Source code for pyapemost.analyse

Module for analysing the output of APEMoST

The output files are in an easy-to-process format, so
there is no requirement to use a specific set of tools.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function
import numpy
import scipy, scipy.stats
import numpy
import json
import sys, os

nevery = 1

def load_params():
	dtype = [('initial', 'f'), ('min', 'f'), ('max', 'f'), ('name', 'S100'), ('stepsize', 'f')]
	return numpy.loadtxt('params', dtype=dtype, ndmin=1)

import scipy.ndimage.filters
def smoothen_histogram(bins):
	bins[:,2] = scipy.ndimage.filters.median_filter(bins[:,2], size=10)
	return bins

def truncate_histogram(bins, sigma):
	#print 'bins', bins[:,2]
	bins_sorted = numpy.asarray(sorted(bins[:,2].reshape((-1,)), reverse=True))
	#print 'bins_sorted', bins_sorted
	bins_cum = bins_sorted.cumsum()
	bins_tot = bins_sorted.sum()
	#print 'bins_cum', bins_cum
	limit = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(sigma) - scipy.stats.norm.cdf(-sigma)
	badbins = bins_cum > limit * bins_tot
	# find next-best
	#print "limit for %f is %f: %d/%d bins" % (sigma, limit, badbins.sum(), len(bins))
	if badbins.sum() != 0:
		minvalue = bins_sorted[badbins][0]
		#print 'good bins', bins[bins[:,2] >= minvalue]
		bins[bins[:,2] < minvalue,2] = 0.
		return bins # [bins[:,2] >= minvalue]
		return bins

