Bayesian model selection for X-ray spectra

Johannes Buchner (MPE)


  1. X-ray data collection
  2. Likelihood (C-stat)
  3. Fitting with Xspec
  4. Analysis with BXA (PyXspec or Sherpa)
  5. What does it all mean?
  6. Summary
  7. Discovering models, false positive rates

X-ray data collection

Likelihood for Data collection process

Poisson statistic (C-stat)

Poisson likelihood($\theta$ $\rightarrow$ model $\rightarrow$ telescope; data)


Tells how likely it is to generate the observed data, assuming parameters $\theta$ and

model $M$ are the real ones.

Many outcomes possible

Fitting in PyXspec

import bxa.xspec as bxa
from xspec import *
Fit.statMethod = 'cstat'
Plot.xAxis = 'keV'
s = Spectrum('example-file.fak')

m = Model("pow")
# set parameters range : val, delta, min, bottom, top, max
m.powerlaw.norm.values = ",,1e-10,1e-10,1e1,1e1" # 10^-10 .. 10
m.powerlaw.PhoIndex.values = ",,1,1,5,5"         #      1 .. 3

  • Fitting find where $\theta$ makes $\cal{L}$ maximal
  • Contour
  • Fisher information
  • MCMC

Analysis in PyXspec or Sherpa

import bxa.xspec as bxa
from xspec import *
Fit.statMethod = 'cstat'
Plot.xAxis = 'keV'
s = Spectrum('example-file.fak')
s.ignore("**"); s.notice("0.2-8.0")

m = Model("pow")
# set parameters range : val, delta, min, bottom, top, max
m.powerlaw.norm.values = ",,1e-10,1e-10,1e1,1e1" # 10^-10 .. 10
m.powerlaw.PhoIndex.values = ",,1,1,5,5"         #      1 .. 3

transformations = [
	bxa.create_uniform_prior_for( m, m.powerlaw.PhoIndex),
	bxa.create_jeffreys_prior_for(m, m.powerlaw.norm)       ]

	outputfiles_basename = 'simplest-',)

Explanation needed

Parameter chains

Model comparison

produces $Z$ value: "evidence for the current model"

Bayes factor $$B = \frac{Z_1}{Z_2}$$

Odds ratio $$O = \frac{P_1}{P_2} \frac{Z_1}{Z_2} = 100$$

model 1 is 100x more probably than model 2, given this data

$O \sim 1$: can not distinguish!

Pragmatic view

  • Why fitting is poor
    • multiple peaks
    • uncertainty estimates in multiple dimensions are dodgy
  • Bayesian inference with MCMC
  • Bayesian inference with nested sampling
    • Global algorithm
    • samples from parameter space
    • explores multiple peaks
    • computes integral, quite fast

Application: obscurer of AGN

CDFS: ~300 AGN detected

Model definition: Torus

represents physical scenario: $\Gamma$, $N_H$, normalisation


Normalisation ~ Llog-uniform
$\Gamma$informed prior $1.95\pm0.15$
column density $N_H$log-uniform
zinformed prior: photo-z pdf

Spectra: 179


Already best practiseProposed 
  • No binning (except for visualisation)
  • model the background
  • C-stat / Poisson likelihood
  • Compute parameters, uncertainties
  • Compute Z
  • Compare Models
  • Easy!
  • A method for combining pieces of information
  • z + local information + X-ray data
  • Experiment design

$\rightarrow$ see paper


$\frac{d\text{method}}{dt} \sim 0$
  • be pragmatic
  • How good is the method?
  • Do you understand why it works (for what kind of problems)?
  • When does it fail?
  • How does failure look like? Can you detect it?
  • Systematic errors?

Statistics background

$$ p(H|M,D) = \frac{p(H|M) p(D,M)}{Z} $$ $$ Z = \int{p(H|M) p(D,M)} = p(D|M) $$ $$ Z = \int{p(\theta|M) \cal{L}(\theta)} d\theta $$ $$ O = \frac{p(M_A|D)}{p(M_B|D)} = \frac{p(M_A) p(D|M_A)}{p(M_B) p(D|M_B)} $$ "Average likelihood over parameter space"

Model discovery

Model discovery

False detection probability