Start Presentation: The nuclear and galaxy-scale obscuration in AGN, separated

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Author: Johannes Buchner


Further information:

The nuclear and galaxy-scale obscuration in AGN, separated

Abstract: The obscuration of AGN by host galaxies in EAGLE and Illustris

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Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength Metal Gas Mass
1:30 –  1:100 
from IMF, metal yield, feedback strength