[docs]def create_histogram(parameter_name, nbins=100, writeFile=True, skipfirst=0, truncate=False, smooth=False): """ Returns a histogram and some statistics about this parameter. @param writeFile: if true, write the histogram to paramname.histogram """ f = "%s-chain-0.prob.dump" % parameter_name values = numpy.recfromtxt(f)[skipfirst::nevery] statistics = { 'min': float(values.min()), 'max': float(values.max()), 'stdev': float(values.std()), 'mean': float(values.mean()), 'median':float(numpy.median(values)), 'q1': float(scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(values, 25)), 'q3': float(scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(values, 75)), 'p5': float(scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(values, 5)), 'p95': float(scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(values, 95)), } hist = scipy.histogram(values, bins = nbins if not smooth else nbins*10, normed=True) histwithborders = numpy.dstack([hist[1][0:nbins], hist[1][1:nbins+1], hist[0]]) if writeFile: scipy.savetxt('%s.histogram' % parameter_name, histwithborders[0], delimiter="\t") return histwithborders[0], statistics
[docs]def create_histograms(**kwargs): """ Runs create_histogram for all parameters and returns a dictionary of the results """ paramnames = load_params()['name'] return dict([(p, create_histogram(p, **kwargs)) for p in paramnames])
[docs]def model_probability(show=True): """ Calculate the model probability. @param show: If true, print_model_probability is called """ calibration = numpy.loadtxt('calibration_results', ndmin=2) nchains = len(calibration) beta = calibration[:,0] previous_beta = 0. logprob = 0. for i in range(nchains - 1, -1, -1): f = 'prob-chain%d.dump' % i # this file has 2 columns: with prior and *without*. value = numpy.loadtxt(f)[:,1].mean() / beta[i] logprob = logprob + value * (beta[i] - previous_beta) previous_beta = beta[i] if show is True: print_model_probability(logprob) return logprob
import numpy import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt verbose = 1
[docs]class VisitedAnalyser(object): """ Internal, abstract class that has the visited points of chain 0 loaded. You need to overwrite:: marginal_plot(param1, values1) conditional_plot(param1, values1, param2, values2) @param nlast: if 0, use all points; otherwise only the last *nlast* ones. """ def __init__(self, nlast = 0): self.params = load_params() self.nlast = nlast def load(self): # load data values = [] if verbose: print() if verbose: print("visualization: loading chains ...") f = "prob-chain0.dump" if not os.path.exists(f): raise Exception("visualization: chains not available yet.") try: # I think the first column is the probabilities, the second is without prior probabilities = numpy.genfromtxt(f, skip_footer=1, dtype='f')[:,0] except Exception as e: raise Exception("visualization: chains couldn't be loaded; perhaps no data yet: " + str(e)) for p in self.params: f = "%s-chain-0.prob.dump" % p['name'] if verbose: print(" loading chain %s" % f) if not os.path.exists(f): raise Exception("visualization: chains not available yet.") try: v = numpy.genfromtxt(f, skip_footer=1, dtype='f') except Exception as e: raise Exception("visualization: chains couldn't be loaded; perhaps no data yet: " + str(e)) values.append(v) nvalues = min(map(len, values)) if verbose: print("visualization: loading chains finished; %d values" % nvalues) self.values = [v[:nvalues][-self.nlast::nevery] for v in values] self.probabilities = probabilities[:nvalues][-self.nlast::nevery] def plot_only(self): for p1,v1,i in zip(self.params, self.values, range(len(self.params))): self.marginal_plot(p1, v1, self.probabilities) for p2,v2 in zip(self.params[:i], self.values[:i]): self.conditional_plot(p1, v1, p2, v2, self.probabilities) def after_plot(self): pass def before_plot(self): pass def plot(self): self.load() self.before_plot() self.plot_only() self.after_plot() del self.values del self.probabilities
[docs]class VisitedPlotter(VisitedAnalyser): """ Produces individual plots of visited points for each parameter, and each parameter pair. @param outputfiles_basename: prefix of output files The output files are named chain0-paramname1-paramname2.pdf and chain0-paramname.pdf """ def __init__(self, outputfiles_basename = "", nlast = 0): VisitedAnalyser.__init__(self, nlast = nlast) self.outputfiles_basename = outputfiles_basename def conditional_plot(self, param1, values1, param2, values2, probabilities, points = True, contours = False, best = True, good = True, sigmas = [1.,3.], contourargs = {}): self.conditional_plot_before(param1, values1, param2, values2) if best: best = probabilities.argmax() if good: good = probabilities > (probabilities[best] - 0.5) else: good = numpy.zeros_like(probabilities) CS = None sigmas = numpy.asarray(sigmas) if points: plt.plot(values1[-good], values2[-good], '+', color='#444444', markersize=2, alpha=0.5) plt.plot(values1[good], values2[good], 'x', color='#22FF22', markersize=2, alpha=0.5, label='good') if best: plt.plot([values1[best]], [values2[best]], 'o', color='red', markersize=2, alpha=0.5, label='best') if contours: H, xedges, yedges = numpy.histogram2d(values1, values2, bins=int(len(values1)**0.5 / 4), normed=True) #print 'edges', xedges, yedges # using the binning results as the value of the center of the histogram # would be an inaccurate visualization of the borders # instead, we make 4 points (one for each corner) #X1, Y1 = numpy.meshgrid( #(xedges[:-1]*9 + xedges[1:])/10., #(yedges[:-1]*9 + yedges[1:])/10.) Z1 = H / H.max() X = [] Y = [] Z = [] for i in range(len(xedges) - 1): xlow = xedges[i] xhigh = xedges[i+1] X_row_low = [(xlow*9 + xhigh)/10.]*((len(yedges)-1)*2) X_row_high = [(xlow + 9*xhigh)/10.]