Sherpa with BXA ======================================= Begin by loading bxa in a session with sherpa loaded:: import bxa.sherpa as bxa .. _sherpa-priors: Defining priors --------------------- Define your background model and source model as usual in sherpa. Then define the priors over the free parameters, for example:: # three parameters we want to vary param1 = xsapec.myapec.norm param2 = xspowerlaw.mypowerlaw.norm param3 = xspowerlaw.mypowerlaw.PhoIndex # list of parameters parameters = [param1, param2, param3] # list of prior transforms priors = [ bxa.create_uniform_prior_for(param1), bxa.create_loguniform_prior_for(param2), bxa.create_gaussian_prior_for(param3, 1.95, 0.15), # and more priors ] # make a single function: priorfunction = bxa.create_prior_function(priors) Make sure you set the parameter minimum and maximum values to appropriate (a priori reasonable) values. The limits are used to define the uniform and loguniform priors. You can freeze the parameters you do not want to investigate, but BXA only modifies the parameters specified. As a hint, you can find all thawed parameters of a model with:: parameters = [for p in get_model().pars if not p.frozen and is None] You can also define your own prior functions, which transform unit variables unto the values needed for each parameter. See the `UltraNest documentation on priors `_ for more details about this concept. The script `examples/sherpa/ `_ gives an example of such a custom prior function (`limited_19_24`). API information: .. autofunction:: bxa.sherpa.create_jeffreys_prior_for .. autofunction:: bxa.sherpa.create_uniform_prior_for .. autofunction:: bxa.sherpa.create_gaussian_prior_for .. autofunction:: bxa.sherpa.create_prior_function .. _sherpa-prior-predictive-checks: Prior Predictive Checks ------------------------ To check that your priors and model is okay and working, create a flipbook of prior samples. 1) Pick a random sample from the prior:: for parameter, prior_function in zip(parameters, priors): parameter.val = prior_function(numpy.random.uniform()) 2) make a plot (plot_model, plot_source, etc.) Repeat this 20 times and look at the plots. Do the shapes and number of counts expected look like a reasonable representation of your prior expectation? .. _sherpa-run: Running the analysis --------------------- You need to specify a prefix, called *outputfiles_basename* where the files are stored. :: # see the pymultinest documentation for all options solver = bxa.BXASolver(prior=priorfunction, parameters=parameters, outputfiles_basename = "myoutputs/") results = API information: .. autoclass:: bxa.sherpa.BXASolver :members: run .. _sherpa-analyse: Parameter posterior plots -------------------------- Credible intervals of the model parameters, and histograms (1d and 2d) of the marginal parameter distributions are plotted in 'myoutputs/plots/corner.pdf' for you. .. figure:: absorbed-corner.* :scale: 50% You can also plot them yourself using corner, triangle and getdist, by passing `results['samples']` to them. For more information on the corner library used here, see Error propagation --------------------- `results['samples']` provides access to the posterior samples (similar to a Markov Chain). Use these to propagate errors: * For every row in the chain, compute the quantity of interest * Then, make a histogram of the results, or compute mean and standard deviations. This preserves the structure of the uncertainty (multiple modes, degeneracies, etc.) BXA also allows you to compute the fluxes corresponding to the parameter estimation, giving the correct probability distribution on the flux. With distance information (fixed value or distribution), you can later infer the correct luminosity distribution. :: dist = solver.get_distribution_with_fluxes(lo=2, hi=10) numpy.savetxt(out + prefix + "dist.txt", dist) API information: .. automethod:: bxa.sherpa.BXASolver.get_distribution_with_fluxes This does nothing more than:: r = [] for row in results['samples']: # set the parameter values to the current sample for p, v in zip(parameters, row): p.val = v r.append(list(row) + [calc_photon_flux(lo=elo, hi=ehi), calc_energy_flux(lo=elo, hi=ehi)]) Such loops can be useful for computing obscuration-corrected, rest-frame luminosities, (modifying the nH parameter and the energy ranges before computing the fluxes). .. _sherpa-models: .. include:: model_comparison.rst .. _sherpa-design: .. include:: experiment_design.rst .. _sherpa-qq: .. include:: model_discovery.rst The *qq* function in the *qq* module allows you to create such plots easily, by exporting the cumulative functions into a file. .. autofunction:: bxa.sherpa.qq.qq_export :noindex: Refer to the :ref:`accompaning paper `, which gives an introduction and detailed discussion on the methodology.