Welcome to the pymultinest tutorial! ================================================ This tutorial was developed for the `Monte Carlo Methods in Advanced Statistics Applications and Data Analysis school `_ (18-22 November 2013, MPI Munich). There are accompaning `slides <_static/slides/index.html>`_. It should kickstart you to * implement your own likelihood and prior * run pymultinest * visualize and interpret the results Make sure you have :doc:`pymultinest installed ` correctly. Then, **go get started with** :doc:`Example 1 `! Contents --------------- .. toctree:: example1 example2 example3 :maxdepth: 2 Links ------------ * `PyMultiNest documentation `_. * :doc:`install` * If you get bored, more links are at the end of :doc:`Example 3 ` Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`