*((len(yedges)-1)*2) Y_row = [] Z_row = [] for j in range(len(yedges)-1): ylow = yedges[j] yhigh = yedges[j+1] #print ylow, yhigh Y_row.append((ylow*9 + yhigh)/10.) Y_row.append((ylow + 9*yhigh)/10.) z = Z1[i,j] Z_row += [z]*2 #print len(X_row_low), len(X_row_high), len(yedges) X.append(X_row_low) X.append(X_row_high) Y.append(Y_row) Y.append(Y_row) Z.append(Z_row) Z.append(Z_row) X = numpy.array(X) Y = numpy.array(Y) Z = numpy.array(Z) #print X.shape, Y.shape, Z.shape ndim = len(self.params) # order bins by value #print 'Z', Z z_sorted = numpy.asarray(sorted(Z1.reshape((-1,)), reverse=True)) #print 'z_sorted', z_sorted # adding up largest bins first z_cum = z_sorted.cumsum() z_tot = z_sorted.sum() #print 'z_cum', z_cum z_mins = [] contour_sigmas = [] colors = [] for s in sigmas: limit = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(s) - scipy.stats.norm.cdf(-s) badbins = z_cum > limit * z_tot # find next-best #print "limit for %f is %f: %d bins" % (s, limit, badbins.sum()) if badbins.sum() != 0: z_min = z_sorted[badbins][0] z_mins.append(z_min) contour_sigmas.append('%.0f sigma' % s) if s == 1: colors.append("#dddddd") if s == 3: colors.append("#cccccc") #print 'z_mins', z_mins CS = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, z_mins, labels=contour_sigmas, **contourargs) plt.clabel(CS, fmt=dict(zip(z_mins, contour_sigmas)), inline=1, fontsize=10) if len(z_mins) > 1: #print [z_mins[-1], z_mins[0]] plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, z_mins[::-1] + [Z1.max()+1], colors=colors, alpha=0.3) ## 1, 3 and 5 sigma equivalents by FWHM ##lines = 2 * (2 * ndim * numpy.log([1,3,5])**0.5 #lines = numpy.exp(-1/2. * sigmas) #CS = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, lines, **contourargs) self.conditional_plot_after(param1, values1, param2, values2) return CS def conditional_plot_before(self, param1, values1, param2, values2): names = (param1['name'],param2['name']) if verbose: print("visualization: creating conditional plot of %s vs %s" % names) plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.title("%s vs %s" % names) def conditional_plot_after(self, param1, values1, param2, values2): names = (param1['name'],param2['name']) plt.savefig(self.outputfiles_basename + "chain0-%s-%s.pdf" % names) def marginal_plot(self, param, values, probabilities): self.marginal_plot_before(param, values) best = probabilities.argmax() good = probabilities > (probabilities[best] - 0.5) i = numpy.arange(len(probabilities)) plt.plot(i[-good], values[-good], '+', color='gray') plt.plot(i[good], values[good], 'x', color='#22FF22') plt.plot([i[best]], [values[best]], 'o', color='red') self.marginal_plot_after(param, values) def marginal_plot_before(self, param, values): name = param['name'] if verbose: print("visualization: creating marginal plot of %s" % name) plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.title("%s" % name) def marginal_plot_after(self, param, values): name = param['name'] plt.savefig(self.outputfiles_basename + "chain0-%s.pdf" % name) plt.clf()
[docs]class VisitedAllPlotter(VisitedPlotter): """ Extends VisitedPlotter to put all of those plots into one file (named chain0.pdf). @see VisitedPlotter """ def before_plot(self): self.paramnames = list(self.params['name']) self.nparams = len(self.params) self.plots = {} for i, p1 in zip(range(self.nparams), self.params): self.choose_plot(i, i) plt.title("%s" % p1['name']) for j, p2 in zip(range(i), self.params): self.choose_plot(i, j) names = (str(p1['name']), str(p2['name'])) plt.title("%s vs %s" % names) for j, p2 in zip(range(i), self.params): self.choose_plot(j, i) names = (str(p1['name']), str(p2['name'])) plt.title("%s vs %s" % names) self.before_plot_newfigure() def before_plot_newfigure(self): plt.figure(figsize=(5*self.nparams,5*self.nparams)) def after_plot(self): if verbose: print("visualization: saving output ...") plt.savefig(self.outputfiles_basename + "chain0.pdf") plt.close() if verbose: print("visualization: saving output done") def choose_plot(self, i, j): plt.subplot(self.nparams, self.nparams, self.nparams * j + i + 1) def conditional_plot_before(self, param1, values1, param2, values2): names = [param1['name'],param2['name']] i, j = map(self.paramnames.index, names) self.choose_plot(i, j) names = (param1['name'],param2['name']) if verbose: print("visualization: creating conditional plot of %s vs %s" % names) plt.xlabel(param1['name']) plt.ylabel(param2['name']) def conditional_plot(self, param1, values1, param2, values2, probabilities, **kwargs): VisitedPlotter.conditional_plot(self, param1, values1, param2, values2, points = True, contours = False, probabilities = probabilities, **kwargs) VisitedPlotter.conditional_plot(self, param2, values2, param1, values1, points = False, contours = True, probabilities = probabilities, **kwargs) def conditional_plot_after(self, param1, values1, param2, values2): pass def marginal_plot_before(self, param, values): name = param['name'] i = self.paramnames.index(name) thisplot = self.choose_plot(i, i) if verbose: print("visualization: creating marginal plot of %s" % name) plt.xlabel("iteration") plt.ylabel(name) def marginal_plot_after(self, param, values): pass
[docs]class VisitedWindow(VisitedAnalyser): """ Not implemented / tested yet. Should give a window to watch the progress of the Markov Chain, similar to **VisitedAllPlotter** but continuously updating. """ def __init__(self): plt.clf() plt.ion() VisitedAnalyser.__init__(self) self.paramnames = list(self.params['name']) self.nparams = len(self.params) self.plots = {} plt.figure(figsize=(3*self.nparams,3*self.nparams)) for i, p1 in zip(range(self.nparams), self.params): self.plots[i] = {i:{}} self.choose_plot(i, i) plt.title("%s" % p1['name']) for j, p2 in zip(range(i), self.params): self.plots[i][j] = {} self.choose_plot(i, j) names = (str(p1['name']), str(p2['name'])) plt.title("%s vs %s" % names) def choose_plot(self, i, j): plt.subplot(self.nparams, self.nparams, self.nparams * j + i + 1) return self.plots[i][j] def update_plot(self, plot, name, x, y): if name not in plot or True: plot[name], = plt.plot(x, y, '+', markersize=2, alpha=0.5, label=name) else: plot[name].set_xdata(x) plot[name].set_ydata(y) plt.draw() def conditional_plot(self, param1, values1, param2, values2): names = [param1['name'],param2['name']] i, j = map(self.paramnames.index, names) thisplot = self.choose_plot(i, j) self.update_plot(thisplot, "newest", values1[-50:], values2[-50:]) plt.xlabel(param1['name']) plt.ylabel(param2['name']) def marginal_plot(self, param, values): name = param['name'] i = self.paramnames.index(name) thisplot = self.choose_plot(i, i) self.update_plot(thisplot, "progress", range(len(values)), values) plt.xlabel("iteration") plt.ylabel(name) def after_plot(self):