self.invcov = np.linalg.inv(self.cov) self.optu = u[i] self.optp = p[i] self.optL = L[i] self.ncall += num_global_samples
[docs] def laplace_approximate(self, num_global_samples=400, verbose=True): """ Find maximum and derive a Laplace approximation there. Parameters ---------- num_global_samples: int Number of samples to draw from the prior to find a good starting point (see `init_globally`). verbose: bool If true, print out maximum likelihood value and point """ if not hasattr(self, 'optu'): self.init_globally(num_global_samples=num_global_samples) # starting point is: startu = np.copy(self.optu) ndim = len(startu) # this part is not parallelised. if self.mpi_rank == 0: # choose a jump distance that does not go over the space border # because Minuit does not support that. deltau = 0.9999 * np.min([np.abs(startu - 1), np.abs(startu)], axis=0) deltau[deltau > 0.04] = 0.04 assert deltau.shape == startu.shape def negloglike(u): """ negative log-likelihood to minimize """ p = self.transform(u) return -self.loglike(p) if self.log: self.logger.debug(" starting optimization...")" from: %s" % startu)" error: %s" % deltau) if hasattr(Minuit, 'from_array_func'): m = Minuit.from_array_func( negloglike, startu, errordef=0.5, error=deltau, limit=[(0, 1)] * ndim) else: m = Minuit(negloglike, startu) m.errordef = Minuit.LIKELIHOOD m.errors = deltau m.limits = np.array([(0, 1)] * ndim) m.migrad() if hasattr(m, 'fval'): optL = -m.fval else: optL = -m.get_fmin().val if verbose: print("Maximum likelihood: L = %.1f at:" % optL) optu = [max(1e-10, min(1 - 1e-10, m.values[i])) for i in range(ndim)] optp = self.transform(np.asarray(optu)) umax = [max(1e-6, min(1 - 1e-6, m.values[i] + m.errors[i])) for i in range(ndim)] umin = [max(1e-6, min(1 - 1e-6, m.values[i] - m.errors[i])) for i in range(ndim)] pmax = self.transform(np.asarray(umax)) pmin = self.transform(np.asarray(umin)) perr = (pmax - pmin) / 2 for name, med, sigma in zip(self.paramnames, optp, perr): if sigma > 0: i = max(0, int(-np.floor(np.log10(sigma))) + 1) else: i = 3 fmt = '%%.%df' % i fmts = '\t'.join([' %-20s' + fmt + " +- " + fmt]) if verbose: print(fmts % (name, med, sigma)) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") m.hesse() hesse_failed = getattr(m, 'hesse_failed', False) if not hesse_failed: hesse_failed = any((issubclass(warning.category, HesseFailedWarning) for warning in w)) if not hesse_failed: hesse_failed = not getattr(m, 'has_covariance', True) # check if full rank matrix: if not hesse_failed: if hasattr(m, 'np_matrix'): cov = m.np_matrix() else: cov = np.asarray(m.covariance) if cov.shape != (ndim, ndim): self.logger.debug(" hesse failed, not full rank") del cov hesse_failed = True else: self.logger.debug(" hesse failed") if not hesse_failed:" using correlated errors ...") invcov = np.linalg.inv(cov) if hesse_failed:" using uncorrelated errors ...") cov = np.diag(np.clip(perr, a_min=1e-10, a_max=1)**2) invcov = np.linalg.inv(cov) assert cov.shape == (ndim, ndim), (cov.shape, ndim) assert invcov.shape == (ndim, ndim), (invcov.shape, ndim) if hasattr(m, 'nfcn'): self.ncall += m.nfcn elif hasattr(m, 'ncalls_total'): self.ncall += m.ncalls_total else: self.ncall += m.ncalls else: cov = np.empty((ndim, ndim)) invcov = np.empty((ndim, ndim)) optu = np.empty(ndim) optp = np.empty(ndim) optL = np.empty(1) if self.use_mpi: # inform other processes about the results. cov = self.comm.bcast(cov) invcov = self.comm.bcast(invcov) optu = self.comm.bcast(optu) optp = self.comm.bcast(optp) optL = self.comm.bcast(optL) self.ncall += self.comm.bcast(self.ncall) self.invcov, self.cov = invcov, cov self.optu, self.optp, self.optL = optu, optp, optL
def _update_results(self, samples, weights): if self.log:'Likelihood function evaluations: %d', self.ncall) integral_estimator = weights.sum() / len(weights) integral_uncertainty_estimator = np.sqrt((weights**2).sum() / len(weights) - integral_estimator**2) / np.sqrt(len(weights) - 1) logZ = np.log(integral_estimator) logZerr = np.log(integral_estimator + integral_uncertainty_estimator) - logZ ess_fraction = ess(weights) # get a decent accuracy based on the weights, and not too few samples Nsamples = int(max(400, ess_fraction * len(weights) * 40)) eqsamples_u = resample_equal(samples, weights / weights.sum(), N=Nsamples) eqsamples = np.asarray([self.transform(u) for u in eqsamples_u]) results = dict( z=integral_estimator * np.exp(self.Loffset), zerr=integral_uncertainty_estimator * np.exp(self.Loffset), logz=logZ + self.Loffset, logzerr=logZerr, ess=ess_fraction, paramnames=self.paramnames, ncall=int(self.ncall), posterior=dict( mean=eqsamples.mean(axis=0).tolist(), stdev=eqsamples.std(axis=0).tolist(), median=np.percentile(eqsamples, 50, axis=0).tolist(), errlo=np.percentile(eqsamples, 15.8655, axis=0).tolist(), errup=np.percentile(eqsamples, 84.1345, axis=0).tolist(), ), samples=eqsamples, ) self.results = results return results
[docs] def print_results(self): """Give summary of marginal likelihood and parameters.""" if self.log: print() print('logZ = %(logz).3f +- %(logzerr).3f' % self.results) print() for i, p in enumerate(self.paramnames): v = self.results['samples'][:, i] sigma = v.std() med = v.mean() if sigma == 0: i = 3 else: i = max(0, int(-np.floor(np.log10(sigma))) + 1) fmt = '%%.%df' % i fmts = '\t'.join([' %-20s' + fmt + " +- " + fmt]) print(fmts % (p, med, sigma))
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): if self.log: import corner corner.corner( self.results['samples'], labels=self.results['paramnames'], show_titles=True)