X-ray AGN Workshop / Apr 2014

Johannes Buchner

in collaboration with A. Georgakakis, K. Nandra, L. Hsu, S. Fotopoulou, C. Rangel, M. Brightman, A. Merloni and M. Salvato

Part I: Spectral Analysis

Buchner et al 2014: ArXiV:1402.0004

Chandra background model

larger extraction region, fitted. GoF methods

What is the right model for AGN?

What is the not-so-wrong model for AGN?

Model selection

Example - Source 179 z=0.605, 2485 counts


Example - Source 179 z=0.605, 2485 counts


Example - Source 179 z=0.605, 2485 counts


Model selection results in the CDFS

torus+pexmon+scattering is the most probable model

Also for CT

Also for

What does it mean?

  1. intrinsic powerlaw
  2. cold absorbed with Compton scattering,
  3. additional cold reflection
  4. soft scattering powerlaw

scattering - softer HR -> underestimate NH

cold absorption - steeper photon index

Fine, so let's just fit...

dual solutions

Fine, so let's just fit...

dual solutions; photo-z: pdf

Photo-z PDF: model misspecification

  • wrong model, but useful
  • small measurement errors - tiny uncertainties
  • second peak is highly sensitive
  • increase errors by some chosen values (systematic)

Photo-z PDF:

(Hsu+14, submitted)

  • Add systematic uncertainty
  • How useful is the second peak really?

Given this ...

(Only a problem in few sources)

Have for every object

More: Buchner et al. 2014


Goodness of Fit, Parameter estimation, Model comparison methods, Model verification, Model discovery

Model comparison of the obscurer of AGN in the CDFS

Part II: from samples to populations

Population properties vs Sample statistics

Sample is drawn from population: is it just a peculiar draw?

Estimate of density as a function of properties

What is ?

Even when no selection bias, and perfect knowledge of the objects

has uncertainty

is not a real thing

It is the tendency, or propensity
of a process to form/place objects
with properties (L, z, NH, ...).

Likelihood for LF


Poisson. Kelly+08 for Binomial derivation: difference:

Normalisation is sampled separately. Poisson sufficient.

LF estimation: numerical likelihood

Fast to compute. Takes 10 minutes for LDDE with full dataset.

Likelihood in practice

Astronomers use:

Read Loredo+04 for detailed explanation.

Why do people use the wrong formula?

Because it works

Posterior from spectral fitting can yield L=0

data is consistent with no AGN, only background

But it was detected with !

What went wrong here?

Why is L=0 allowed?

  • detection in small area
  • extraction in large area.
  • 6 counts in small area by BG - tiny probability
  • 9 counts in large area by BG - probable
  • We forgot about spatial distribution of counts
  • Right way: fit with PSF for source, flat profile for BG

Approximations to the right way

If you forgot the information, you can multiply to get crude estimate

Definition of AGN

Area curve ~ prob of detection, via torus model

What are we detecting?

= What are we computing the LF of


  • hard-band detected
  • not a star
  • not a galaxy (e.g. Xue+11: )


Example: CDFS

  • 569 detected
  • 530 have z information
  • 526 of these have X-ray extracted
  • 502 are not stars
  • 376 are not galaxies


Example: CDFS
  • what about the ones that do not have z information?
  • what about those without X-ray data extracted?

Correct: use no z information (flat)

Analyse (lack of) data

Priors & Hierarchical Bayes

We used priors in the normalisation, z, , before considering data

But LF should be the prior!

i.e. the population propensity

Priors & Hierarchical Bayes

Divide prior away again. Hierarchical Bayes with Intermediate priors.

for uniform priors in P=: no problem, is a constant, because is defined in these units

use uniform priors in photo-z

Hierarchical Bayes

Two, equally probable solutions!

Probability is not a frequency, but a state of information

but: law of large numbers: more combinations in the middle

Binning and Visualisation

probability clouds in

which pidgeon hole (bin) to stuff each object in? (for plotting)

  1. interpret as frequency - weight
  2. bootstrap (also frequency interpretation)
  3. cumulative view: number of objects for which ?
Answer: none of the above are satisfying


modeling is safer: incorporates the probabilities correctly

Output is density function, can be easily understood directly


  • is the model right?
  • where is the model wrong?
  • how to discover new models?

non-parametric parametric approach

model is the field to recover itself

Simple approach: 3d histogram, bin values are the parameters

L=42...46 (11 bins)

z=0.001...7 (11 bins)

NH=20...26 (6 bins)

-- ~1000 parameters.

underdefined problem.

smoothness priors

Additional knowledge: Smoothness in

  • other options: IFT, NIFTY: recover field independent of grid-choice
  • later: use model (less sensitive to prior choice)
  • compute Z, compare models


  • Every point has subtleties. No-one has done all of them right so far.
  • We are getting closer.