PyMultiNest installation

On the school computers

  1. Log in, and run the bash shell:

    $ ssh -Y
    [schoolNN@naf-school01]~% bash
  2. Load the environment:

    bash-4.1$ source /afs/
    installing pymultinest ... installation successful
    configuring environment and testing ... ok
    schoolNN@naf-school01 ~ $

Go start with Example 1.

If you have an up-to-date Linux System (e.g. Ubuntu), you may install MultiNest and PyMultiNest locally.

On your own computer

The complete installation instructions are here, but for now you only need pymultinest.

  1. MultiNest
    1. make sure you have cmake, the lapack-libraries and a fortran compiler installed:

      $ yum install cmake lapack-devel lapack blas blas-devel
    2. download MultiNest:

      $ git clone
    3. build MultiNest:

      $ cd MultiNest/build/
      $ cmake .. && make
    4. set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include

      $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/my/directory/MultiNest/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    To not having to do the last step for every new shell, put it into ~/.bashrc as well

  2. PyMultiNest
    1. make sure you have scipy and matplotlib installed:

      $ yum install python-matplotlib scipy numpy
    2. fetch the PyMultiNest source:

      $ git clone
    3. install PyMultiNest:

      $ python install --user
    4. include into your path:

      export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin/

    To not having to do the last step for every new shell, put it into ~/.bashrc as well

On a Mac/Apple computer

Instructions are similar as above except for the differences noted here.

On an older Linux distribution

If you do not have an up-to-date compiler, you might have trouble compiling MultiNest.

  1. Get a copy of the (non-cmake) MultiNest_v3.4 either from /afs/ or from

  2. Go back to an older version of PyMultiNest, namely commit 70b43e3:

    $ git checkout 70b43e3
  3. Build the bridge:

    $ MULTINEST=/my/directory/MultiNest/lib/ make -B -C multinest_bridge WITHOUT_MPI=1
  4. continue as above with installing PyMultiNest (2.3.).

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